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100 lines
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100 lines
4.9 KiB
global $DB;
$code = required_param('certnumber', PARAM_ALPHANUM); // certificate code to verify
$strverify = get_string('verifycertificate', 'block_verify_certificate');
$PAGE->set_url('/blocks/verify_certificate/index.php', array('certnumber' => $id));
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
/// Print the header
echo $OUTPUT->header();
// Print results
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter');
if (!$issues = $DB->get_records('certificate_issues', array('code' => $code))) {
echo get_string('notfound', 'block_verify_certificate');
} else {
echo '<a title="' . get_string('printerfriendly', 'certificate') . '" href="#" onclick="window.print()">';
echo '<div class="printicon">';
echo '<img src="print.gif" height="16" width="16" border="0"/></a></div>';
/// Print Section
foreach ($issues as $issue) {
if (!$certificate = $DB->get_record('certificate', array('id'=> $issue->certificateid))) {
print_error('course module is incorrect');
if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=> $certificate->course))) {
print_error('course is misconfigured');
if (!$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=> $issue->userid))) {
print_error('user is unreachable');
$enrol_manager = new course_enrolment_manager($PAGE, $course);
$user_enrols = $enrol_manager->get_user_enrolments($user->id);
$start_date = 0;
$end_date = 0;
foreach ($user_enrols as $enrol) {
if ($enrol->timestart > 0) {
$start_date = $enrol->timestart;
if ($enrol->timeend > 0) {
$end_date = $enrol->timeend;
if (($start_date > 0 and $end_date > 0)) {
$fmt = '%d/%m/%Y'; // Default format
if ($certificate->datefmt == 1) {
$fmt = '%B %d, %Y';
$certificatedate = userdate($ts, '%B %d, %Y') . " a " . userdate($te, '%B %d, %Y');
} else if ($certificate->datefmt == 2) {
$suffix = certificate_get_ordinal_number_suffix(userdate($ts, '%d'));
$fmt = '%B %d' . $suffix . ', %Y';
$certificatedate = userdate($ts, '%B %d' . $suffix . ', %Y') . " a " . userdate($te, '%B %d' . $suffix . ', %Y');
} else if ($certificate->datefmt == 3) {
$fmt = '%d %B %Y';
$certificatedate = userdate($ts, '%d %B %Y') . " a " . userdate($te, '%d %B %Y');
} else if ($certificate->datefmt == 4) {
$fmt = '%B %Y';
$certificatedate = userdate($ts, '%B %Y') . " a " . userdate($te, '%B %Y');
} else if ($certificate->datefmt == 5) {
$fmt = get_string('strftimedate', 'langconfig');
$certificatedate = userdate($ts, get_string('strftimedate', 'langconfig')) . " a " . userdate($te, get_string('strftimedate', 'langconfig'));
$start_date = userdate($start_date, $fmt);
$end_date = userdate($end_date, $fmt);
} else {
$start_date = '';
$end_date = '';
$certificatedate = userdate($issue->timecreated);
echo '<p>' . get_string('certificate', 'block_verify_certificate') . " <strong>{$issue->code}</strong></p>";
echo '<p><strong>' . get_string('to', 'block_verify_certificate') . ': </strong>' . fullname($user) . '</p>';
echo '<p><strong>' . get_string('course', 'block_verify_certificate') . ": </strong>{$course->fullname}</p>";
echo '<p><strong>' . get_string('date', 'block_verify_certificate') . ": </strong>$certificatedate</p>";
echo '<p><strong>' . get_string('enrol_period', 'block_verify_certificate') . ": </strong>$start_date - $end_date</p>";
if ($certificate->printhours) {
echo '<p><strong>' . get_string('printhours', 'block_verify_certificate') . ": </strong>{$certificate->printhours}</p>";
if ($certificate->customtext !== '') {
echo '<p><strong>' . get_string('customtext', 'block_verify_certificate') . ':</strong></p>';
echo $certificate->customtext;
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
echo $OUTPUT->footer();