2 changed files with 235 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ |
<?php |
// This file is part of the Certificate module for Moodle - http://moodle.org/ |
// |
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
// (at your option) any later version. |
// |
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// GNU General Public License for more details. |
// |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
/** |
* A4_embedded certificate type |
* |
* @package mod |
* @subpackage certificate |
* @copyright Mark Nelson <markn@moodle.com> |
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
*/ |
if (!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) { |
die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); // It must be included from view.php |
} |
/** |
* Gets the course start date (for ILB start date is the date of enrollment) |
* and completion date from course completion framework. |
* Finally format them to print |
*/ |
require_once("$CFG->dirroot/completion/completion_completion.php"); |
$start_date = $course->startdate; |
$end_date = $course->enddate; |
$emissao_date = $course->enddate; |
$fmt = '%d/%m/%Y'; // Default format |
if ($certificate->datefmt == 1) { |
$fmt = '%B %d, %Y'; |
} else if ($certificate->datefmt == 2) { |
$suffix = certificate_get_ordinal_number_suffix(userdate($ts, '%d')); |
$fmt = '%B %d' . $suffix . ', %Y'; |
} else if ($certificate->datefmt == 3) { |
$fmt = '%d de %B de %Y'; |
} else if ($certificate->datefmt == 4) { |
$fmt = '%B de %Y'; |
} else if ($certificate->datefmt == 5) { |
$fmt = get_string('strftimedate', 'langconfig'); |
} |
$start_date = userdate($start_date, $fmt); |
$end_date = userdate($end_date, $fmt); |
$emissao_date = userdate($emissao_date, $fmt); |
$verbo_acao = certificate_obtemCampoCustomizadoCurso($course->id, 'papel_acao_capacitacao'); |
$tipo_acao = certificate_obtemCampoCustomizadoCurso($course->id, 'tipo_acao_capacitacao'); |
if($tipo_acao != "") { |
$tipo_acao = 'do curso'; |
} |
$modalidade_acao = certificate_obtemCampoCustomizadoCurso($course->id, 'modalidade_capacitacao'); |
//MASK para CPF |
function mask($val, $mask) |
{ |
$maskared = ''; |
$k = 0; |
for($i = 0; $i<=strlen($mask)-1; $i++){ |
if($mask[$i] == '#'){ |
if(isset($val[$k])) |
$maskared .= $val[$k++]; |
} |
else |
{ |
if(isset($mask[$i])) |
$maskared .= $mask[$i]; |
} |
} |
return $maskared; |
} |
$cpf = mask($USER->username, '###.###.###-##'); |
require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/field/cpf/field.class.php'); |
$pdf = new PDF($certificate->orientation, 'mm', 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false); |
$pdf->SetTitle($certificate->name); |
$pdf->SetProtection(array('modify')); |
$pdf->setPrintHeader(false); |
$pdf->setPrintFooter(false); |
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0); |
$pdf->AddPage(); |
// Define variables |
// Landscape |
if ($certificate->orientation == 'L') { |
$x = 20; |
$y = 60; |
$sealx = 230; |
$sealy = 150; |
$sigx = 00; |
$sigy = 165; |
$custx = 15; |
$custy = $y+25; |
$wmarkx = 40; |
$wmarky = 31; |
$wmarkw = 212; |
$wmarkh = 148; |
$brdrx = 0; |
$brdry = 0; |
$brdrw = 297; |
$brdrh = 210; |
$codex = $x; |
$codey = 175; |
} else { // Portrait |
$x = 10; |
$y = 90; |
$sealx = 150; |
$sealy = 220; |
$sigx = 10; |
$sigy = 235; |
$custx = 15; |
$custy = $y+25; |
$wmarkx = 26; |
$wmarky = 58; |
$wmarkw = 158; |
$wmarkh = 170; |
$brdrx = 0; |
$brdry = 0; |
$brdrw = 210; |
$brdrh = 297; |
$codex = $x; |
$codey = 245; |
} |
// Front page ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Add images and lines |
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_BORDER, $brdrx, $brdry, $brdrw, $brdrh); |
certificate_draw_frame($pdf, $certificate); |
// Set alpha to semi-transparency |
$pdf->SetAlpha(0.2); |
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_WATERMARK, $wmarkx, $wmarky, $wmarkw, $wmarkh); |
$pdf->SetAlpha(1); |
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_SEAL, $sealx, $sealy, '', ''); |
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_SIGNATURE, $sigx, $sigy, '', ''); |
// Add text |
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y, 'C', 'freesans', '', 20, get_string('title', 'certificate')); |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 15, 'C', 'freesans', '', 18, get_string('certify', 'certificate')); |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 25, 'C', 'freesans', 'B', 18, mb_strtoupper(fullname($USER), 'UTF-8').", CPF nº $cpf"); |
if($modalidade_acao == "") { |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 35, 'C', 'freesans', '', 18, $verbo_acao . ' ' . $tipo_acao); |
} |
else { |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 35, 'C', 'freesans', '', 18, $verbo_acao . ", na modalidade " . $modalidade_acao . ", " . $tipo_acao); |
} |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 45, 'C', 'freesans', 'B', 18, mb_strtoupper($course->fullname, 'UTF-8')); |
if($start_date == $end_date) { |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 55, 'C', 'freesans', '', 18, "em {$start_date}"); |
} else { |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 55, 'C', 'freesans', '', 18, "no período de {$start_date} a {$end_date}"); |
} |
if ($certificate->printhours) { |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 65, 'C', 'freesans', '', 18, "com carga horária de {$certificate->printhours}"); |
} |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 75, 'C', 'freesans', '', 18, certificate_get_grade($certificate, $course)); |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 85, 'R', 'freesans', 'B', 14, "Brasília, {$emissao_date}."); |
// Verse page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
$pdf->AddPage(); |
// Add images and lines |
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_BORDER, $brdrx, $brdry, $brdrw, $brdrh); |
certificate_draw_frame($pdf, $certificate); |
// Set alpha to semi-transparency |
$pdf->SetAlpha(0.2); |
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_WATERMARK, $wmarkx, $wmarky, $wmarkw, $wmarkh); |
$pdf->SetAlpha(1); |
certificate_print_image($pdf, $certificate, CERT_IMAGE_SEAL, $sealx, $sealy, '', ''); |
// Add text |
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y, 'C', 'freesans', '', 20, 'PROGRAMA DO CURSO'); |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $x, $y + 10, 'C', 'freesans', '', 20, mb_strtoupper($course->fullname, 'UTF-8')); |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $custx, $custy, 'L', 'freesans', '', 10, $certificate->customtext); |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $codex, $codey, 'C', 'freesans', '', 10, 'CÓDIGO DE VALIDAÇÃO'); |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $codex, $codey + 5, 'C', 'freesans', 'B', 12, certificate_get_code($certificate, $certrecord)); |
certificate_print_text($pdf, $codex, $codey + 10, 'C', 'freesans', '', 10, 'Para verificar a autenticidade deste certificado, acesse http://saberes.senado.leg.br/ e informe o código acima'); |
?> |
Reference in new issue