* Self enrolment plugin.
* @package enrol_ilbead
* @copyright 2010 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* Self enrolment plugin implementation.
* @author Petr Skoda
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class enrol_ilbead_plugin extends enrol_plugin {
protected $lasternoller = null;
protected $lasternollerinstanceid = 0;
* Returns optional enrolment information icons.
* This is used in course list for quick overview of enrolment options.
* We are not using single instance parameter because sometimes
* we might want to prevent icon repetition when multiple instances
* of one type exist. One instance may also produce several icons.
* @param array $instances all enrol instances of this type in one course
* @return array of pix_icon
public function get_info_icons(array $instances) {
$key = false;
$nokey = false;
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
if (!$instance->customint6) {
// New enrols not allowed.
if ($instance->password or $instance->customint1) {
$key = true;
} else {
$nokey = true;
$icons = array();
if ($nokey) {
$icons[] = new pix_icon('withoutkey', get_string('pluginname', 'enrol_ilbead'), 'enrol_ilbead');
if ($key) {
$icons[] = new pix_icon('withkey', get_string('pluginname', 'enrol_ilbead'), 'enrol_ilbead');
return $icons;
* Returns localised name of enrol instance
* @param stdClass $instance (null is accepted too)
* @return string
public function get_instance_name($instance) {
global $DB;
if (empty($instance->name)) {
if (!empty($instance->roleid) and $role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id'=>$instance->roleid))) {
$role = ' (' . role_get_name($role, context_course::instance($instance->courseid, IGNORE_MISSING)) . ')';
} else {
$role = '';
$enrol = $this->get_name();
return get_string('pluginname', 'enrol_'.$enrol) . $role;
} else {
return format_string($instance->name);
public function roles_protected() {
// Users may tweak the roles later.
return false;
public function allow_unenrol(stdClass $instance) {
// Users with unenrol cap may unenrol other users manually manually.
return true;
public function allow_manage(stdClass $instance) {
// Users with manage cap may tweak period and status.
return true;
public function show_enrolme_link(stdClass $instance) {
global $CFG, $USER;
if ($instance->status != ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED) {
return false;
if (!$instance->customint6) {
// New enrols not allowed.
return false;
if ($this->max_ongoing_reached($instance)) {
// Max ongoing EAD courses reached. New enrol not allowed
return false;
if ($instance->customint5) {
return cohort_is_member($instance->customint5, $USER->id);
return true;
* Sets up navigation entries.
* @param stdClass $instancesnode
* @param stdClass $instance
* @return void
public function add_course_navigation($instancesnode, stdClass $instance) {
if ($instance->enrol !== 'ilbead') {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid enrol instance type!');
$context = context_course::instance($instance->courseid);
if (has_capability('enrol/ilbead:config', $context)) {
$managelink = new moodle_url('/enrol/ilbead/edit.php', array('courseid'=>$instance->courseid, 'id'=>$instance->id));
$instancesnode->add($this->get_instance_name($instance), $managelink, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
* Returns edit icons for the page with list of instances
* @param stdClass $instance
* @return array
public function get_action_icons(stdClass $instance) {
global $OUTPUT;
if ($instance->enrol !== 'ilbead') {
throw new coding_exception('invalid enrol instance!');
$context = context_course::instance($instance->courseid);
$icons = array();
if (has_capability('enrol/ilbead:config', $context)) {
$editlink = new moodle_url("/enrol/ilbead/edit.php", array('courseid'=>$instance->courseid, 'id'=>$instance->id));
$icons[] = $OUTPUT->action_icon($editlink, new pix_icon('t/edit', get_string('edit'), 'core',
array('class' => 'iconsmall')));
return $icons;
* Returns link to page which may be used to add new instance of enrolment plugin in course.
* @param int $courseid
* @return moodle_url page url
public function get_newinstance_link($courseid) {
$context = context_course::instance($courseid, MUST_EXIST);
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:enrolconfig', $context) or !has_capability('enrol/ilbead:config', $context)) {
return NULL;
// Multiple instances supported - different roles with different password.
return new moodle_url('/enrol/ilbead/edit.php', array('courseid'=>$courseid));
* Creates course enrol form, checks if form submitted
* and enrols user if necessary. It can also redirect.
* @param stdClass $instance
* @return string html text, usually a form in a text box
public function enrol_page_hook(stdClass $instance) {
if (isguestuser()) {
// Can not enrol guest!!
return null;
if ($DB->record_exists('user_enrolments', array('userid'=>$USER->id, 'enrolid'=>$instance->id))) {
//TODO: maybe we should tell them they are already enrolled, but can not access the course
return null;
if ($instance->enrolstartdate != 0 and $instance->enrolstartdate > time()) {
//TODO: inform that we can not enrol yet
return null;
if ($instance->enrolenddate != 0 and $instance->enrolenddate < time()) {
//TODO: inform that enrolment is not possible any more
return null;
if (!$instance->customint6) {
// New enrols not allowed.
return null;
if ($instance->customint7 !== null and $instance->customint7 > 0) {
$ongoing = $this->get_ongoing($instance);
if (count($ongoing) >= $instance->customint7) {
// Max ongoing EAD courses reached. New enrol not allowed
$error = $OUTPUT->error_text(get_string('maxongoing', 'enrol_ilbead'));
$error .= '
'.get_string('maxongoingmessage', 'enrol_ilbead', count($ongoing)).'
'; $error .= ''.get_string('ongoingcourses', 'enrol_ilbead').'
'; $table = new html_table(); $table->head = array(get_string('coursename', 'enrol_ilbead'), get_string('timestart', 'enrol_ilbead'), get_string('timeend', 'enrol_ilbead'), get_string('abandonpunishment', 'enrol_ilbead')); $tabledata = array(); foreach ($ongoing as $course) { $link = ''.$course->fullname.''; $tabledata[] = array($link, userdate($course->timestart), userdate($course->timeend), $course->abandonpunishment); } $table->data = $tabledata; $error .= html_writer::table($table); $error = $OUTPUT->box($error).$OUTPUT->continue_button("$CFG->wwwroot/index.php"); return $error; } } if ($instance->customint5) { require_once("$CFG->dirroot/cohort/lib.php"); if (!cohort_is_member($instance->customint5, $USER->id)) { $cohort = $DB->get_record('cohort', array('id'=>$instance->customint5)); if (!$cohort) { return null; } $a = format_string($cohort->name, true, array('context'=>context::instance_by_id($cohort->contextid))); return $OUTPUT->box(markdown_to_html(get_string('cohortnonmemberinfo', 'enrol_ilbead', $a))); } } require_once("$CFG->dirroot/enrol/ilbead/locallib.php"); require_once("$CFG->dirroot/group/lib.php"); $form = new enrol_ilbead_enrol_form(NULL, $instance); $instanceid = optional_param('instance', 0, PARAM_INT); if ($instance->id == $instanceid) { if ($data = $form->get_data()) { $enrol = enrol_get_plugin('ilbead'); $timestart = time(); if ($instance->enrolperiod) { $timeend = $timestart + $instance->enrolperiod; } else { $timeend = 0; } $this->enrol_user($instance, $USER->id, $instance->roleid, $timestart, $timeend); add_to_log($instance->courseid, 'course', 'enrol', '../enrol/users.php?id='.$instance->courseid, $instance->courseid); //TODO: There should be userid somewhere! if ($instance->password and $instance->customint1 and $data->enrolpassword !== $instance->password) { // it must be a group enrolment, let's assign group too $groups = $DB->get_records('groups', array('courseid'=>$instance->courseid), 'id', 'id, enrolmentkey'); foreach ($groups as $group) { if (empty($group->enrolmentkey)) { continue; } if ($group->enrolmentkey === $data->enrolpassword) { groups_add_member($group->id, $USER->id); break; } } } // Send welcome message. if ($instance->customint4) { $this->email_welcome_message($instance, $USER); } } } ob_start(); $form->display(); $output = ob_get_clean(); return $OUTPUT->box($output); } /** * Add new instance of enrol plugin with default settings. * @param stdClass $course * @return int id of new instance */ public function add_default_instance($course) { $fields = $this->get_instance_defaults(); if ($this->get_config('requirepassword')) { $fields['password'] = generate_password(20); } return $this->add_instance($course, $fields); } /** * Returns defaults for new instances. * @return array */ public function get_instance_defaults() { $expirynotify = $this->get_config('expirynotify'); if ($expirynotify == 2) { $expirynotify = 1; $notifyall = 1; } else { $notifyall = 0; } $fields = array(); $fields['status'] = $this->get_config('status'); $fields['roleid'] = $this->get_config('roleid'); $fields['enrolperiod'] = $this->get_config('enrolperiod'); $fields['expirynotify'] = $expirynotify; $fields['notifyall'] = $notifyall; $fields['expirythreshold'] = $this->get_config('expirythreshold'); $fields['customint1'] = $this->get_config('groupkey'); $fields['customint2'] = $this->get_config('longtimenosee'); $fields['customint3'] = $this->get_config('maxenrolled'); $fields['customint4'] = $this->get_config('sendcoursewelcomemessage'); $fields['customint5'] = 0; $fields['customint6'] = $this->get_config('newenrols'); $fields['customint7'] = $this->get_config('maxongoing'); $fields['customint8'] = $this->get_config('abandonpunishment'); return $fields; } /** * Send welcome email to specified user. * * @param stdClass $instance * @param stdClass $user user record * @return void */ protected function email_welcome_message($instance, $user) { global $CFG, $DB; $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$instance->courseid), '*', MUST_EXIST); $context = context_course::instance($course->id); $a = new stdClass(); $a->coursename = format_string($course->fullname, true, array('context'=>$context)); $a->profileurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$user->id&course=$course->id"; if (trim($instance->customtext1) !== '') { $message = $instance->customtext1; $message = str_replace('{$a->coursename}', $a->coursename, $message); $message = str_replace('{$a->profileurl}', $a->profileurl, $message); if (strpos($message, '<') === false) { // Plain text only. $messagetext = $message; $messagehtml = text_to_html($messagetext, null, false, true); } else { // This is most probably the tag/newline soup known as FORMAT_MOODLE. $messagehtml = format_text($message, FORMAT_MOODLE, array('context'=>$context, 'para'=>false, 'newlines'=>true, 'filter'=>true)); $messagetext = html_to_text($messagehtml); } } else { $messagetext = get_string('welcometocoursetext', 'enrol_ilbead', $a); $messagehtml = text_to_html($messagetext, null, false, true); } $subject = get_string('welcometocourse', 'enrol_ilbead', format_string($course->fullname, true, array('context'=>$context))); $rusers = array(); if (!empty($CFG->coursecontact)) { $croles = explode(',', $CFG->coursecontact); list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('u'); $rusers = get_role_users($croles, $context, true, '', 'r.sortorder ASC, ' . $sort, null, '', '', '', '', $sortparams); } if ($rusers) { $contact = reset($rusers); } else { $contact = generate_email_supportuser(); } // Directly emailing welcome message rather than using messaging. email_to_user($user, $contact, $subject, $messagetext, $messagehtml); } /** * Enrol ilbead cron support. * @return void */ public function cron() { $trace = new text_progress_trace(); $this->sync($trace, null); $this->send_expiry_notifications($trace); } /** * Sync all meta course links. * * @param progress_trace $trace * @param int $courseid one course, empty mean all * @return int 0 means ok, 1 means error, 2 means plugin disabled */ public function sync(progress_trace $trace, $courseid = null) { global $DB; if (!enrol_is_enabled('ilbead')) { $trace->finished(); return 2; } // Unfortunately this may take a long time, execution can be interrupted safely here. @set_time_limit(0); raise_memory_limit(MEMORY_HUGE); $trace->output('Verifying ilb ead self-enrolments...'); $params = array('now'=>time(), 'useractive'=>ENROL_USER_ACTIVE, 'courselevel'=>CONTEXT_COURSE); $coursesql = ""; if ($courseid) { $coursesql = "AND e.courseid = :courseid"; $params['courseid'] = $courseid; } // Note: the logic of ilb ead self enrolment guarantees that user logged in at least once (=== u.lastaccess set) // and that user accessed course at least once too (=== user_lastaccess record exists). // First deal with users that did not log in for a really long time - they do not have user_lastaccess records. $sql = "SELECT e.*, ue.userid FROM {user_enrolments} ue JOIN {enrol} e ON (e.id = ue.enrolid AND e.enrol = 'ilbead' AND e.customint2 > 0) JOIN {user} u ON u.id = ue.userid WHERE :now - u.lastaccess > e.customint2 $coursesql"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($rs as $instance) { $userid = $instance->userid; unset($instance->userid); $this->unenrol_user($instance, $userid); $days = $instance->customint2 / 60*60*24; $trace->output("unenrolling user $userid from course $instance->courseid as they have did not log in for at least $days days", 1); } $rs->close(); // Now unenrol from course user did not visit for a long time. $sql = "SELECT e.*, ue.userid FROM {user_enrolments} ue JOIN {enrol} e ON (e.id = ue.enrolid AND e.enrol = 'ilbead' AND e.customint2 > 0) JOIN {user_lastaccess} ul ON (ul.userid = ue.userid AND ul.courseid = e.courseid) WHERE :now - ul.timeaccess > e.customint2 $coursesql"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($rs as $instance) { $userid = $instance->userid; unset($instance->userid); $this->unenrol_user($instance, $userid); $days = $instance->customint2 / 60*60*24; $trace->output("unenrolling user $userid from course $instance->courseid as they have did not access course for at least $days days", 1); } $rs->close(); $trace->output('...user ilb ead self-enrolment updates finished.'); $trace->finished(); $this->process_expirations($trace, $courseid); return 0; } /** * Returns the user who is responsible for ilb ead self enrolments in given instance. * * Usually it is the first editing teacher - the person with "highest authority" * as defined by sort_by_roleassignment_authority() having 'enrol/ilbead:manage' * capability. * * @param int $instanceid enrolment instance id * @return stdClass user record */ protected function get_enroller($instanceid) { global $DB; if ($this->lasternollerinstanceid == $instanceid and $this->lasternoller) { return $this->lasternoller; } $instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', array('id'=>$instanceid, 'enrol'=>$this->get_name()), '*', MUST_EXIST); $instance->customtext2 = unserialize($instance->customtext2); $context = context_course::instance($instance->courseid); if ($users = get_enrolled_users($context, 'enrol/ilbead:manage')) { $users = sort_by_roleassignment_authority($users, $context); $this->lasternoller = reset($users); unset($users); } else { $this->lasternoller = parent::get_enroller($instanceid); } $this->lasternollerinstanceid = $instanceid; return $this->lasternoller; } /** * Gets an array of the user enrolment actions. * * @param course_enrolment_manager $manager * @param stdClass $ue A user enrolment object * @return array An array of user_enrolment_actions */ public function get_user_enrolment_actions(course_enrolment_manager $manager, $ue) { $actions = array(); $context = $manager->get_context(); $instance = $ue->enrolmentinstance; $params = $manager->get_moodlepage()->url->params(); $params['ue'] = $ue->id; if ($this->allow_unenrol($instance) && has_capability("enrol/ilbead:unenrol", $context)) { $url = new moodle_url('/enrol/unenroluser.php', $params); $actions[] = new user_enrolment_action(new pix_icon('t/delete', ''), get_string('unenrol', 'enrol'), $url, array('class'=>'unenrollink', 'rel'=>$ue->id)); } if ($this->allow_manage($instance) && has_capability("enrol/ilbead:manage", $context)) { $url = new moodle_url('/enrol/editenrolment.php', $params); $actions[] = new user_enrolment_action(new pix_icon('t/edit', ''), get_string('edit'), $url, array('class'=>'editenrollink', 'rel'=>$ue->id)); } return $actions; } /** * Restore instance and map settings. * * @param restore_enrolments_structure_step $step * @param stdClass $data * @param stdClass $course * @param int $oldid */ public function restore_instance(restore_enrolments_structure_step $step, stdClass $data, $course, $oldid) { global $DB; if ($step->get_task()->get_target() == backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE) { $merge = false; } else { $merge = array( 'courseid' => $data->courseid, 'enrol' => $this->get_name(), 'roleid' => $data->roleid, ); } if ($merge and $instances = $DB->get_records('enrol', $merge, 'id')) { $instance = reset($instances); $instanceid = $instance->id; } else { if (!empty($data->customint5)) { if ($step->get_task()->is_samesite()) { // Keep cohort restriction unchanged - we are on the same site. } else { // Use some id that can not exist in order to prevent self enrolment, // because we do not know what cohort it is in this site. $data->customint5 = -1; } } $instanceid = $this->add_instance($course, (array)$data); } $step->set_mapping('enrol', $oldid, $instanceid); } /** * Restore user enrolment. * * @param restore_enrolments_structure_step $step * @param stdClass $data * @param stdClass $instance * @param int $oldinstancestatus * @param int $userid */ public function restore_user_enrolment(restore_enrolments_structure_step $step, $data, $instance, $userid, $oldinstancestatus) { $this->enrol_user($instance, $userid, null, $data->timestart, $data->timeend, $data->status); } /** * Restore role assignment. * * @param stdClass $instance * @param int $roleid * @param int $userid * @param int $contextid */ public function restore_role_assignment($instance, $roleid, $userid, $contextid) { // This is necessary only because we may migrate other types to this instance, // we do not use component in manual or self enrol. role_assign($roleid, $userid, $contextid, '', 0); } /** * Get user ongoing EAD courses * * @param stdClass $instance * @return array ongoing EAD courses */ public function get_ongoing($instance) { global $DB; global $USER; $sql = "select c.*, ue.timestart, ue.timeend, e.customint8 as abandonpunishment from {user_enrolments} ue join {enrol} e on e.id = ue.enrolid join {course} c on c.id = e.courseid left outer join {course_completions} cc on cc.userid = ue.userid and cc.course = e.courseid where e.enrol = 'ilbead' and cc.timecompleted is null and ue.userid = ? and ? between ue.timestart and ue.timeend + (e.customint8*86400)"; $time = time(); return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($USER->id, time())); } /** * Max ongoing reached * * @param stdClass $instance * @return bool ongoing_reached */ public function max_ongoing_reached($instance) { if ($instance->customint7 == null or $instance->customint7 == 0) { return false; // We have not a max ongoing, then its never reached } $ongoing = $this->get_ongoing($instance); if (count($ongoing) >= $instance->customint7) { return true; // Max ongoing reached } return false; // Default max not reached } }