field->param4) and !empty($data)) { /// Define the target if (! empty($this->field->param5)) { $target = 'target="'.$this->field->param5.'"'; } else { $target = ''; } /// Create the link $data = ''.htmlspecialchars($data).''; } */ return $data; } function edit_field_add($mform) { /// Create the form field $mform->addElement('text', $this->inputname, format_string($this->field->name), 'maxlength="11" size="11"'); $mform->setType($this->inputname, PARAM_INT); } function edit_validate_field($usernew) { // Based on script by Moacir, in $errors = array(); if (isset($usernew->{$this->inputname})) { $cpf = $usernew->{$this->inputname}; if (strlen($cpf) != 11) { return array($this->inputname => get_string('cpf_size', 'profilefield_cpf')); } if (in_array($cpf, array('00000000000', '11111111111', '22222222222', '33333333333', '44444444444', '55555555555', '66666666666', '77777777777', '88888888888', '99999999999'))) { return array($this->inputname => get_string('cpf_invalid', 'profilefield_cpf')); } for ($t = 9; $t < 11; $t++) { for ($d = 0, $c = 0; $c < $t; $c++) { $v = substr($cpf,$c,1); $d += $v * (($t + 1) - $c); } $v = substr($cpf,$c,1); $d = ((10 * $d) % 11) % 10; if ($v != $d) { return array($this->inputname => get_string('cpf_invalid', 'profilefield_cpf')); } } } return $errors; } }