$string['backgroundimage_desc'] = 'The image to display as a background of the site. The background image you upload here will override the background image in your theme preset files.';
$string['brandcolor'] = 'Brand colour';
$string['brandcolor_desc'] = 'The accent colour.';
$string['bootswatch'] = 'Bootswatch';
$string['bootswatch_desc'] = 'A bootswatch is a set of Bootstrap variables and css to style Bootstrap';
$string['choosereadme'] = 'Ilb is a modern highly-customisable theme. This theme is intended to be used directly, or as a parent theme when creating new themes utilising Bootstrap 4.';
$string['currentinparentheses'] = '(current)';
$string['configtitle'] = 'Ilb';
$string['fontsize'] = 'Theme base fontsize';
$string['fontsize_desc'] = 'Enter a fontsize in %';
$string['presetfiles_desc'] = 'Preset files can be used to dramatically alter the appearance of the theme. See <ahref="https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Ilb_Presets">Ilb presets</a> for information on creating and sharing your own preset files, and see the <ahref="http://moodle.net/ilb">Presets repository</a> for presets that others have shared.';
$string['preset'] = 'Theme preset';
$string['preset_desc'] = 'Pick a preset to broadly change the look of the theme.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Ilb theme does not store any personal data about any user.';
$string['rawscss'] = 'Raw SCSS';
$string['rawscss_desc'] = 'Use this field to provide SCSS or CSS code which will be injected at the end of the style sheet.';
$string['rawscsspre'] = 'Raw initial SCSS';
$string['rawscsspre_desc'] = 'In this field you can provide initialising SCSS code, it will be injected before everything else. Most of the time you will use this setting to define variables.';
$string['region-side-pre'] = 'Right';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:draweropennav'] = 'The user\'s preference for hiding or showing the drawer menu navigation.';
$string['privacy:drawernavclosed'] = 'The current preference for the navigation drawer is closed.';
$string['privacy:drawernavopen'] = 'The current preference for the navigation drawer is open.';