/** * Tour step must sit above all other UI components. * The backdrop is the lowest point in the tour. * Everything else is in the container, and the target background should be at the same z-index. * ----- moodle * ---- step backdrop * --- step container * --- step target background */ $flexitour-base-zindex: 1040; // The backdrop is the backdrop used in 'modal' step display. div[data-flexitour="backdrop"] { background-color: #{$modal-backdrop-bg}; opacity: #{$modal-backdrop-opacity}; // The backdrop needs to have a lower z-index than everything else in the tour, but higher than everything else in Moodle. z-index: #{$flexitour-base-zindex}; } // The step-background is used to highlight the region targetted in the step. div[data-flexitour="step-background-fader"], div[data-flexitour="step-background"] { @include border-radius($border-radius-lg); // The step container, and the target background should be at the same z-index. z-index: ($flexitour-base-zindex + 1); } span[data-flexitour="container"], div[data-flexitour="step-background-fader"], [data-flexitour="step-backdrop"] > td, [data-flexitour="step-backdrop"] { // The step container, and the target background should be at the same z-index. z-index: ($flexitour-base-zindex + 2); } span[data-flexitour="container"] { .modal-dialog { /** * Remove all margins to: * 1) ensure that the arrow touches the target; and * 2) ensure that the focus border touches the modal. */ margin: 0; } div[data-role="arrow"] { border-width: $popover-arrow-width; } div[data-role="arrow"], div[data-role="arrow"]:after { position: absolute; display: block; width: 0; height: 0; border-color: transparent; border-style: solid; border-width: #{$popover-arrow-width}; } // We need to know the opposite sides for arrow placement. $opposites: ( top: bottom, bottom: top, left: right, right: left, ); // These are the next leading side and allow for placement half-way along the step dialogue. $sides: ( top: left, bottom: left, left: top, right: top, ); @each $direction in map-keys($opposites) { $opposite: map_get($opposites, $direction); $side: map_get($sides, $direction); $oppositeside: map_get($opposites, $side); &[x-placement="#{$direction}"], &[x-placement="#{$direction}-start"] { margin-#{$opposite}: #{$popover-arrow-width}; div[data-role="arrow"] { #{$opposite}: -$popover-arrow-width; #{$side}: 50%; margin-#{$side}: -$popover-arrow-width; border-#{$opposite}-width: 0; border-#{$direction}-color: #{$popover-arrow-outer-color}; } div[data-role="arrow"]:after { #{$opposite}: 1px; margin-#{$side}: -#{$popover-arrow-width}; content: " "; border-#{$opposite}-width: 0; border-#{$direction}-color: #{$popover-arrow-color}; } } } } // Hack the bone! Hack the bone! [data-region="drawer"] [data-flexitour="container"] { /*rtl:ignore*/ margin-left: -15px; width: $drawer-width - 10px; }