// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

namespace theme_ilb\output;

use coding_exception;
use html_writer;
use tabobject;
use tabtree;
use custom_menu_item;
use custom_menu;
use block_contents;
use navigation_node;
use action_link;
use stdClass;
use moodle_url;
use preferences_groups;
use action_menu;
use help_icon;
use single_button;
use context_course;
use pix_icon;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;

 * Renderers to align Moodle's HTML with that expected by Bootstrap
 * @package    theme_ilb
 * @copyright  2012 Bas Brands, www.basbrands.nl
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later

class core_renderer extends \core_renderer {

    /** @var custom_menu_item language The language menu if created */
    protected $language = null;

     * Outputs the opening section of a box.
     * @param string $classes A space-separated list of CSS classes
     * @param string $id An optional ID
     * @param array $attributes An array of other attributes to give the box.
     * @return string the HTML to output.
    public function box_start($classes = 'generalbox', $id = null, $attributes = array()) {
        if (is_array($classes)) {
            $classes = implode(' ', $classes);
        return parent::box_start($classes . ' py-3', $id, $attributes);

     * Wrapper for header elements.
     * @return string HTML to display the main header.
    public function full_header() {
        global $PAGE;

        $header = new stdClass();
        $header->settingsmenu = $this->context_header_settings_menu();
        $header->contextheader = $this->context_header();
        $header->hasnavbar = empty($PAGE->layout_options['nonavbar']);
        $header->navbar = $this->navbar();
        $header->pageheadingbutton = $this->page_heading_button();
        $header->courseheader = $this->course_header();
        return $this->render_from_template('theme_ilb/header', $header);

     * The standard tags that should be included in the <head> tag
     * including a meta description for the front page
     * @return string HTML fragment.
    public function standard_head_html() {
        global $SITE, $PAGE;

        $output = parent::standard_head_html();
        if ($PAGE->pagelayout == 'frontpage') {
            $summary = s(strip_tags(format_text($SITE->summary, FORMAT_HTML)));
            if (!empty($summary)) {
                $output .= "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"$summary\" />\n";

        return $output;

     * This renders the navbar.
     * Uses bootstrap compatible html.
    public function navbar() {
        return $this->render_from_template('core/navbar', $this->page->navbar);

     * We don't like these...
    public function edit_button(moodle_url $url) {
        return '';

     * Override to inject the logo.
     * @param array $headerinfo The header info.
     * @param int $headinglevel What level the 'h' tag will be.
     * @return string HTML for the header bar.
    public function context_header($headerinfo = null, $headinglevel = 1) {
        global $SITE;

        if ($this->should_display_main_logo($headinglevel)) {
            $sitename = format_string($SITE->fullname, true, array('context' => context_course::instance(SITEID)));
            return html_writer::div(html_writer::empty_tag('img', [
                'src' => $this->get_logo_url(null, 150), 'alt' => $sitename, 'class' => 'img-fluid']), 'logo');

        return parent::context_header($headerinfo, $headinglevel);

     * Get the compact logo URL.
     * @return string
    public function get_compact_logo_url($maxwidth = 100, $maxheight = 100) {
        return parent::get_compact_logo_url(null, 70);

     * Whether we should display the main logo.
     * @return bool
    public function should_display_main_logo($headinglevel = 1) {
        global $PAGE;

        // Only render the logo if we're on the front page or login page and the we have a logo.
        $logo = $this->get_logo_url();
        if ($headinglevel == 1 && !empty($logo)) {
            if ($PAGE->pagelayout == 'frontpage' || $PAGE->pagelayout == 'login') {
                return true;

        return false;
     * Whether we should display the logo in the navbar.
     * We will when there are no main logos, and we have compact logo.
     * @return bool
    public function should_display_navbar_logo() {
        $logo = $this->get_compact_logo_url();
        return !empty($logo) && !$this->should_display_main_logo();

     * Overriding the custom_menu function ensures the custom menu is
     * always shown, even if no menu items are configured in the global
     * theme settings page.
    public function custom_menu($custommenuitems = '') {
        global $CFG;

        if (empty($custommenuitems) && !empty($CFG->custommenuitems)) {
            $custommenuitems = $CFG->custommenuitems;
        $custommenu = new custom_menu($custommenuitems, current_language());
        return $this->render_custom_menu($custommenu);

     * We want to show the custom menus as a list of links in the footer on small screens.
     * Just return the menu object exported so we can render it differently.
    public function custom_menu_flat() {
        global $CFG;
        $custommenuitems = '';

        if (empty($custommenuitems) && !empty($CFG->custommenuitems)) {
            $custommenuitems = $CFG->custommenuitems;
        $custommenu = new custom_menu($custommenuitems, current_language());
        $langs = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations();
        $haslangmenu = $this->lang_menu() != '';

        if ($haslangmenu) {
            $strlang = get_string('language');
            $currentlang = current_language();
            if (isset($langs[$currentlang])) {
                $currentlang = $langs[$currentlang];
            } else {
                $currentlang = $strlang;
            $this->language = $custommenu->add($currentlang, new moodle_url('#'), $strlang, 10000);
            foreach ($langs as $langtype => $langname) {
                $this->language->add($langname, new moodle_url($this->page->url, array('lang' => $langtype)), $langname);

        return $custommenu->export_for_template($this);

     * This renders the bootstrap top menu.
     * This renderer is needed to enable the Bootstrap style navigation.
    protected function render_custom_menu(custom_menu $menu) {
        global $CFG;

        $langs = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations();
        $haslangmenu = $this->lang_menu() != '';

        if (!$menu->has_children() && !$haslangmenu) {
            return '';

        if ($haslangmenu) {
            $strlang = get_string('language');
            $currentlang = current_language();
            if (isset($langs[$currentlang])) {
                $currentlang = $langs[$currentlang];
            } else {
                $currentlang = $strlang;
            $this->language = $menu->add($currentlang, new moodle_url('#'), $strlang, 10000);
            foreach ($langs as $langtype => $langname) {
                $this->language->add($langname, new moodle_url($this->page->url, array('lang' => $langtype)), $langname);

        $content = '';
        foreach ($menu->get_children() as $item) {
            $context = $item->export_for_template($this);
            $content .= $this->render_from_template('core/custom_menu_item', $context);

        return $content;

     * This code renders the navbar button to control the display of the custom menu
     * on smaller screens.
     * Do not display the button if the menu is empty.
     * @return string HTML fragment
    public function navbar_button() {
        global $CFG;

        if (empty($CFG->custommenuitems) && $this->lang_menu() == '') {
            return '';

        $iconbar = html_writer::tag('span', '', array('class' => 'icon-bar'));
        $button = html_writer::tag('a', $iconbar . "\n" . $iconbar. "\n" . $iconbar, array(
            'class'       => 'btn btn-navbar',
            'data-toggle' => 'collapse',
            'data-target' => '.nav-collapse'
        return $button;

     * Renders tabtree
     * @param tabtree $tabtree
     * @return string
    protected function render_tabtree(tabtree $tabtree) {
        if (empty($tabtree->subtree)) {
            return '';
        $data = $tabtree->export_for_template($this);
        return $this->render_from_template('core/tabtree', $data);

     * Renders tabobject (part of tabtree)
     * This function is called from {@link core_renderer::render_tabtree()}
     * and also it calls itself when printing the $tabobject subtree recursively.
     * @param tabobject $tabobject
     * @return string HTML fragment
    protected function render_tabobject(tabobject $tab) {
        throw new coding_exception('Tab objects should not be directly rendered.');

     * Prints a nice side block with an optional header.
     * @param block_contents $bc HTML for the content
     * @param string $region the region the block is appearing in.
     * @return string the HTML to be output.
    public function block(block_contents $bc, $region) {
        $bc = clone($bc); // Avoid messing up the object passed in.
        if (empty($bc->blockinstanceid) || !strip_tags($bc->title)) {
            $bc->collapsible = block_contents::NOT_HIDEABLE;

        $id = !empty($bc->attributes['id']) ? $bc->attributes['id'] : uniqid('block-');
        $context = new stdClass();
        $context->skipid = $bc->skipid;
        $context->blockinstanceid = $bc->blockinstanceid;
        $context->dockable = $bc->dockable;
        $context->id = $id;
        $context->hidden = $bc->collapsible == block_contents::HIDDEN;
        $context->skiptitle = strip_tags($bc->title);
        $context->showskiplink = !empty($context->skiptitle);
        $context->arialabel = $bc->arialabel;
        $context->ariarole = !empty($bc->attributes['role']) ? $bc->attributes['role'] : 'complementary';
        $context->type = $bc->attributes['data-block'];
        $context->title = $bc->title;
        $context->content = $bc->content;
        $context->annotation = $bc->annotation;
        $context->footer = $bc->footer;
        $context->hascontrols = !empty($bc->controls);
        if ($context->hascontrols) {
            $context->controls = $this->block_controls($bc->controls, $id);

        return $this->render_from_template('core/block', $context);

     * Returns the CSS classes to apply to the body tag.
     * @since Moodle 2.5.1 2.6
     * @param array $additionalclasses Any additional classes to apply.
     * @return string
    public function body_css_classes(array $additionalclasses = array()) {
        return $this->page->bodyclasses . ' ' . implode(' ', $additionalclasses);

     * Renders preferences groups.
     * @param  preferences_groups $renderable The renderable
     * @return string The output.
    public function render_preferences_groups(preferences_groups $renderable) {
        return $this->render_from_template('core/preferences_groups', $renderable);

     * Renders an action menu component.
     * @param action_menu $menu
     * @return string HTML
    public function render_action_menu(action_menu $menu) {

        // We don't want the class icon there!
        foreach ($menu->get_secondary_actions() as $action) {
            if ($action instanceof \action_menu_link && $action->has_class('icon')) {
                $action->attributes['class'] = preg_replace('/(^|\s+)icon(\s+|$)/i', '', $action->attributes['class']);

        if ($menu->is_empty()) {
            return '';
        $context = $menu->export_for_template($this);

        return $this->render_from_template('core/action_menu', $context);

     * Implementation of user image rendering.
     * @param help_icon $helpicon A help icon instance
     * @return string HTML fragment
    protected function render_help_icon(help_icon $helpicon) {
        $context = $helpicon->export_for_template($this);
        return $this->render_from_template('core/help_icon', $context);

     * Renders a single button widget.
     * This will return HTML to display a form containing a single button.
     * @param single_button $button
     * @return string HTML fragment
    protected function render_single_button(single_button $button) {
        return $this->render_from_template('core/single_button', $button->export_for_template($this));

     * Renders the login form.
     * @param \core_auth\output\login $form The renderable.
     * @return string
    public function render_login(\core_auth\output\login $form) {
        global $CFG, $SITE;

        $context = $form->export_for_template($this);

        // Override because rendering is not supported in template yet.
        if ($CFG->rememberusername == 0) {
            $context->cookieshelpiconformatted = $this->help_icon('cookiesenabledonlysession');
        } else {
            $context->cookieshelpiconformatted = $this->help_icon('cookiesenabled');
        $context->errorformatted = $this->error_text($context->error);
        $url = $this->get_logo_url();
        if ($url) {
            $url = $url->out(false);
        $context->logourl = $url;
        $context->sitename = format_string($SITE->fullname, true,
            ['context' => context_course::instance(SITEID), "escape" => false]);

        return $this->render_from_template('core/loginform', $context);

     * Render the login signup form into a nice template for the theme.
     * @param mform $form
     * @return string
    public function render_login_signup_form($form) {
        global $SITE;

        $context = $form->export_for_template($this);
        $url = $this->get_logo_url();
        if ($url) {
            $url = $url->out(false);
        $context['logourl'] = $url;
        $context['sitename'] = format_string($SITE->fullname, true,
            ['context' => context_course::instance(SITEID), "escape" => false]);

        return $this->render_from_template('core/signup_form_layout', $context);

     * This is an optional menu that can be added to a layout by a theme. It contains the
     * menu for the course administration, only on the course main page.
     * @return string
    public function context_header_settings_menu() {
        $context = $this->page->context;
        $menu = new action_menu();

        $items = $this->page->navbar->get_items();
        $currentnode = end($items);

        $showcoursemenu = false;
        $showfrontpagemenu = false;
        $showusermenu = false;

        // We are on the course home page.
        if (($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) &&
                !empty($currentnode) &&
                ($currentnode->type == navigation_node::TYPE_COURSE || $currentnode->type == navigation_node::TYPE_SECTION)) {
            $showcoursemenu = true;

        $courseformat = course_get_format($this->page->course);
        // This is a single activity course format, always show the course menu on the activity main page.
        if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE &&
                !$courseformat->has_view_page()) {

            $activenode = $this->page->navigation->find_active_node();
            // If the settings menu has been forced then show the menu.
            if ($this->page->is_settings_menu_forced()) {
                $showcoursemenu = true;
            } else if (!empty($activenode) && ($activenode->type == navigation_node::TYPE_ACTIVITY ||
                    $activenode->type == navigation_node::TYPE_RESOURCE)) {

                // We only want to show the menu on the first page of the activity. This means
                // the breadcrumb has no additional nodes.
                if ($currentnode && ($currentnode->key == $activenode->key && $currentnode->type == $activenode->type)) {
                    $showcoursemenu = true;

        // This is the site front page.
        if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE &&
                !empty($currentnode) &&
                $currentnode->key === 'home') {
            $showfrontpagemenu = true;

        // This is the user profile page.
        if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER &&
                !empty($currentnode) &&
                ($currentnode->key === 'myprofile')) {
            $showusermenu = true;

        if ($showfrontpagemenu) {
            $settingsnode = $this->page->settingsnav->find('frontpage', navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
            if ($settingsnode) {
                // Build an action menu based on the visible nodes from this navigation tree.
                $skipped = $this->build_action_menu_from_navigation($menu, $settingsnode, false, true);

                // We only add a list to the full settings menu if we didn't include every node in the short menu.
                if ($skipped) {
                    $text = get_string('morenavigationlinks');
                    $url = new moodle_url('/course/admin.php', array('courseid' => $this->page->course->id));
                    $link = new action_link($url, $text, null, null, new pix_icon('t/edit', ''));
        } else if ($showcoursemenu) {
            $settingsnode = $this->page->settingsnav->find('courseadmin', navigation_node::TYPE_COURSE);
            if ($settingsnode) {
                // Build an action menu based on the visible nodes from this navigation tree.
                $skipped = $this->build_action_menu_from_navigation($menu, $settingsnode, false, true);

                // We only add a list to the full settings menu if we didn't include every node in the short menu.
                if ($skipped) {
                    $text = get_string('morenavigationlinks');
                    $url = new moodle_url('/course/admin.php', array('courseid' => $this->page->course->id));
                    $link = new action_link($url, $text, null, null, new pix_icon('t/edit', ''));
        } else if ($showusermenu) {
            // Get the course admin node from the settings navigation.
            $settingsnode = $this->page->settingsnav->find('useraccount', navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER);
            if ($settingsnode) {
                // Build an action menu based on the visible nodes from this navigation tree.
                $this->build_action_menu_from_navigation($menu, $settingsnode);

        return $this->render($menu);

     * This is an optional menu that can be added to a layout by a theme. It contains the
     * menu for the most specific thing from the settings block. E.g. Module administration.
     * @return string
    public function region_main_settings_menu() {
        $context = $this->page->context;
        $menu = new action_menu();

        if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) {

            $node = $this->page->navigation->find_active_node();
            $buildmenu = false;
            // If the settings menu has been forced then show the menu.
            if ($this->page->is_settings_menu_forced()) {
                $buildmenu = true;
            } else if (!empty($node) && ($node->type == navigation_node::TYPE_ACTIVITY ||
                    $node->type == navigation_node::TYPE_RESOURCE)) {

                $items = $this->page->navbar->get_items();
                $navbarnode = end($items);
                // We only want to show the menu on the first page of the activity. This means
                // the breadcrumb has no additional nodes.
                if ($navbarnode && ($navbarnode->key === $node->key && $navbarnode->type == $node->type)) {
                    $buildmenu = true;
            if ($buildmenu) {
                // Get the course admin node from the settings navigation.
                $node = $this->page->settingsnav->find('modulesettings', navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
                if ($node) {
                    // Build an action menu based on the visible nodes from this navigation tree.
                    $this->build_action_menu_from_navigation($menu, $node);

        } else if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSECAT) {
            // For course category context, show category settings menu, if we're on the course category page.
            if ($this->page->pagetype === 'course-index-category') {
                $node = $this->page->settingsnav->find('categorysettings', navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER);
                if ($node) {
                    // Build an action menu based on the visible nodes from this navigation tree.
                    $this->build_action_menu_from_navigation($menu, $node);

        } else {
            $items = $this->page->navbar->get_items();
            $navbarnode = end($items);

            if ($navbarnode && ($navbarnode->key === 'participants')) {
                $node = $this->page->settingsnav->find('users', navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER);
                if ($node) {
                    // Build an action menu based on the visible nodes from this navigation tree.
                    $this->build_action_menu_from_navigation($menu, $node);

        return $this->render($menu);

     * Take a node in the nav tree and make an action menu out of it.
     * The links are injected in the action menu.
     * @param action_menu $menu
     * @param navigation_node $node
     * @param boolean $indent
     * @param boolean $onlytopleafnodes
     * @return boolean nodesskipped - True if nodes were skipped in building the menu
    protected function build_action_menu_from_navigation(action_menu $menu,
                                                       navigation_node $node,
                                                       $indent = false,
                                                       $onlytopleafnodes = false) {
        $skipped = false;
        // Build an action menu based on the visible nodes from this navigation tree.
        foreach ($node->children as $menuitem) {
            if ($menuitem->display) {
                if ($onlytopleafnodes && $menuitem->children->count()) {
                    $skipped = true;
                if ($menuitem->action) {
                    if ($menuitem->action instanceof action_link) {
                        $link = $menuitem->action;
                        // Give preference to setting icon over action icon.
                        if (!empty($menuitem->icon)) {
                            $link->icon = $menuitem->icon;
                    } else {
                        $link = new action_link($menuitem->action, $menuitem->text, null, null, $menuitem->icon);
                } else {
                    if ($onlytopleafnodes) {
                        $skipped = true;
                    $link = new action_link(new moodle_url('#'), $menuitem->text, null, ['disabled' => true], $menuitem->icon);
                if ($indent) {
                if (!empty($menuitem->classes)) {
                    $link->add_class(implode(" ", $menuitem->classes));

                $skipped = $skipped || $this->build_action_menu_from_navigation($menu, $menuitem, true);
        return $skipped;

     * Secure login info.
     * @return string
    public function secure_login_info() {
        return $this->login_info(false);