Advanced features) // 3- Enable XMLRPC protocol (Admin > Plugins > Web services > Manage protocols) // 4- Create a token for a specific user and for the service 'My service' (Admin > Plugins > Web services > Manage tokens) // 5- Run this script directly from your browser: you should see 'Hello, FIRSTNAME' /// SETUP - NEED TO BE CHANGED $token = '2c4c550b3710b648dd7743d446884211'; $domainname = 'http://localhost/saberes'; /// FUNCTION NAME $functionname = 'mod_sga_get_notas_curso'; /// PARAMETERS $codCurso = 123; ///// XML-RPC CALL header('Content-Type: text/plain'); $serverurl = $domainname . '/webservice/xmlrpc/server.php'. '?wstoken=' . $token; require_once('./curl.php'); $curl = new curl; $post = xmlrpc_encode_request($functionname, array($codCurso)); $resp = xmlrpc_decode($curl->post($serverurl, $post)); print_r($resp);