Sistema de Informações Gerenciais do Interlegis
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

9 lines
348 B

from sigi.apps.servicos.models import TipoServico
pm = TipoServico.objects.first()
res = sorted([(p.casa_legislativa.municipio.uf, p.casa_legislativa.municipio.nome, p.url) for p in pm.servico_set.all()])
with open('/tmp/pm.csv', 'w+') as f:
for uf, cid, url in res:
f.write(('%s,%s,%s' % (uf.nome, cid, url) + '\n').encode('utf-8'))