mirror of https://github.com/interlegis/sigi.git
Sesostris Vieira
3 years ago
4 changed files with 0 additions and 274 deletions
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ |
# -*- mode: ruby -*- |
# vi: set ft=ruby : |
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| |
config.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64" |
config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080 |
config.vm.provision :shell, :path => "puppet/bootstrap.sh" |
# XXX Usando provisoriamente o modulo oficial ate que sincronizemos nosso repo |
# XXX descomentar este trecho entao |
# config.vm.provision :shell, |
# :path => "puppet/puppet_module_install_from_github.sh", |
# :args => "jfryman-nginx interlegis/puppet-nginx" |
config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| |
puppet.manifests_path = "puppet/manifests" |
puppet.manifest_file = "site.pp" |
end |
end |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
puppet_install () { |
puppet module list | grep $1 || puppet module install $1 |
} |
puppet_install puppetlabs-vcsrepo |
puppet_install stankevich-python |
# XXX Usando provisoriamente o modulo oficial ate que sincronizemos nosso repo |
# XXX retirar esta linha entao |
puppet_install jfryman-nginx |
@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ |
Exec { |
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin', |
} |
group { 'sigi': |
ensure => 'present', |
} |
user { 'sigi': |
ensure => 'present', |
system => true, |
gid => 'sigi', |
require => Group['sigi'] |
} |
$package_deps = [ |
# gerais |
'git', 'supervisor', 'memcached', |
# para psycopg ('python-dev' ja eh instalado pelo modulo python) |
'libpq-dev', |
# para ldap |
'libldap2-dev', 'libsasl2-dev', 'libssl-dev'] |
package { $package_deps: } |
$sigi_dir = '/srv/sigi' |
$sigidata_dir = '/srv/sigidata' |
vcsrepo { $sigi_dir: |
ensure => latest, |
provider => git, |
source => 'https://github.com/interlegis/sigi.git', |
revision => 'producao', |
require => Package['git'], |
} |
file { [ |
'/var/log/sigi', |
'/var/run/sigi', |
]: |
ensure => 'directory', |
owner => 'sigi', |
group => 'sigi', |
require => Vcsrepo[$sigi_dir], |
} |
file { "${sigi_dir}/media": |
ensure => link, |
target => "${sigidata_dir}/media", |
} |
# TODO A pasta "${sigi_dir}/media" deve ser compartilhada entre instancias de cluster |
file { '/var/log/sigi/sigi-supervisor.log': |
ensure => file, |
} |
########################################################################### |
if !defined(Class['python']) { |
class { 'python': |
version => 'system', |
dev => true, |
virtualenv => true, |
pip => true, |
} |
} |
$sigi_venv_dir = '/srv/.virtualenvs/sigi' |
file { ['/srv/.virtualenvs',]: |
ensure => 'directory', |
} |
python::virtualenv { $sigi_venv_dir : |
require => File['/srv/.virtualenvs'], |
} |
python::requirements { "${sigi_dir}/requirements/requirements.txt": |
virtualenv => $sigi_venv_dir, |
forceupdate => true, |
require => [ |
Python::Virtualenv[$sigi_venv_dir], |
Vcsrepo[$sigi_dir], |
Package[$package_deps] ] |
} |
########################################################################### |
# GERALDO (reporting) |
file { "${sigi_venv_dir}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/reporting": |
ensure => link, |
target => "${sigi_venv_dir}/src/geraldo/reporting", |
} |
########################################################################### |
exec { 'collectstatic': |
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python manage.py collectstatic --noinput", |
cwd => $sigi_dir, |
require => [ |
Python::Virtualenv[$sigi_venv_dir], |
Vcsrepo[$sigi_dir], |
Python::Requirements["${sigi_dir}/requirements/requirements.txt"], |
] |
} |
# TODO local_settings.py ... |
########################################################################### |
# XXX trocar isso por algum plugin do puppet? |
$supervisor_conf = '/etc/supervisor/conf.d/sigi.conf' |
file { $supervisor_conf: |
ensure => link, |
target => "${sigi_dir}/etc/supervisor/conf.d/sigi.conf", |
require => [ |
Vcsrepo[$sigi_dir], |
Package['supervisor'] ] |
} |
exec { 'supervisor_update': |
command => 'supervisorctl reread && supervisorctl update', |
refreshonly => true, |
subscribe => [ File[$supervisor_conf], Vcsrepo[$sigi_dir]], |
} |
########################################################################### |
class { 'nginx': } |
nginx::resource::upstream { 'sigi_app_server': |
members => [ 'unix:/var/run/sigi/sigi.sock' ], |
upstream_fail_timeout => 0 |
} |
# XXX trocar nome para server_name, p.ex. sigi01h.interlegis.leg.br |
$sigi_vhost = 'localhost' |
nginx::resource::vhost { $sigi_vhost: |
client_max_body_size => '4G', |
access_log => '/var/log/sigi/sigi-access.log', |
error_log => '/var/log/sigi/sigi-error.log', |
use_default_location => false, |
require => Vcsrepo[$sigi_dir], |
# TODO tentar usar try_files ao inves desse "if" |
# vide http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19845566/in-nginxs-configuration-could-if-f-request-filename-cause-a-performan |
# XXX este raw_append foi uma apelacao devido a limitacoes do modulo nginx |
raw_append => ' |
location / { |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; |
proxy_set_header Host $http_host; |
proxy_redirect off; |
if (!-f $request_filename) { |
proxy_pass http://sigi_app_server; |
break; |
} |
} |
' |
} |
nginx::resource::location { '/static/': |
vhost => $sigi_vhost, |
location_alias => '/srv/sigi/static/', |
} |
nginx::resource::location { '/media/': |
vhost => $sigi_vhost, |
location_alias => '/srv/sigi/media/', |
} |
########################################################################### |
# CRON |
cron { 'atualiza_uso_servico': |
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python ${sigi_dir}/manage.py atualiza_uso_servico -v 0", |
user => 'sigi', |
hour => [0,] |
} |
cron { 'clearsessions': |
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python ${sigi_dir}/manage.py clearsessions -v 0", |
user => 'sigi', |
hour => [0,] |
} |
cron { 'sync_ldap': |
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python ${sigi_dir}/manage.py sync_ldap", |
user => 'sigi', |
hour => [0,] |
} |
cron { 'gera_map_data': |
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python ${sigi_dir}/manage.py gera_map_data", |
user => 'sigi', |
hour => "*/1", |
} |
cron { 'get_moodle_stats': |
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python ${sigi_dir}/manage.py get_moodle_stats -v 0", |
user => 'sigi', |
hour => "*/1", |
} |
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# argumentos: <nome do modulo> <github_user/nome_repo> |
nome_modulo=$1 |
github_path=$2 |
nome_repo=$(echo $github_path | cut -d / -f 2) |
modulo_instalado=$( puppet module list | grep -ic $nome_modulo ) |
if [ $modulo_instalado -eq 0 ] |
then |
TAR_FILE="/tmp/$nome_modulo.tar.gz" |
wget "https://github.com/$github_path/archive/master.tar.gz" -O $TAR_FILE |
rm -fr "/tmp/$nome_repo-master" |
tar -C /tmp -xf $TAR_FILE |
echo "Building module $nome_modulo..." |
TAR_MODULE=$(puppet module build "/tmp/$nome_repo-master" | grep 'Module built' | cut -d\ -f 3) |
echo "Installing module $nome_modulo from " $TAR_MODULE ' ...' |
puppet module install $TAR_MODULE |
fi |
Reference in new issue