@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ |
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- |
import new |
from django.http import HttpResponse, QueryDict |
import json |
from itertools import cycle |
from django.http import HttpResponse |
from django.utils import simplejson |
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404, redirect |
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404 |
from django.template import RequestContext |
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache |
from geraldo.generators import PDFGenerator |
from sigi.apps.diagnosticos.urls import LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL |
from sigi.apps.utils.decorators import login_required |
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ from sigi.apps.diagnosticos.decorators import validate_diagnostico |
from sigi.apps.diagnosticos.models import Diagnostico, Categoria, Pergunta |
from sigi.apps.casas.models import Funcionario |
from sigi.apps.diagnosticos.forms import (DiagnosticoMobileForm, |
CasaLegislativaMobileForm, FuncionariosMobileForm) |
CasaLegislativaMobileForm, FuncionariosMobileForm) |
from sigi.apps.contatos.models import Telefone |
from sigi.shortcuts import render_to_pdf |
@ -47,9 +48,9 @@ def categorias(request, id_diagnostico): |
ultima_categoria = request.session.get('ultima_categoria', 0) |
context = RequestContext(request, {'categorias': categorias, |
'diagnostico': diagnostico, 'ultima_categoria': ultima_categoria}) |
'diagnostico': diagnostico, 'ultima_categoria': ultima_categoria}) |
return render_to_response('diagnosticos/diagnosticos_categorias_list.html', |
context) |
context) |
@never_cache |
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ def categoria_detalhes(request, id_diagnostico, id_categoria): |
if request.method == "POST": |
form = DiagnosticoMobileForm(request.POST, |
instance=diagnostico, category=id_categoria) |
instance=diagnostico, category=id_categoria) |
if form.is_valid(): |
form.save() |
resposta = { |
@ -96,12 +97,12 @@ def categoria_detalhes(request, id_diagnostico, id_categoria): |
return HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json") |
else: |
form = DiagnosticoMobileForm(instance=diagnostico, |
category=id_categoria) |
category=id_categoria) |
context = RequestContext(request, {'form': form, 'categoria': categoria, |
'diagnostico': diagnostico}) |
'diagnostico': diagnostico}) |
return render_to_response('diagnosticos/diagnosticos_categorias_form.html', |
context) |
context) |
@never_cache |
@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ def categoria_casa_legislativa(request, id_diagnostico): |
if request.method == "POST": |
form = CasaLegislativaMobileForm(request.POST, |
instance=casa_legislativa) |
instance=casa_legislativa) |
if form.is_valid(): |
form.save() |
resposta = { |
@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ def categoria_casa_legislativa(request, id_diagnostico): |
form = CasaLegislativaMobileForm(instance=casa_legislativa) |
context = RequestContext(request, {'form': form, |
'diagnostico': diagnostico, 'casa_legislativa': casa_legislativa}) |
'diagnostico': diagnostico, 'casa_legislativa': casa_legislativa}) |
return render_to_response( |
'diagnosticos/diagnosticos_categoria_casa_legislativa_form.html', |
context) |
@ -153,16 +154,16 @@ def categoria_contatos(request, id_diagnostico): |
diagnostico = Diagnostico.objects.get(pk=id_diagnostico) |
casa_legislativa = diagnostico.casa_legislativa |
funcionarios = [] |
for n, l in Funcionario.SETOR_CHOICES: |
if casa_legislativa.funcionario_set.filter(setor=n).count() <= 1: |
funcionarios.append(casa_legislativa.funcionario_set.get_or_create(setor=n)) |
else: |
for f in casa_legislativa.funcionario_set.filter(setor=n): |
funcionarios.append((f, False)) |
if request.method == "POST": |
forms = [] |
for f, c in funcionarios: |
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ def categoria_contatos(request, id_diagnostico): |
'erros' : {}, |
'fones' : {}, |
'clean' : (), |
} |
} |
# valida e salva um formulario por vez |
for form in forms: |
@ -199,15 +200,15 @@ def categoria_contatos(request, id_diagnostico): |
for form_telefones in form.telefones.forms: |
if not form_telefones.is_valid(): |
if (form_telefones.fields['id'].initial is not None |
and form_telefones.fields['tipo'].initial == 'I' |
and form_telefones.fields['numero'].initial is None): |
and form_telefones.fields['tipo'].initial == 'I' |
and form_telefones.fields['numero'].initial is None): |
if Telefone.objects.filter(pk=form_telefones.fields['id'].initial).exists(): |
Telefone.objects.get(pk=form_telefones.fields['id'].initial).delete() |
if not resposta['fones'].has_key(form.prefix): |
resposta['fones'][form.prefix] = '' |
resposta['fones'][form.prefix] += u'<p>O telefone %s %s foi excluído da base de dados</p>' % ( |
form_telefones.instance.get_tipo_display(), form_telefones.instance.numero) |
else: |
else: |
for key, value in form_telefones.errors.iteritems(): |
key = form_telefones.prefix + "-id-errors" |
resposta['erros'][key] = value |
@ -216,12 +217,13 @@ def categoria_contatos(request, id_diagnostico): |
return HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json") |
else: |
forms = [FuncionariosMobileForm(prefix=f.setor, instance=f) |
for f, c in funcionarios] |
for f, c in funcionarios] |
context = RequestContext(request, {'forms': forms, |
'diagnostico': diagnostico, 'casa_legislativa': casa_legislativa}) |
'diagnostico': diagnostico, 'casa_legislativa': casa_legislativa}) |
return render_to_response('diagnosticos/diagnosticos_categoria_contatos_form.html', |
context) |
context) |
def diagnostico_pdf(request, id_diagnostico): |
diagnostico = Diagnostico.objects.get(pk=id_diagnostico) |
@ -253,16 +255,17 @@ def diagnostico_pdf(request, id_diagnostico): |
schemas_by_categoria.append((categoria,schemas)) |
context = RequestContext(request, { |
'pagesize':'A4', |
'casa_legislativa': casa_legislativa, |
'funcionarios': funcionarios, |
'diagnostico': diagnostico, |
'schemas_by_categoria': schemas_by_categoria, |
'pagesize':'A4', |
'casa_legislativa': casa_legislativa, |
'funcionarios': funcionarios, |
'diagnostico': diagnostico, |
'schemas_by_categoria': schemas_by_categoria, |
}) |
return render_to_pdf('diagnosticos/diagnostico_pdf.html', context) |
#return render_to_response('diagnosticos/diagnostico_pdf.html', context) |
def graficos(request): |
categorias = Categoria.objects.all() |
@ -275,7 +278,8 @@ def graficos(request): |
'perguntas': perguntas, |
}) |
return render_to_response('diagnosticos/graficos.html', |
context) |
context) |
def percentage(fraction, population): |
try: |
@ -283,69 +287,58 @@ def percentage(fraction, population): |
except ValueError: |
return '' |
def grafico_api(request): |
colors = ['ffff00', 'cc7900', 'ff0000', '92d050', '006600', '0097cc', '002776', 'ae78d6', 'ff00ff', '430080', |
'28d75c', '0000ff', 'fff200'] |
graph_url = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart" |
#graph_params = QueryDict("chxt=y&chbh=a&chco=A2C180,3D7930") |
graph_params = QueryDict("") |
graph_params = graph_params.copy() # to make it mutable |
width = request.REQUEST.get('width', '800') |
height = request.REQUEST.get('height', '300') |
graph_params.update({'chs': width + 'x' + height}) |
colors = cycle(['#7cb5ec', |
'#434348', |
'#90ed7d', |
'#f7a35c', |
'#8085e9', |
'#f15c80', |
'#e4d354', |
'#8085e8', |
'#8d4653', |
'#91e8e1', ]) |
highlights = cycle(['#B0D3F4', |
'#8E8E91', |
'#BCF4B1', |
'#FAC89D', |
'#B3B6F2', |
'#F79DB3', |
'#EFE598', |
'#B3B6F1', |
'#BB9098', |
'#BDF1ED', ]) |
pergunta_slug = request.REQUEST.get('id', None) |
pergunta = get_object_or_404(Pergunta, name=pergunta_slug) |
if pergunta.datatype == 'one': |
total = sum([r[1] for r in pergunta.group_choices()]) |
choices = [str(r[1]) for r in pergunta.group_choices()] |
legend = [percentage(r[1],total) + " " + str(r[0]) for r in pergunta.group_choices()] |
colors = ['ff0000', 'fff200', '0000ff', '28d75c'] + ["%0.6x" % (0x48d1 + (0xda74 * c)) |
for c in range(0,len(pergunta.group_choices()))] |
graph_params.update({ |
'cht': 'p', |
'chd': 't:' + ",".join(choices), |
'chdl': '' + "|".join(legend), |
'chco': '' + '|'.join(colors[:len(pergunta.group_choices())]) |
}) |
elif pergunta.datatype == 'many': |
total = sum([r[1] for r in pergunta.group_choices()]) |
percent = [str(float(r[1])*100/total) for r in pergunta.group_choices()] |
choices = [str(r[1]) for r in pergunta.group_choices()] |
legend = [str(r[0]) for r in pergunta.group_choices()] |
colors = ['ffff00', 'cc7900', 'ff0000', '92d050', '006600', '0097cc', '002776', 'ae78d6', 'ff00ff', '430080'] + \ |
["%0.6x" % (0x48d1 + (0xda74 * c)) for c in range(0,len(pergunta.group_choices()))] |
graph_params.update({ |
'cht': 'bvg', |
'chxt': 'y', |
'chd': 't:' + ",".join(percent), |
'chdl': '' + "|".join(legend), |
'chl': '' + "|".join(choices), |
'chco': '' + '|'.join(colors[:len(pergunta.group_choices())]) |
}) |
response = { |
"type": "photo", |
"width": width, |
"height": height, |
"title": pergunta.title, |
"url": graph_url + "?" + graph_params.urlencode(), |
"provider_name": "SIGI", |
"provider_url": "https://intranet.interlegis.gov.br/sigi/" |
} |
list_perguntas = pergunta.group_choices() |
list_perguntas = [{'label': k.title, |
'value': v, |
'color': colors.next(), |
'highlight': highlights.next()} |
for k, v in list_perguntas] |
# list_perguntas = [[k.title, v, colors.next(), highlights.next()] for k, v in list_perguntas] |
# elif pergunta.datatype == 'many': |
jsonn = json.dumps(list_perguntas, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) |
return HttpResponse(jsonn, content_type="application/json") |
json = simplejson.dumps(response) |
return HttpResponse(json, mimetype="application/json") |
def municipios_diagnosticados(self): |
municipios = [] |
for d in Diagnostico.objects.all(): |
m = d.casa_legislativa.municipio |
municipio = {'nome': d.casa_legislativa.nome + ', ' + m.uf.sigla, 'lat': str(m.latitude), 'lng': str(m.longitude), 'inicio': d.data_visita_inicio, |
'fim': d.data_visita_fim, 'equipe': "<ul><li>" + "</li><li>".join([m.user.get_full_name() for m in d.membros]) + "</li></ul>",} |
municipios.append(municipio) |
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(municipios), mimetype="application/json") |