diff --git a/env/sigi/pyvenv.cfg b/env/sigi/pyvenv.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba78fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/pyvenv.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+home = /usr
+implementation = CPython
+version_info = 3.8.10.final.0
+virtualenv = 20.0.17
+include-system-site-packages = false
+base-prefix = /usr
+base-exec-prefix = /usr
+base-executable = /usr/bin/python3
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/INSTALL.txt b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/INSTALL.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99266ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/INSTALL.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+PyGraphviz requires:
+- Python (version 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9)
+- `Graphviz `_ (version 2.42 or later)
+- C/C++ Compiler
+.. note::
+ These instructions assume you have Python and a C/C++ Compiler on your computer.
+.. warning::
+ We recommend avoiding Anaconda and conda-forge to install Graphviz and PyGraphviz.
+We recommend installing Python packages using `pip and virtual environments
+We recommend installing Graphviz using your Linux system's package manager.
+Below are examples for some popular distributions.
+Ubuntu and Debian
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ sudo apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev
+ $ pip install pygraphviz
+Fedora and Red Hat
+You may need to replace ``dnf`` with ``yum`` in the example below.
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ sudo dnf install graphviz graphviz-devel
+ $ pip install pygraphviz
+We recommend installing Graphviz using the Homebrew package manager for macOS.
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ brew install graphviz
+ $ pip install pygraphviz
+The two main difficulties are
+ 1. installing Graphviz and
+ 2. informing pip where Graphviz is installed.
+Providing path to Graphviz
+If you've installed Graphviz and ``pip`` is unable to find Graphviz, then you need to
+provide ``pip`` with the path(s) where it can find Graphviz.
+To do this, you first need to figure out where the binary files, includes files, and
+library files for Graphviz are located on your file system.
+Once you know where you've installed Graphviz, you will need to do something like
+the following. There is an additional example using Chocolatey on Windows further
+down the page.
+.. note:: ``port install graphviz-devel`` installs an old developer release of Graphviz.
+Hopefully, the MacPorts packagers will update Graphviz to a recent release.
+Once that happens, you may want to use ``port install graphviz`` instead of
+``port install graphviz-devel`` below.
+There is an open ticket to upgrade MacPorts to version 2.46.0 here:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ port install graphviz-devel
+ $ pip install --global-option=build_ext \
+ --global-option="-I/opt/local/include/" \
+ --global-option="-L/opt/local/lib/" \
+ pygraphviz
+.. _windows-install:
+Historically, installing Graphviz and PyGraphviz on Windows has been challenging.
+Fortunately, the Graphviz developers are working to fix this and
+their recent releases have much improved the situation.
+For this reason, PyGraphviz 1.7 only supports Graphviz 2.46.0 or higher on Windows.
+We recommend either manually installing the official binary release of Graphviz or
+using `Chocolatey `_, which has been updated to Graphviz 2.46.0.
+You may also need to install Visual C/C++, e.g. from here:
+Assuming you have Python and Visual C/C++ installed,
+we believe the following should work on Windows 10 (64 bit) using PowerShell.
+Manual download
+1. Download and install 2.46.0 for Windows 10 (64-bit):
+ `stable_windows_10_cmake_Release_x64_graphviz-install-2.46.0-win64.exe
+ `_.
+2. Install PyGraphviz via
+.. code-block:: console
+ PS C:\> python -m pip install --global-option=build_ext `
+ --global-option="-IC:\Program Files\Graphviz\include" `
+ --global-option="-LC:\Program Files\Graphviz\lib" `
+ pygraphviz
+.. code-block:: console
+ PS C:\> choco install graphviz
+ PS C:\> python -m pip install --global-option=build_ext `
+ --global-option="-IC:\Program Files\Graphviz\include" `
+ --global-option="-LC:\Program Files\Graphviz\lib" `
+ pygraphviz
+.. include:: reference/faq.rst
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_attributes.py b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_attributes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08e9815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_attributes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Example illustrating how to set node, edge, and graph attributes for
+import pygraphviz as pgv
+# strict (no parallel edges)
+# digraph
+# with attribute rankdir set to 'LR'
+A = pgv.AGraph(directed=True, strict=True, rankdir="LR")
+# add node 1 with color red
+A.add_node(1, color="red")
+A.add_node(5, color="blue")
+# add some edges
+A.add_edge(1, 2, color="green")
+A.add_edge(2, 3)
+A.add_edge(1, 3)
+A.add_edge(3, 4)
+A.add_edge(3, 5)
+A.add_edge(3, 6)
+A.add_edge(4, 6)
+# adjust a graph parameter
+A.graph_attr["epsilon"] = "0.001"
+print(A.string()) # print dot file to standard output
+A.layout("dot") # layout with dot
+A.draw("foo.png") # write to file
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_miles.py b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_miles.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06e885e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_miles.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+Knuth Miles
+An example that shows how to add your own positions to nodes
+and have graphviz "neato" position the edges.
+miles_graph() returns an undirected graph over the 128 US cities from
+the datafile miles_dat.txt.
+This example is described in Section 1.1 in Knuth's book [1]_ [2]_.
+The data used in this example is copied from [2]_. The filename and
+header have been modified to adhere to the request of the author to
+not corrupt the original source file content and name.
+.. [1] Donald E. Knuth,
+ "The Stanford GraphBase: A Platform for Combinatorial Computing",
+ ACM Press, New York, 1993.
+.. [2] http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/sgb.html
+__author__ = """Aric Hagberg (aric.hagberg@gmail.com)"""
+def miles_graph():
+ """Return a graph from the data in miles_dat.txt.
+ Edges are made between cities that are less then 300 miles apart.
+ """
+ import math
+ import re
+ import gzip
+ G = pgv.AGraph(name="miles_dat")
+ G.node_attr["shape"] = "circle"
+ G.node_attr["fixedsize"] = "true"
+ G.node_attr["fontsize"] = "8"
+ G.node_attr["style"] = "filled"
+ G.graph_attr["outputorder"] = "edgesfirst"
+ G.graph_attr["label"] = "miles_dat"
+ G.graph_attr["ratio"] = "1.0"
+ G.edge_attr["color"] = "#1100FF"
+ G.edge_attr["style"] = "setlinewidth(2)"
+ cities = []
+ for line in gzip.open("miles_dat.txt.gz", "rt"):
+ if line.startswith("*"): # skip comments
+ continue
+ numfind = re.compile(r"^\d+")
+ if numfind.match(line): # this line is distances
+ dist = line.split()
+ for d in dist:
+ if float(d) < 300: # connect if closer then 300 miles
+ G.add_edge(city, cities[i])
+ i = i + 1
+ else: # this line is a city, position, population
+ i = 1
+ (city, coordpop) = line.split("[")
+ cities.insert(0, city)
+ (coord, pop) = coordpop.split("]")
+ (y, x) = coord.split(",")
+ G.add_node(city)
+ n = G.get_node(city)
+ # assign positions, scale to be something reasonable in points
+ n.attr["pos"] = "%f,%f)" % (
+ -(float(x) - 7000) / 10.0,
+ (float(y) - 2000) / 10.0,
+ )
+ # assign node size, in sqrt of 1,000,000's of people
+ d = math.sqrt(float(pop) / 1000000.0)
+ n.attr["height"] = "%s" % (d / 2)
+ n.attr["width"] = "%s" % (d / 2)
+ # assign node color
+ n.attr["fillcolor"] = "#0000%2x" % (int(d * 256))
+ # empty labels
+ n.attr["label"] = " "
+ return G
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import warnings
+ import pygraphviz as pgv
+ # ignore Graphviz warning messages
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning)
+ G = miles_graph()
+ print("Loaded miles_dat.txt containing 128 cities.")
+ G.write("miles.dot")
+ print("Wrote miles.dot")
+ G.draw("miles.png", prog="neato", args="-n2")
+ print("Wrote miles.png")
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_simple.py b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_simple.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37511c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_simple.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+A simple example to create a graphviz dot file and draw a graph.
+# Copyright (C) 2006 by
+# Aric Hagberg
+# Dan Schult
+# Manos Renieris, http://www.cs.brown.edu/~er/
+# Distributed with BSD license.
+# All rights reserved, see LICENSE for details.
+__author__ = """Aric Hagberg (hagberg@lanl.gov)"""
+import pygraphviz as pgv
+A = pgv.AGraph()
+A.add_edge(1, 2)
+A.add_edge(2, 3)
+A.add_edge(1, 3)
+print(A.string()) # print to screen
+A.write("simple.dot") # write to simple.dot
+B = pgv.AGraph("simple.dot") # create a new graph from file
+B.layout() # layout with default (neato)
+B.draw("simple.png") # draw png
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_star.py b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_star.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42ffb8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_star.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Create and draw a star with varying node properties.
+# Copyright (C) 2006 by
+# Aric Hagberg
+# Dan Schult
+# Manos Renieris, http://www.cs.brown.edu/~er/
+# Distributed with BSD license.
+# All rights reserved, see LICENSE for details.
+__author__ = """Aric Hagberg (hagberg@lanl.gov)"""
+from pygraphviz import *
+A = AGraph()
+# set some default node attributes
+A.node_attr["style"] = "filled"
+A.node_attr["shape"] = "circle"
+A.node_attr["fixedsize"] = "true"
+A.node_attr["fontcolor"] = "#FFFFFF"
+# make a star in shades of red
+for i in range(1, 16):
+ A.add_edge(0, i)
+ n = A.get_node(i)
+ n.attr["fillcolor"] = "#%2x0000" % (i * 16)
+ n.attr["height"] = "%s" % (i / 16.0 + 0.5)
+ n.attr["width"] = "%s" % (i / 16.0 + 0.5)
+print(A.string()) # print to screen
+A.write("star.dot") # write to simple.dot
+A.draw("star.png", prog="circo") # draw to png using circo layout
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_subgraph.py b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_subgraph.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c98bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/plot_subgraph.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Specify a subgraph in pygraphviz.
+import pygraphviz as pgv
+A = pgv.AGraph()
+# add some edges
+A.add_edge(1, 2)
+A.add_edge(2, 3)
+A.add_edge(1, 3)
+A.add_edge(3, 4)
+A.add_edge(3, 5)
+A.add_edge(3, 6)
+A.add_edge(4, 6)
+# make a subgraph with rank='same'
+B = A.add_subgraph([4, 5, 6], name="s1", rank="same")
+B.graph_attr["rank"] = "same"
+print(A.string()) # print dot file to standard output
+A.draw("subgraph.png", prog="neato")
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/skip_django_simple.py b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/skip_django_simple.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce6b4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/skip_django_simple.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Simple example for rendering a graph with the Django web framework.
+# Copyright (C) 2007 by
+# Aric Hagberg
+# Dan Schult
+# Manos Renieris, http://www.cs.brown.edu/~er/
+# Distributed with BSD license.
+# All rights reserved, see LICENSE for details.
+__author__ = """Aric Hagberg (hagberg@lanl.gov)"""
+ from django.http import HttpResponse
+except ImportError: # this won't run without Django, print message
+ print("Django not found.")
+def pygraphviz_graph(request):
+ import pygraphviz as P
+ A = P.AGraph() # init empty graph
+ # set some default node attributes
+ A.node_attr["style"] = "filled"
+ A.node_attr["shape"] = "circle"
+ # Add edges (and nodes)
+ A.add_edge(1, 2)
+ A.add_edge(2, 3)
+ A.add_edge(1, 3)
+ A.layout() # layout with default (neato)
+ png = A.draw(format="png") # draw png
+ return HttpResponse(png, mimetype="image/png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print(
+ """This code works with the Django web framework
+and should run as a django "view".
+See djangoproject.com for info.
+ )
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/skip_utf8_encoding.py b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/skip_utf8_encoding.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1b45d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/doc/pygraphviz-1.7/examples/skip_utf8_encoding.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Example showing use of unicode and UTF-8 encoding.
+import pygraphviz as pgv
+# specify UTF-8 encoding (it is the default)
+A = pgv.AGraph(encoding="UTF-8")
+# nodes, attributes, etc can be strings or unicode
+A.add_node(1, label="plain string")
+A.add_node(2, label="unicode")
+# you can enter unicode text as
+hello = "Здравствуйте!"
+A.add_node(3, label=hello)
+# or using unicode code points
+hello = "\u0417\u0434\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435!"
+A.add_node(hello) # unicode node label
+goodbye = "До свидания"
+A.add_edge(1, hello, key=goodbye)
+A.add_edge("שלום", hello)
+# A.add_edge(1,3,hello="こんにちは / コンニチハ")
+A.add_edge(1, "こんにちは")
+print(A) # print to screen
+A.write("utf8.dot") # write to simple.dot
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/csv2ods.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/csv2ods.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e73e9b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/csv2ods.1
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+.\" Title: csv2ods
+.\" Author: Agustin Henze
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 01/04/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "CSV2ODS" "1" "01/04/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+csv2ods \- Create OpenDocument spreadsheet from comma separated values
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBcsv2ods\fR\ 'u
+\fBcsv2ods\fR \-i\ \fIfile\&.csv\fR \-o\ \fIfile\&.ods\fR
+.SH "Description"
+This program reads a file in CSV format \- table of columns delimited by commas, tabs or any other character\&. It then creates a spreadsheet\&. If a value looks like a number the cell is formatted as a number as well\&.
+.SH "Options"
+.RS 4
+Show program\'s version number and exit
+\-h, \-\-help
+.RS 4
+Show help message and exit
+\-i \fIINPUT\fR, \-\-input=\fIINPUT\fR
+.RS 4
+File input in csv\&.
+\-o \fIOUTPUT\fR, \-\-output=\fIOUTPUT\fR
+.RS 4
+File output in ods\&.
+\-d \fIDELIMITER\fR, \-\-delimiter=\fIDELIMITER\fR
+.RS 4
+Specifies a one\-character string to use as the field separator\&. It defaults to ","\&.
+\-c \fIENCODING\fR, \-\-encoding=\fIENCODING\fR
+.RS 4
+Specifies the encoding the file csv\&. It defaults to utf\-8\&.
+\-t \fITABLENAME\fR, \-\-table=\fITABLENAME\fR
+.RS 4
+The table name in the output file\&.
+\-s \fISKIPINITIALSPACE\fR, \-\-skipinitialspace=\fISKIPINITIALSPACE\fR
+.RS 4
+Specifies how to interpret whitespace which immediately follows a delimiter\&. It defaults to False, which means that whitespace immediately following a delimiter is part of the following field\&.
+\-l \fILINETERMINATOR\fR, \-\-lineterminator=\fILINETERMINATOR\fR
+.RS 4
+Specifies the character sequence which should terminate rows\&.
+\-q \fIQUOTING\fR, \-\-quoting=\fIQUOTING\fR
+.RS 4
+It can take on any of the following module constants: 0 = QUOTE_MINIMAL means only when required, for example, when a field contains either the quotechar or the delimiter\&. 1 = QUOTE_ALL means that quotes are always placed around fields\&. 2 = QUOTE_NONNUMERIC means that quotes are always placed around fields which do not parse as integers or floating point numbers\&. 3 = QUOTE_NONE means that quotes are never placed around fields\&. It defaults is QUOTE_MINIMAL\&.
+\-e \fIESCAPECHAR\fR, \-\-escapechar=\fIESCAPECHAR\fR
+.RS 4
+Specifies a one\-character string used to escape the delimiter when quoting is set to QUOTE_NONE\&.
+\-r \fIQUOTECHAR\fR, \-\-quotechar=\fIQUOTECHAR\fR
+.RS 4
+Specifies a one\-character string to use as the quoting character\&. It defaults to "\&.
+.SH "Example"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+csv2ods \-i /etc/passwd \-o accounts\&.odt \-d:
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "Author"
+\fBAgustin Henze\fR <\&agustinhenze at gmail\&.com\&>
+.RS 4
+Original author of csv\-ods\&.py
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/ipython.1.gz b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/ipython.1.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8902bb8
Binary files /dev/null and b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/ipython.1.gz differ
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/mailodf.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/mailodf.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dcf836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/mailodf.1
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+.\" Title: mailodf
+.\" Author: S\(/oren Roug
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 03/15/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "MAILODF" "1" "03/15/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+mailodf \- Email ODF file as HTML archive
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBmailodf\fR\ 'u
+\fBmailodf\fR [\-f\ \fIfrom\fR] [\-s\ \fIsubject\fR] \fIinputfile\fR \fIrecipients\fR...
+.SH "Description"
+mailodf is a program that will create a MIME\-encapsulated web archive and then sends it as an email\&. Most email programs that understand HTML understands this format\&.
+is assumed to be an OpenDocument file of text, spreadsheet or presentation type\&.
+.SH "References"
+.RS 4
+HTTRACK (http://www\&.httrack\&.com/) can create such archives with the \-%M option\&.
+.RS 4
+.RS 4
+.RS 4
+.RS 4
+.SH "Example"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+mailodf \-f lars\&.oppermann@sun\&.com \-s "F\&.Y\&.I" odf\-file
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "See Also"
+.SH "Author"
+\fBS\(/oren Roug\fR
+.RS 4
+Original author
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odf2mht.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odf2mht.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a59c013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odf2mht.1
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+.\" Title: odf2mht
+.\" Author: S\(/oren Roug
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 03/15/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "ODF2MHT" "1" "03/15/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+odf2mht \- Convert ODF to HTML archive
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBodf2mht\fR\ 'u
+\fBodf2mht\fR \fIpath\fR
+.SH "Description"
+is a program that will create a MIME\-encapsulated web archive (\&.mht) format where images are preserved\&. The file can be read by Internet Explorer, MS\-Word and many email programs such as MS\-Outlook\&. It will write the web archive to stdout\&.
+is assumed to be an OpenDocument file of text, spreadsheet or presentation type\&.
+.SH "References"
+.RS 4
+HTTRACK (http://www\&.httrack\&.com/) can create such archives with the \-%M option\&.
+.RS 4
+.RS 4
+.RS 4
+.RS 4
+.SH "Example"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+odf2mht example\&.odt >example\&.mht
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "Bugs"
+IE6 seems to have problems with large MHT files\&.
+.SH "See Also"
+.SH "Author"
+\fBS\(/oren Roug\fR
+.RS 4
+Original author
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odf2xhtml.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odf2xhtml.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..902de00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odf2xhtml.1
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+.\" Title: odf2xhtml
+.\" Author: S\(/oren Roug
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 01/04/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "ODF2XHTML" "1" "01/04/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+odf2xhtml \- Convert ODF to HTML
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBodf2xhtml\fR\ 'u
+\fBodf2xhtml\fR [\-e] \fIpath\fR
+.SH "Description"
+is a program that will create a webpage (\&.html) from the input file and will write the webpage to stdout\&.
+"Path" is assumed to be an OpenDocument file of text, spreadsheet or presentation type\&.
+.SH "Options"
+\-p, \-\-plain
+.RS 4
+The \-p flag will generate HTML without CSS\&.
+.SH "Example"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+odf2xhtml odf\-file
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "See Also"
+.SH "Author"
+\fBS\(/oren Roug\fR
+.RS 4
+Original author
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odf2xml.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odf2xml.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26737fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odf2xml.1
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+.\" Title: odf2xml
+.\" Author: S\(/oren Roug
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 01/04/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "ODF2XML" "1" "01/04/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+odf2xml \- Create OpenDocument XML file from OD? package
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBodf2xml\fR\ 'u
+\fBodf2xml\fR [\-e] [\-o\ \fIoutputfile\fR] [\fIinputfile\fR]
+.SH "Description"
+OpenDocument can be a complete office document in a single XML file\&. The script will take an OpenDocument and create an XML file This is mainly useful XML processors such as XSL transformation\&.
+"Inputfile" is assumed to be an OpenDocument file\&. If there is no inputfile, the program will read from standard input\&.
+.SH "Options"
+.RS 4
+Normally, images that are stored in the archive in the Pictures folder are ignored\&. Using the \-e flag will
+the images in the XML as base64\&.
+\-o \fIoutputfile\fR
+.RS 4
+If output file is not specified output will be to standard out\&.
+.SH "Example"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+odf2xml \-o file\&.xml testdocument\&.odt
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "See Also"
+.SH "Bugs"
+Doesn\'t handle external data \-\- images and such\&.
+.SH "Author"
+\fBS\(/oren Roug\fR
+.RS 4
+Original author
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfimgimport.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfimgimport.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4193b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfimgimport.1
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+.\" Title: odfimgimport
+.\" Author: S\(/oren Roug
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 01/04/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "ODFIMGIMPORT" "1" "01/04/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+odfimgimport \- Import external images
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBodfimgimport\fR\ 'u
+\fBodfimgimport\fR [\-q] [\-o\ \fIoutputfile\fR] [\fIinputfile\fR]
+.SH "Description"
+If you copy and paste html from your webbrowser to your word processor, the pictures in the pasted text will still load the images from the Internet\&. This script will import all images into the OpenDocument file\&.
+If you don\'t provide an input file, the program will read from stdin\&. If the program reads from stdin, it might not know how to resolve relative filenames\&. If you don\'t provide an output file, the program will import the pictures into the input file\&.
+.SH "Options"
+.RS 4
+If there are images that can\'t be imported, odfimgimport will write how many has failed\&. The \-q flag will prevent that\&.
+.RS 4
+Verbose: Prints the URL of every image it tries to import and the result\&.
+\-o \fIoutputfile\fR
+.RS 4
+The file to save the output to\&. "\-" is stdout\&. Defaults to the input file\&.
+.SH "Example"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+odfimgimport \-v \-o newfile\&.odt oldfile\&.odt
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "Author"
+\fBS\(/oren Roug\fR
+.RS 4
+Original author
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odflint.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odflint.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a15a97b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odflint.1
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+.\" Title: odflint
+.\" Author: S\(/oren Roug
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 03/15/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "ODFLINT" "1" "03/15/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+odflint \- Check ODF file for problems
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBodflint\fR\ 'u
+\fBodflint\fR \fIpath\fR
+.SH "Description"
+is a program that will check an ODF file and give warning if it finds something suspect\&. It is not able to make a full validation due to the complexity of the schema\&.
+is assumed to be an OpenDocument file of text, spreadsheet or presentation type\&.
+.SH "Example"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+odflint odf\-file
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "Bugs"
+Validates all versions of ODF as if they are version 1\&.1\&. You\'ll therefore get some false positives if you check files that aren\'t generated by odfpy scripts\&.
+.SH "Author"
+\fBS\(/oren Roug\fR
+.RS 4
+Original author
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfmeta.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfmeta.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b802527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfmeta.1
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+.\" Title: odfmeta
+.\" Author: S\(/oren Roug
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 03/15/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "ODFMETA" "1" "03/15/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+odfmeta \- List or change the metadata of an ODF file
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBodfmeta\fR\ 'u
+\fBodfmeta\fR [\-l] [\-v] [\-V] [\-c] [\-d] [\-x\ \fImetafield\fR...] [\-X\ \fImetafield\fR...] [\-a\ \fImetafield\fR...] [\-A\ \fImetafield\fR...] [\-I\ \fImetafield\fR...] [\-o\ \fIpath\fR] \fIpath\fR
+.SH "Description"
+is a program that will list or change the metadata in an OpenDocument file\&. This is useful for version control systems\&. You can change title, keywords, description etc\&.
+is assumed to be an OpenDocument file of text, spreadsheet or presentation type\&.
+.SH "Options"
+.RS 4
+List (extract) all known metadata fields\&.
+\-v or \-V
+.RS 4
+Print the version number of the ODF document
+\fIformat\fR\&. If you use \-V it will print "version:" before the number for compatibility with \-X\&. The version number can\'t be modified\&.
+.RS 4
+Make field values continous by normalizing white space\&. Might be convenient when postprocessing with standard (line oriented) text utilities\&.
+.RS 4
+Update the modification date to the current date and time\&.
+\-x \fImetafield\fR
+.RS 4
+Extract the contents of this metafield from the file\&. Known field names are creation\-date, creator, date, description, editing\-cycles, editing\-duration, generator, initial\-creator, keyword, language, print\-date, printed\-by, subject, title, user\-defined\&. All other names are assumed to be user defined\&.
+\-X \fImetafield\fR
+.RS 4
+Same as \-x, but also preserves/includes the field name\&.
+\-a \fImetafield\fR
+.RS 4
+Append a custom metafield to the metadata; but only if a similar field does not exist yet\&.
+\-A \fImetafield\fR
+.RS 4
+Append a custom metafield to the metadata in any case\&.
+\-I \fImetafield\fR
+.RS 4
+Append a custom metafield to the metadata and remove any existing similar field\&.
+\-o \fIpath\fR
+.RS 4
+Filename to write modified ODT file to\&. If no
+option is provided, the ODT file will be written to stdout\&.
+.SH "Examples"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+odfmeta \-l odf\-file\&.odt
+odfmeta \-I "title:The Little Engine That Could" \-A subject:I\-think\-I\-can \-o newfile\&.odt source\&.odt
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "See Also"
+.SH "Bugs"
+All known versions of OpenOffice\&.org keep only four elements\&. If you add more than those, you\'ll loose them next time you save with OpenOffice\&.org\&. KOffice keeps only one element\&.
+.SH "Author"
+\fBS\(/oren Roug\fR
+.RS 4
+Original author
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfoutline.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfoutline.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..169e662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfoutline.1
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+.\" Title: odfoutline
+.\" Author: S\(/oren Roug
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 03/15/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "ODFOUTLINE" "1" "03/15/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+odfoutline \- Show outline of OpenDocument
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBodfoutline\fR\ 'u
+\fBodfoutline\fR \fIpath\fR
+.SH "Description"
+odfoutline is a simple program that will show the headings in the file and the level the heading is\&.
+is assumed to be an OpenDocument file of text, spreadsheet or presentation type\&.
+.SH "Example"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+odfoutline odf\-file
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "Author"
+\fBS\(/oren Roug\fR
+.RS 4
+Original author
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfuserfield.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfuserfield.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76cff7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/odfuserfield.1
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+.\" Title: odfuserfield
+.\" Author: S\(/oren Roug
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 03/15/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "ODFUSERFIELD" "1" "03/15/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+odfuserfield \- List or change the user\-field declarations in an ODF file
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBodfuserfield\fR\ 'u
+\fBodfuserfield\fR [\-l] [\-L] [\-x\ \fIfield\fR...] [\-X\ \fIfield\fR...] [\-s\ \fIfield:value\fR...] [\-o\ \fIpath\fR] \fIpath\fR
+.SH "Description"
+is a program that will list or change the user variable declarations in an OpenDocument file\&. There are two kinds of variables in OpenDocument\&. Simple variables can take different values at different positions, throughout a document\&. User variables have the same value throughout a document\&. Due to the latter\'s global nature it is safe to change them with an external application\&.
+to fill out form letters before printing or giving to the user\&.
+is assumed to be an OpenDocument file of text, spreadsheet or presentation type\&.
+.SH "Options"
+.RS 4
+List (extract) all known user\-fields\&.
+.RS 4
+List (extract) all known user\-fields with type and value\&.
+\-x \fIfield\fR
+.RS 4
+Extract the contents of this field from the file\&.
+\-X \fIfield\fR
+.RS 4
+Same as \-x, but also preserves/includes the field name and type\&.
+\-s \fIfield:value\fR
+.RS 4
+Set the value of an existing user field\&. The field type will be the same\&.
+\-o \fIpath\fR
+.RS 4
+Filename to write modified ODT file to\&. If no
+option is provided, the ODT file will be written to stdout\&.
+.SH "Example"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+odfuserfield \-L odf\-file
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "See Also"
+.SH "Todo"
+Implement formulas\&. See OpenDocument v1\&.0 specification section 6\&.3\&.5\&. This requires a different syntax for \-s arguments\&.
+.SH "Authors"
+\fBS\(/oren Roug\fR
+.RS 4
+Original author
+\fBMichael Howitz\fR
+gocept gmbh & co\&. kg
+.RS 4
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/ttx.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/ttx.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba23b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/ttx.1
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+.Dd May 18, 2004
+.\" ttx is not specific to any OS, but contrary to what groff_mdoc(7)
+.\" seems to imply, entirely omitting the .Os macro causes 'BSD' to
+.\" be used, so I give a zero-width space as its argument.
+.Os \&
+.\" The "FontTools Manual" argument apparently has no effect in
+.\" groff 1.18.1. I think it is a bug in the -mdoc groff package.
+.Dt TTX 1 "FontTools Manual"
+.Nm ttx
+.Nd tool for manipulating TrueType and OpenType fonts
+.Op Ar option ...
+.Ar file ...
+is a tool for manipulating TrueType and OpenType fonts. It can convert
+TrueType and OpenType fonts to and from an
+.Tn XML Ns -based format called
+.Tn TTX .
+.Tn TTX
+files have a
+.Ql .ttx
+For each
+.Ar file
+argument it is given,
+detects whether it is a
+.Ql .ttf ,
+.Ql .otf
+.Ql .ttx
+file and acts accordingly: if it is a
+.Ql .ttf
+.Ql .otf
+file, it generates a
+.Ql .ttx
+file; if it is a
+.Ql .ttx
+file, it generates a
+.Ql .ttf
+.Ql .otf
+By default, every output file is created in the same directory as the
+corresponding input file and with the same name except for the
+extension, which is substituted appropriately.
+never overwrites existing files; if necessary, it appends a suffix to
+the output file name before the extension, as in
+.Pa Arial#1.ttf .
+.Ss "General options"
+.Bl -tag -width ".Fl t Ar table"
+.It Fl h
+Display usage information.
+.It Fl d Ar dir
+Write the output files to directory
+.Ar dir
+instead of writing every output file to the same directory as the
+corresponding input file.
+.It Fl o Ar file
+Write the output to
+.Ar file
+instead of writing it to the same directory as the
+corresponding input file.
+.It Fl v
+Be verbose. Write more messages to the standard output describing what
+is being done.
+.It Fl a
+Allow virtual glyphs ID's on compile or decompile.
+.Ss "Dump options"
+The following options control the process of dumping font files
+(TrueType or OpenType) to
+.Tn TTX
+.Bl -tag -width ".Fl t Ar table"
+.It Fl l
+List table information. Instead of dumping the font to a
+.Tn TTX
+file, display minimal information about each table.
+.It Fl t Ar table
+Dump table
+.Ar table .
+This option may be given multiple times to dump several tables at
+once. When not specified, all tables are dumped.
+.It Fl x Ar table
+Exclude table
+.Ar table
+from the list of tables to dump. This option may be given multiple
+times to exclude several tables from the dump. The
+.Fl t
+.Fl x
+options are mutually exclusive.
+.It Fl s
+Split tables. Dump each table to a separate
+.Tn TTX
+file and write (under the name that would have been used for the output
+file if the
+.Fl s
+option had not been given) one small
+.Tn TTX
+file containing references to the individual table dump files. This
+file can be used as input to
+as long as the referenced files can be found in the same directory.
+.It Fl i
+.\" XXX: I suppose OpenType programs (exist and) are also affected.
+Don't disassemble TrueType instructions. When this option is specified,
+all TrueType programs (glyph programs, the font program and the
+pre-program) are written to the
+.Tn TTX
+file as hexadecimal data instead of
+assembly. This saves some time and results in smaller
+.Tn TTX
+.It Fl y Ar n
+When decompiling a TrueType Collection (TTC) file,
+decompile font number
+.Ar n ,
+starting from 0.
+.Ss "Compilation options"
+The following options control the process of compiling
+.Tn TTX
+files into font files (TrueType or OpenType):
+.Bl -tag -width ".Fl t Ar table"
+.It Fl m Ar fontfile
+Merge the input
+.Tn TTX
+.Ar file
+.Ar fontfile .
+No more than one
+.Ar file
+argument can be specified when this option is used.
+.It Fl b
+Don't recalculate glyph bounding boxes. Use the values in the
+.Tn TTX
+file as is.
+You can find some information about the
+.Tn TTX
+file format in
+.Pa documentation.html .
+In particular, you will find in that file the list of tables understood by
+and the relations between TrueType GlyphIDs and the glyph names used in
+.Tn TTX
+In the following examples, all files are read from and written to the
+current directory. Additionally, the name given for the output file
+assumes in every case that it did not exist before
+was invoked.
+Dump the TrueType font contained in
+.Pa FreeSans.ttf
+.Pa FreeSans.ttx :
+.Dl ttx FreeSans.ttf
+.Pa MyFont.ttx
+into a TrueType or OpenType font file:
+.Dl ttx MyFont.ttx
+List the tables in
+.Pa FreeSans.ttf
+along with some information:
+.Dl ttx -l FreeSans.ttf
+Dump the
+.Sq cmap
+table from
+.Pa FreeSans.ttf
+.Pa FreeSans.ttx :
+.Dl ttx -t cmap FreeSans.ttf
+On MS\-Windows and MacOS,
+is available as a graphical application to which files can be dropped.
+.Pa documentation.html
+.Xr fontforge 1 ,
+.Xr ftinfo 1 ,
+.Xr gfontview 1 ,
+.Xr xmbdfed 1 ,
+.Xr Font::TTF 3pm
+was written by
+.An -nosplit
+.An "Just van Rossum" Aq just@letterror.com .
+This manual page was written by
+.An "Florent Rougon" Aq f.rougon@free.fr
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system based on the existing FontTools
+documentation. It may be freely used, modified and distributed without
+.\" For Emacs:
+.\" Local Variables:
+.\" fill-column: 72
+.\" sentence-end: "[.?!][]\"')}]*\\($\\| $\\| \\| \\)[ \n]*"
+.\" sentence-end-double-space: t
+.\" End:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/env/sigi/share/man/man1/xml2odf.1 b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/xml2odf.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e204dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/sigi/share/man/man1/xml2odf.1
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+.\" Title: xml2odf
+.\" Author: S\(/oren Roug
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.74.0
+.\" Date: 03/15/2009
+.\" Manual: User commands
+.\" Source: odfpy
+.\" Language: English
+.TH "XML2ODF" "1" "03/15/2009" "odfpy" "User commands"
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * (re)Define some macros
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" toupper - uppercase a string (locale-aware)
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de toupper
+.tr aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ
+.tr aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH-xref - format a cross-reference to an SH section
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de SH-xref
+.ie n \{\
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SH - level-one heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SH
+.\" put an extra blank line of space above the head in non-TTY output
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.HTML-TAG ".NH \\n[an-level]"
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +3
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.ie n \{\
+.\" if n (TTY output), use uppercase
+.toupper \\$*
+.el \{\
+.nr an-break-flag 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), use normal case (not uppercase)
+.in \\n[an-margin]u
+.ti 0
+.\" if not n (not TTY), put a border/line under subheading
+.sp -.6
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" SS - level-two heading that works better for non-TTY output
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de1 SS
+.sp \\n[PD]u
+.nr an-level 1
+.nr an-prevailing-indent \\n[IN]
+.in \\n[IN]u
+.ti \\n[SN]u
+.it 1 an-trap
+.nr an-no-space-flag 1
+.nr an-break-flag 1
+.ps \\n[PS-SS]u
+\." make the size of the head bigger
+.ps +2
+.ft B
+.ne (2v + 1u)
+.if \\n[.$] \&\\$*
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BB/BE - put background/screen (filled box) around block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BB
+.if t \{\
+.sp -.5
+.in +2n
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EB
+.if t \{\
+.if "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+.sp -1
+.nr BW \\n(.lu-\\n(.i
+.nr BH \\n(dn+.5v
+.ne \\n(BHu+.5v
+.ie "\\$2"adjust-for-leading-newline" \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'+.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.el \{\
+\M[\\$1]\h'1n'\v'-.5v'\D'P \\n(BWu 0 0 \\n(BHu -\\n(BWu 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.sp -.5v
+.sp .5v
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.\" BM/EM - put colored marker in margin next to block of text
+.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+.de BM
+.if t \{\
+.ll -2n
+.gcolor red
+.di BX
+.de EM
+.if t \{\
+.nr BH \\n(dn
+.ne \\n(BHu
+\M[\\$1]\D'P -.75n 0 0 \\n(BHu -(\\n[.i]u - \\n(INu - .75n) 0 0 -\\n(BHu'\M[]
+.in 0
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" * set default formatting
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
+.SH "Name"
+xml2odf \- Create ODF package from OpenDocument in XML form
+.SH "Synopsis"
+.fam C
+.HP \w'\fBxml2odf\fR\ 'u
+\fBxml2odf\fR [\-o\ \fIoutputfile\fR] [\-s] [\fIinputfile\fR]
+.SH "Description"
+OpenDocument can be a complete office document in a single XML file\&. The script will take such a document and create a package\&. This is mainly useful as a postprocesser of a program producing XML, such as a stylesheet\&.
+is assumed to be an OpenDocument file in XML form\&. If there is no inputfile, the program will read from standard input\&. The flag \-s adds correct suffix to the filename according to what mime type is found in the XML file, in cause you don\'t know already what document type you are packaging\&.
+If output file is not specified output will be to standard out\&.
+Section 2\&.1\&.1 of
+Open Document Format for Office Applications
+says that the [content\&.xml] file contains the document content, along with the
+\fIautomatic styles\fR
+needed for the document content\&. The [styles\&.xml] file contains all the named styles of a document, along with the
+\fIautomatic styles\fR
+needed for the named styles\&. The application doesn\'t know which automatic style is needed for what, so it puts the same set of automatic styles into both files\&.
+One could assume that the inverse operation would be easier, but OpenOffice\&.org is quite happy to use the same names for two different automatic styles\&. For instance, a style used inside can have the same name as one used inside but be a different paragraph style\&. This is reported as bug #90494 (http://www\&.openoffice\&.org/issues/show_bug\&.cgi?id=90494)
+.SH "Example"
+.if n \{\
+.RS 4
+.fam C
+.ps -1
+.if t \{\
+.sp -1
+.BB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.sp -1
+xml2odf \-o testdocument \-s xml\-file
+.EB lightgray adjust-for-leading-newline
+.if t \{\
+.sp 1
+.ps +1
+.if n \{\
+.SH "See Also"
+.SH "Bugs"
+Doesn\'t handle external data \-\- images and such\&.
+The library used for the parsing of XML expands empty elements from to \&. It should not have an effect on the document parsing\&.
+.SH "Author"
+\fBS\(/oren Roug\fR
+.RS 4
+Original author
diff --git a/sigi/apps/casas/admin.py b/sigi/apps/casas/admin.py
index 47313fc..96b6933 100644
--- a/sigi/apps/casas/admin.py
+++ b/sigi/apps/casas/admin.py
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-from unicodedata import name
-from urllib import response
from django.contrib import admin
-from django.contrib.admin.options import ModelAdmin
from django.contrib.contenttypes.admin import GenericTabularInline
-from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
@@ -11,16 +7,14 @@ from django_weasyprint.views import WeasyTemplateResponse
from import_export.fields import Field
from sigi.apps.casas.forms import OrgaoForm
from sigi.apps.casas.models import Orgao, Presidente, Funcionario, TipoOrgao
-# from sigi.apps.casas.views import report_complete, labels_report, export_csv, \
-# labels_report_sem_presidente, report, \
-# adicionar_casas_carrinho
from sigi.apps.casas.filters import (GerentesInterlegisFilter, ConvenioFilter,
- ExcluirConvenioFilter)
+ ExcluirConvenioFilter, ServicoFilter)
from sigi.apps.contatos.models import Telefone
-from sigi.apps.convenios.models import Convenio, Projeto
-# from sigi.apps.ocorrencias.models import Ocorrencia
-# from sigi.apps.servicos.models import Servico, TipoServico
-from sigi.apps.utils import field_label, queryset_ascii
+from sigi.apps.convenios.models import Convenio
+from sigi.apps.ocorrencias.models import Ocorrencia
+from sigi.apps.servicos.models import Servico
+from sigi.apps.servicos.filters import ServicoAtivoFilter
+from sigi.apps.utils import queryset_ascii
from sigi.apps.utils.mixins import CartExportReportMixin, LabeledResourse
@@ -143,10 +137,9 @@ class ConveniosInline(admin.TabularInline):
'data_retorno_sem_assinatura', 'get_anexos']
extra = 0
can_delete = False
- template = 'admin/casas/convenios_inline.html'
ordering = ('-data_retorno_assinatura',)
- def has_add_permission(self, request):
+ def has_add_permission(self, request, obj):
return False
def get_anexos(self, obj):
@@ -176,16 +169,11 @@ class ConveniosInline(admin.TabularInline):
def link_convenio(self, obj):
if obj.pk is None:
return ""
- url = reverse(
- f'admin:{obj._meta.app_label}_{obj._meta.module_name}_change',
- args=[obj.pk]
- ) + '?_popup=1'
+ opts = self.opts
+ url = reverse(f"admin:{opts.app_label}_{opts.model_name}_change",
+ args=[obj.pk])
return mark_safe(
- f''
- f''
- f'{_("Editar")}'
+ f'edit'
link_convenio.short_description = _('Editar convenio')
@@ -195,72 +183,64 @@ class ConveniosInline(admin.TabularInline):
return mark_safe(obj.get_sigad_url())
link_sigad.short_description = _("Processo no Senado")
-# class ServicoInline(admin.TabularInline):
-# model = Servico
-# fields = ('link_url', 'contato_tecnico', 'contato_administrativo',
-# 'hospedagem_interlegis', 'data_ativacao', 'data_alteracao',
-# 'data_desativacao', 'link_servico')
-# readonly_fields = ['link_url', 'contato_tecnico', 'contato_administrativo',
-# 'hospedagem_interlegis', 'data_ativacao',
-# 'data_alteracao', 'data_desativacao', 'link_servico']
-# extra = 0
-# max_num = 0
-# can_delete = False
-# ordering = ('-data_alteracao',)
-# def link_url(self, servico):
-# if servico.data_desativacao is not None:
-# return servico.url
-# return mark_safe(
-# f'{servico.url}'
-# )
-# link_url.short_description = _('URL do serviço')
-# def link_servico(self, obj):
-# if obj.pk is None:
-# return ""
-# url = reverse(
-# f'admin:{obj._meta.app_label}_{obj._meta.module_name_change}',
-# args=[obj.pk]
-# ) + '?_popup=1'
-# return mark_safe(
-# f''
-# f'Editar'
-# )
-# link_servico.short_description = _('Editar Serviço')
-# def has_add_permission(self, request):
-# return False
-# class OcorrenciaInline(admin.TabularInline):
-# model = Ocorrencia
-# fields = ('data_criacao', 'assunto', 'prioridade', 'status',
-# 'data_modificacao', 'setor_responsavel', 'link_editar',)
-# readonly_fields = ('data_criacao', 'assunto', 'prioridade', 'status',
-# 'data_modificacao', 'setor_responsavel', 'link_editar',)
-# extra = 0
-# max_num = 0
-# can_delete = False
-# template = 'admin/casas/ocorrencia_inline.html'
-# ordering = ('-data_modificacao',)
-# def link_editar(self, obj):
-# if obj.pk is None:
-# return ""
-# url = reverse(
-# f'admin:{obj._meta.app_label}_{obj._meta.module_name}_change',
-# args=[obj.pk]
-# )
-# return mark_safe(
-# f''
-# f''
-# f'{_("Editar")}'
-# )
-# link_editar.short_description = _('Editar')
+class ServicoInline(admin.TabularInline):
+ model = Servico
+ fields = ('link_url', 'contato_tecnico', 'contato_administrativo',
+ 'hospedagem_interlegis', 'data_ativacao', 'data_alteracao',
+ 'data_desativacao', 'link_servico')
+ readonly_fields = ['link_url', 'contato_tecnico', 'contato_administrativo',
+ 'hospedagem_interlegis', 'data_ativacao',
+ 'data_alteracao', 'data_desativacao', 'link_servico']
+ extra = 0
+ max_num = 0
+ can_delete = False
+ ordering = ('-data_alteracao',)
+ def link_url(self, servico):
+ if servico.data_desativacao is not None:
+ return servico.url
+ return mark_safe(
+ f'{servico.url}'
+ )
+ link_url.short_description = _('URL do serviço')
+ def link_servico(self, obj):
+ if obj.pk is None:
+ return ""
+ opts = self.opts
+ url = reverse(f'admin:{opts.app_label}_{opts.model_name}_change',
+ args=[obj.pk])
+ return mark_safe(
+ f'edit'
+ )
+ link_servico.short_description = _('Editar Serviço')
+ def has_add_permission(self, request, obj):
+ return False
+class OcorrenciaInline(admin.TabularInline):
+ model = Ocorrencia
+ fields = ('data_criacao', 'assunto', 'prioridade', 'status',
+ 'data_modificacao', 'link_editar',)
+ readonly_fields = ('data_criacao', 'assunto', 'prioridade', 'status',
+ 'data_modificacao', 'link_editar',)
+ extra = 0
+ max_num = 0
+ can_delete = False
+ ordering = ('-data_modificacao',)
+ def link_editar(self, obj):
+ if obj.pk is None:
+ return ""
+ opts = self.opts
+ url = reverse(
+ f'admin:{opts.app_label}_{opts.model_name}_change',
+ args=[obj.pk]
+ )
+ return mark_safe(
+ f'edit'
+ )
+ link_editar.short_description = _('Editar')
@@ -268,16 +248,15 @@ class OrgaoAdmin(CartExportReportMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
form = OrgaoForm
resource_class = OrgaoExportResourse
inlines = (TelefonesInline, PresidenteInline, ContatoInterlegisInline,
- FuncionariosInline, ) #ConveniosInline, ServicoInline,
- # OcorrenciaInline,)
+ FuncionariosInline, ConveniosInline, ServicoInline,
+ OcorrenciaInline,)
list_display = ('id', 'sigla', 'nome', 'get_uf', 'get_gerentes',
'get_convenios', 'get_servicos')
list_display_links = ('sigla', 'nome',)
- # list_filter = ('tipo', ('gerentes_interlegis', GerentesInterlegisFilter),
- # 'municipio__uf__nome', ConvenioFilter, ServicoAtivoFilter,
- # ExcluirConvenioFilter, ServicoFilter, 'inclusao_digital',)
list_filter = ('tipo', ('gerentes_interlegis', GerentesInterlegisFilter),
- 'municipio__uf__nome', ConvenioFilter, ExcluirConvenioFilter,
+ 'municipio__uf__nome', ConvenioFilter,
+ ('servico__data_desativacao', ServicoAtivoFilter),
+ ExcluirConvenioFilter, ServicoFilter,
ordering = ('municipio__uf__nome', 'nome')
queryset = queryset_ascii
@@ -295,8 +274,7 @@ class OrgaoAdmin(CartExportReportMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
'pagina_web', 'email', 'obs_pesquisa',)
(_('Outras informações'), {
- 'fields': ('observacoes', 'horario_funcionamento', 'foto',
- 'recorte'),
+ 'fields': ('observacoes', 'horario_funcionamento', 'foto',),
raw_id_fields = ('municipio',)
@@ -331,25 +309,17 @@ class OrgaoAdmin(CartExportReportMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
get_convenios.short_description = _('Convênios')
def get_servicos(self, obj):
- #TODO: Descomentar após migrar a app Servicos
- # return mark_safe(
- # '