mirror of https://github.com/interlegis/sigi.git
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212 lines
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212 lines
5.0 KiB
Exec {
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin',
group { 'sigi':
ensure => 'present',
user { 'sigi':
ensure => 'present',
system => true,
gid => 'sigi',
require => Group['sigi']
$package_deps = [
# gerais
'git', 'supervisor', 'memcached',
# para psycopg ('python-dev' ja eh instalado pelo modulo python)
# para ldap
'libldap2-dev', 'libsasl2-dev', 'libssl-dev']
package { $package_deps: }
$sigi_dir = '/srv/sigi'
$sigidata_dir = '/srv/sigidata'
vcsrepo { $sigi_dir:
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
source => 'https://github.com/interlegis/sigi.git',
revision => 'producao',
require => Package['git'],
file { [
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'sigi',
group => 'sigi',
require => Vcsrepo[$sigi_dir],
file { "${sigi_dir}/media":
ensure => link,
target => "${sigidata_dir}/media",
# TODO A pasta "${sigi_dir}/media" deve ser compartilhada entre instancias de cluster
file { '/var/log/sigi/sigi-supervisor.log':
ensure => file,
if !defined(Class['python']) {
class { 'python':
version => 'system',
dev => true,
virtualenv => true,
pip => true,
$sigi_venv_dir = '/srv/.virtualenvs/sigi'
file { ['/srv/.virtualenvs',]:
ensure => 'directory',
python::virtualenv { $sigi_venv_dir :
require => File['/srv/.virtualenvs'],
python::requirements { "${sigi_dir}/requirements/requirements.txt":
virtualenv => $sigi_venv_dir,
forceupdate => true,
require => [
Package[$package_deps] ]
# GERALDO (reporting)
file { "${sigi_venv_dir}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/reporting":
ensure => link,
target => "${sigi_venv_dir}/src/geraldo/reporting",
exec { 'collectstatic':
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python manage.py collectstatic --noinput",
cwd => $sigi_dir,
require => [
# TODO local_settings.py ...
# XXX trocar isso por algum plugin do puppet?
$supervisor_conf = '/etc/supervisor/conf.d/sigi.conf'
file { $supervisor_conf:
ensure => link,
target => "${sigi_dir}/etc/supervisor/conf.d/sigi.conf",
require => [
Package['supervisor'] ]
exec { 'supervisor_update':
command => 'supervisorctl reread && supervisorctl update',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => [ File[$supervisor_conf], Vcsrepo[$sigi_dir]],
class { 'nginx': }
nginx::resource::upstream { 'sigi_app_server':
members => [ 'unix:/var/run/sigi/sigi.sock' ],
upstream_fail_timeout => 0
# XXX trocar nome para server_name, p.ex. sigi01h.interlegis.leg.br
$sigi_vhost = 'localhost'
nginx::resource::vhost { $sigi_vhost:
client_max_body_size => '4G',
access_log => '/var/log/sigi/sigi-access.log',
error_log => '/var/log/sigi/sigi-error.log',
use_default_location => false,
require => Vcsrepo[$sigi_dir],
# TODO tentar usar try_files ao inves desse "if"
# vide http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19845566/in-nginxs-configuration-could-if-f-request-filename-cause-a-performan
# XXX este raw_append foi uma apelacao devido a limitacoes do modulo nginx
raw_append => '
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
if (!-f $request_filename) {
proxy_pass http://sigi_app_server;
nginx::resource::location { '/static/':
vhost => $sigi_vhost,
location_alias => '/srv/sigi/static/',
nginx::resource::location { '/media/':
vhost => $sigi_vhost,
location_alias => '/srv/sigi/media/',
cron { 'atualiza_uso_servico':
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python ${sigi_dir}/manage.py atualiza_uso_servico -v 0",
user => 'sigi',
hour => [0,]
cron { 'clearsessions':
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python ${sigi_dir}/manage.py clearsessions -v 0",
user => 'sigi',
hour => [0,]
cron { 'sync_ldap':
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python ${sigi_dir}/manage.py sync_ldap",
user => 'sigi',
hour => [0,]
cron { 'gera_map_data':
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python ${sigi_dir}/manage.py gera_map_data",
user => 'sigi',
hour => "*/1",
cron { 'get_moodle_stats':
command => "${sigi_venv_dir}/bin/python ${sigi_dir}/manage.py get_moodle_stats -v 0",
user => 'sigi',
hour => "*/1",