Sistema de Informações Gerenciais do Interlegis
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest
from sigi.apps.casas.test_casas import some_parliaments, parliaments_from_names
from sigi.apps.parlamentares.test_parlamentares import some_parliamentarians, parliamentarians_from_names
from sigi.testutils import pdf_text
@pytest.mark.parametrize("url, some_entries, form_action, name_attr, verbose_name_plural", [
('/parlamentares/parlamentar/', some_parliamentarians, 'adiciona_parlamentar', 'nome_completo', 'Parlamentares'),
('/casas/orgao/', some_parliaments, 'adicionar_casas', 'nome', 'Casas Legislativas'),
def test_add_to_cart(url, some_entries, form_action, name_attr, verbose_name_plural, app):
a, b, c = some_entries()
res = app.get(url)
assert res.status_code == 200
form = res.forms['changelist-form']
form['_selected_action'] = [,] # Andre and Bartolomeu
form['action'] = form_action
res = form.submit()
"2 %s adicionados" % verbose_name_plural in res.content
res = app.get(url + 'carrinho/')
def right_people_present(content):
assert getattr(a, name_attr) in content
assert getattr(b, name_attr) in content
assert getattr(c, name_attr) not in content
'Formato da Etiqueta' in res.content
'Gerar Etiqueta' in res.content
labels_form = res.forms['generate_labels']
res = labels_form.submit()
assert res.content_type == 'application/pdf'
text = pdf_text(res)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("url, some_entries, all_expression", [
('/parlamentares/parlamentar/', some_parliamentarians, 'todos os parlamentares', ),
('/casas/orgao/', some_parliaments, 'todas as casas', ),
def test_no_selection_brings_everyone_to_the_cart(url, some_entries, all_expression, app):
res = app.get(url + 'carrinho/')
assert res.status_code == 200
msg = 'O carrinho está vazio, sendo assim %s entram na lista para exportação' % all_expression
assert msg in res.content
@pytest.mark.parametrize("url, generate_entries", [
('/parlamentares/parlamentar/', parliamentarians_from_names, ),
('/casas/orgao/', parliaments_from_names, ),
def test_pagination(url, generate_entries, app, live_server):
def assert_on_page_1(res):
assert len(res.pyquery('.result_list tbody tr')) == 100
assert 'Página 1 de 2' in res.content
assert '112 itens' in res.content
assert 'Anterior' not in res.content
link = res.html.find('a', text='Próxima')
assert link.attrs['href'] == '?page=2'
def assert_on_page_2(res):
assert len(res.pyquery('.result_list tbody tr')) == 12
assert 'Página 2 de 2' in res.content
assert '112 itens' in res.content
assert 'Próxima' not in res.content
link = res.html.find('a', text='Anterior')
assert link.attrs['href'] == '?page=1'
url_cart = url + 'carrinho/'
res = app.get(url_cart)
assert res.status_code == 200
res = app.get(url_cart + '?page=2')
# if the argument is too big we land on the last page
res = app.get(url_cart + '?page=1000')
# if the argument is not a number we land on the first page
res = app.get(url + 'carrinho/?page=aaaa')