#!/bin/bash showHelp () { echo "Script to check for full PVs in Kubernetes." echo "Requires kubectl with a configuration file in ~/.kube/config and df-pv krew plugin." echo "Usage: " echo " ./check_full_pvs.sh [-t threshold] [-f]" echo "Parameters:" echo " -t (optional) : Threshold to use for near full PV evaluation (in %). Defaults to 85%." echo " -f (optional) : Fix near full PVs (resize them). Defaults to false." echo " -i (optional) : Percentage of PV increase when resizing. Defaults to 50%." } checkReqs () { if [ ! -x "$(command -v "kubectl")" ]; then echo "ERROR: Kubectl is required for this script to run." exit fi kubectl df-pv -h > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: df-pv kubectl plugin is required for this script to run. First install krew, then install df-pv plugin." exit fi } scaleworkload () { NAMESPACE=$1 TYPE=$2 WORKLOADNAME=$3 SCALE=$4 echo -n " |-- Scaling $TYPE $WORKLOADNAME in $NAMESPACE to $SCALE... " && \ kubectl scale --replicas=$SCALE $TYPE $WORKLOADNAME --namespace ${NAMESPACE} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo " |-- Error scaling $TYPE $WORKLOADNAME to $SCALE." fi } waitforresize (){ ns=$1 pvcname=$2 echo " |-- Waiting for volume resize for $pvcname..." pendingresize=0 for count in $(seq 1 60); do pvcstatus=$(kubectl get pvc $pvcname -n $ns -o=jsonpath='{.status.conditions[0].type}') if [[ "$pvcstatus" == "FileSystemResizePending" ]]; then echo " |-- $pvcname resized. Need now to resize inner filesystem. This happens automatically when a pod mounts the volume." pendingresize=1 break else sleep 10 fi done if [ $pendingresize -eq 0 ]; then echo " |-- Timeout trying to resize $pvcname." fi } restartforresize () { NAMESPACE=$1 TYPE=$2 PVC=$3 WORKLOADS=$(kubectl get $TYPE -n $NAMESPACE -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{" "}{.spec.template.spec.volumes[].persistentVolumeClaim.claimName}{" "}{.status.replicas}{"\n"}{end}') if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo " |-- Error trying to get deployments for namespace $NAMESPACE." else for WORKLOAD in $WORKLOADS; do name=$(echo $WORKLOAD | awk '{print $1}') pvcname=$(echo $WORKLOAD | awk '{print $2}') scale=$(echo $WORKLOAD | awk '{print $3}') if [[ "$pvcname" == $PVC ]]; then scaleworkload $NAMESPACE $TYPE $name 0 waitforresize $NAMESPACE $pvcname scaleworkload $NAMESPACE $TYPE $name $scale fi done fi } FULLTHRESHOLD=85 FIX=0 INCREASEPERC=50 while getopts ":t:i:f" opt; do case ${opt} in t ) FULLTHRESHOLD=$OPTARG ;; f ) FIX=1 ;; i ) INCREASEPERC=$OPTARG ;; \? ) echo "ERROR: Invalid option: $OPTARG" 1>&2 showHelp exit 1 ;; : ) echo "ERROR: Invalid option: $OPTARG requires an argument" 1>&2 showHelp exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) checkReqs ALLNS=$(kubectl get ns -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') IFS=$' ' for ns in $ALLNS; do usedstr=$(kubectl df-pv -n ${ns} -d | grep -v "PV NAME" | sed -r '/^\s*$/d') IFS=$'\n' for pv in $usedstr; do usedperc=$(echo "$pv" | awk '{print $10}') pvcname=$(echo "$pv" | awk '{print $2}') size=$(echo "$pv" | awk '{print $7}' | numfmt --from=iec-i --to=iec-i --to-unit=Gi --round=up) if (( $(bc <<< "($usedperc > $FULLTHRESHOLD)") )); then echo "Volume $pvcname is almost full: ${usedperc}%!" if [ $FIX -ne 0 ]; then pvcstatus=$(kubectl get pvc $pvcname -n $ns -o=jsonpath='{.status.conditions[0].type}') if [[ "$pvcstatus" == 'Resizing' ]]; then echo " |-- Volume $pvcname already has a Resizing operation going on." restartforresize $ns deployment $pvcname restartforresize $ns statefulset $pvcname else newsize=$(echo ${size}*1.${INCREASEPERC}| bc | grep -v "$\.0") echo " |-- Resizing $pvcname: ${size}Gi --> ${newsize}Gi..." fi fi fi done done