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259 lines
5.4 KiB
259 lines
5.4 KiB
6 years ago
test:: {
kind: 'pipeline',
name: 'testing',
platform: {
os: 'linux',
arch: 'amd64',
steps: [
name: 'vet',
image: 'golang:1.13',
pull: 'always',
commands: [
'make vet',
volumes: [
name: 'gopath',
path: '/go',
name: 'lint',
image: 'golang:1.13',
pull: 'always',
commands: [
'make lint',
volumes: [
name: 'gopath',
path: '/go',
name: 'misspell',
image: 'golang:1.13',
pull: 'always',
commands: [
'make misspell-check',
volumes: [
name: 'gopath',
path: '/go',
name: 'test',
image: 'golang:1.13',
pull: 'always',
environment: {
WEBHOOK_ID: { 'from_secret': 'webhook_id' },
WEBHOOK_TOKEN: { 'from_secret': 'webhook_token' },
commands: [
'make test',
'make coverage',
volumes: [
name: 'gopath',
path: '/go',
name: 'codecov',
image: 'robertstettner/drone-codecov',
pull: 'always',
settings: {
token: { 'from_secret': 'codecov_token' },
volumes: [
name: 'gopath',
temp: {},
build(name, os='linux', arch='amd64'):: {
kind: 'pipeline',
name: os + '-' + arch,
platform: {
os: os,
arch: arch,
steps: [
name: 'build-push',
image: 'golang:1.13',
pull: 'always',
environment: {
commands: [
'go build -v -ldflags \'-X${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}\' -a -o release/' + os + '/' + arch + '/' + name,
when: {
event: {
exclude: [ 'tag' ],
name: 'build-tag',
image: 'golang:1.13',
pull: 'always',
environment: {
commands: [
'go build -v -ldflags \'-X main.version=${DRONE_TAG##v} -X${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}\' -a -o release/' + os + '/' + arch + '/' + name,
when: {
event: [ 'tag' ],
name: 'executable',
image: 'golang:1.13',
pull: 'always',
commands: [
'./release/' + os + '/' + arch + '/' + name + ' --help',
name: 'dryrun',
image: 'plugins/docker:' + os + '-' + arch,
pull: 'always',
settings: {
daemon_off: false,
dry_run: true,
tags: os + '-' + arch,
dockerfile: 'docker/Dockerfile.' + os + '.' + arch,
repo: 'appleboy/' + name,
cache_from: 'appleboy/' + name,
when: {
event: [ 'pull_request' ],
name: 'publish',
image: 'plugins/docker:' + os + '-' + arch,
pull: 'always',
settings: {
daemon_off: 'false',
auto_tag: true,
auto_tag_suffix: os + '-' + arch,
dockerfile: 'docker/Dockerfile.' + os + '.' + arch,
repo: 'appleboy/' + name,
cache_from: 'appleboy/' + name,
username: { 'from_secret': 'docker_username' },
password: { 'from_secret': 'docker_password' },
when: {
event: {
exclude: [ 'pull_request' ],
depends_on: [
trigger: {
ref: [
release:: {
kind: 'pipeline',
name: 'release-binary',
platform: {
os: 'linux',
arch: 'amd64',
steps: [
name: 'build-all-binary',
image: 'golang:1.13',
pull: 'always',
commands: [
'make release'
when: {
event: [ 'tag' ],
name: 'deploy-all-binary',
image: 'plugins/github-release',
pull: 'always',
settings: {
files: [ 'dist/release/*' ],
api_key: { 'from_secret': 'github_release_api_key' },
when: {
event: [ 'tag' ],
depends_on: [
trigger: {
ref: [
notifications(os='linux', arch='amd64', depends_on=[]):: {
kind: 'pipeline',
name: 'notifications',
platform: {
os: os,
arch: arch,
steps: [
name: 'manifest',
image: 'plugins/manifest',
pull: 'always',
settings: {
username: { from_secret: 'docker_username' },
password: { from_secret: 'docker_password' },
spec: 'docker/manifest.tmpl',
ignore_missing: true,
depends_on: depends_on,
trigger: {
ref: [
signature(key):: {
kind: 'signature',
hmac: key,