Drone Terraform plugin
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

191 lines
4.7 KiB

package main
import (
. "github.com/franela/goblin"
func TestPlugin(t *testing.T) {
g := Goblin(t)
g.Describe("CopyTfEnv", func() {
g.It("Should create copies of TF_VAR_ to lowercase", func() {
// Set some initial TF_VAR_ that are uppercase
os.Setenv("TF_VAR_SOMETHING", "some value")
os.Setenv("TF_VAR_SOMETHING_ELSE", "some other value")
os.Setenv("TF_VAR_BASE64", "dGVzdA==")
// Make sure new env vars exist with proper values
g.Assert(os.Getenv("TF_VAR_something")).Equal("some value")
g.Assert(os.Getenv("TF_VAR_something_else")).Equal("some other value")
7 years ago
g.Describe("tfShow", func() {
g.It("Should return correct apply commands given the arguments", func() {
type args struct {
config Config
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want *exec.Cmd
args{config: Config{}},
exec.Command("terraform", "show", "-no-color"),
"with planfile",
args{config: Config{Planfile: "/tmp/plan.tfout", Difffile: "/tmp/plan.diff"}},
exec.Command("terraform", "show", "-no-color", "/tmp/plan.tfout"),
7 years ago
for _, tt := range tests {
7 years ago
g.Describe("tfApply", func() {
g.It("Should return correct apply commands given the arguments", func() {
type args struct {
config Config
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want *exec.Cmd
args{config: Config{}},
exec.Command("terraform", "apply", "plan.tfout"),
"with path",
args{config: Config{Planfile: "/tmp/a.tfout"}},
exec.Command("terraform", "apply", "/tmp/a.tfout"),
"with parallelism",
args{config: Config{Parallelism: 5}},
exec.Command("terraform", "apply", "-parallelism=5", "plan.tfout"),
"with targets",
args{config: Config{Targets: []string{"target1", "target2"}}},
exec.Command("terraform", "apply", "--target", "target1", "--target", "target2", "plan.tfout"),
for _, tt := range tests {
g.Describe("tfDestroy", func() {
g.It("Should return correct destroy commands given the arguments", func() {
type args struct {
config Config
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want *exec.Cmd
args{config: Config{}},
exec.Command("terraform", "destroy", "-force"),
"with parallelism",
args{config: Config{Parallelism: 5}},
exec.Command("terraform", "destroy", "-parallelism=5", "-force"),
"with targets",
args{config: Config{Targets: []string{"target1", "target2"}}},
exec.Command("terraform", "destroy", "-target=target1", "-target=target2", "-force"),
"with vars",
args{config: Config{Vars: map[string]string{"username": "someuser", "password": "1pass"}}},
exec.Command("terraform", "destroy", "-var", "username=someuser", "-var", "password=1pass", "-force"),
"with var-files",
args{config: Config{VarFiles: []string{"common.tfvars", "prod.tfvars"}}},
exec.Command("terraform", "destroy", "-var-file=common.tfvars", "-var-file=prod.tfvars", "-force"),
for _, tt := range tests {
g.Describe("tfPlan", func() {
g.It("Should return correct plan commands given the arguments", func() {
type args struct {
config Config
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
destroy bool
want *exec.Cmd
args{config: Config{}},
exec.Command("terraform", "plan", "-out=plan.tfout"),
"with path",
args{config: Config{Planfile: "/tmp/a.tfout"}},
exec.Command("terraform", "plan", "-out=/tmp/a.tfout"),
args{config: Config{}},
exec.Command("terraform", "plan", "-destroy"),
"with vars",
args{config: Config{Vars: map[string]string{"username": "someuser", "password": "1pass"}}},
exec.Command("terraform", "plan", "-out=plan.tfout", "-var", "username=someuser", "-var", "password=1pass"),
"with var-files",
args{config: Config{VarFiles: []string{"common.tfvars", "prod.tfvars"}}},
exec.Command("terraform", "plan", "-out=plan.tfout", "-var-file=common.tfvars", "-var-file=prod.tfvars"),
for _, tt := range tests {
g.Assert(tfPlan(tt.args.config, tt.destroy).Tfcmd).Equal(tt.want)