This Helm Chart is based on the [official local-path-provisioner chart]( and on previous work on the [Interlegis local-path-provisioner chart](
| `rbac.create` | If true, create & use RBAC resources | `true` |
| `serviceAccount.create` | If true, create the Local Path Provisioner service account | `true` |
| `` | Name of the Local Path Provisioner service account to use or create | `nil` |
| `nodeSelector` | Node labels for Local Path Provisioner pod assignment | `{}` |
| `tolerations` | Node taints to tolerate | `[]` |
| `affinity` | Pod affinity | `{}` |
| `configmap.setup` | Configuration of script to execute setup operations on each node | #!/bin/sh<br>while getopts "m:s:p:" opt<br>do<br> case $opt in <br>  p)<br>  absolutePath=$OPTARG<br>  ;;<br>  s)<br>  sizeInBytes=$OPTARG<br>  ;;<br>  m)<br>  volMode=$OPTARG<br>  ;;<br> esac<br>done<br>mkdir -m 0777 -p ${absolutePath} |
| `configmap.teardown` | Configuration of script to execute teardown operations on each node | #!/bin/sh<br>while getopts "m:s:p:" opt<br>do<br> case $opt in <br>  p)<br>  absolutePath=$OPTARG<br>  ;;<br>  s)<br>  sizeInBytes=$OPTARG<br>  ;;<br>  m)<br>  volMode=$OPTARG<br>  ;;<br> esac<br>done<br>rm -rf ${absolutePath} |
| `` | configmap name | `local-path-config` |