questions: - variable: vCenter.configSecret.generate label: Generate CSI vSphere Config Secret description: Generates a Secret that contains a CSI vSphere config and credentials (If the option to generate it is enabled, credentials will be visible in the API to authorized users) type: boolean default: true required: true group: vCenter Configuration show_subquestion_if: true subquestions: - variable: label: vCenter Host description: IP address or FQDN of the vCenter type: string - variable: vCenter.datacenters description: Comma-separated list of paths to data centers. E.g "<dc1-path>, <dc2-path>, ..." label: Data Centers type: string - variable: vCenter.username label: Username description: Username for vCenter type: string - variable: vCenter.password label: Password description: Password for vCenter type: password - variable: label: CSI vSphere Config Secret Name description: Name of the Secret that contains a CSI vSphere config and credentials (Will not be visible in the API. More info in the README) type: string group: vCenter Configuration show_if: "vCenter.configSecret.generate=false" - variable: csiMigration.enabled label: Enable CSI Migration description: Enable migration of volumes provisioned by in-tree vSphere provider to CSI (Available for vSphere 7.0 U1+ only) type: boolean default: false group: Driver Configuration - variable: csiAuthCheck.enabled label: Enable authorization checks on operations involving datastores type: boolean default: false group: Driver Configuration - variable: onlineVolumeExtend.enabled label: Enable Online Volume Extend description: Enable expansion of PVCs that are in use by a Pod or mounted in a Node (Available for vSphere 7.0 U2+ only) type: boolean default: false group: Driver Configuration - variable: triggerCsiFullsync.enabled label: Enable CSI Full Sync description: Keeps CNS up to date with Kubernetes volume metadata information (such as PVs, PVCs, pods, and so on) type: boolean default: false group: Driver Configuration - variable: asyncQueryVolume.enabled label: Enable Async Query Volume description: Improves retrieval of volume information type: boolean default: false group: Driver Configuration - variable: improvedCsiIdempotency.enabled label: Enable Improved CSI Idempotency description: Enhances driver to ensure volume operations are idempotent type: boolean default: false group: Driver Configuration - variable: improvedVolumeTopology.enabled label: Enable Improved Volume Topology description: Allows using the topology feature without the need to mount vSphere credentials in the CSI node daemonset type: boolean default: false group: Driver Configuration - variable: csiController.csiResizer.enabled label: Enable CSI Volume Resizer description: This feature is available for vSphere 7.0 U1+ only type: boolean default: false group: Storage - variable: storageClass.enabled default: true label: Create Storage Class description: Create a storageClass with the vSphere CSI provisioner type: boolean required: true show_subquestion_if: true group: Storage subquestions: - variable: label: Storage Class Name default: "vsphere-csi-sc" type: string - variable: storageClass.isDefault label: Default Storage Class description: Set the Storage Class as the default default: true type: boolean - variable: storageClass.allowVolumeExpansion label: Allow Volume Expansion description: Allows resizing the volume by editing the corresponding PVC object (Available for vSphere 7.0+ only) default: false type: boolean - variable: storageClass.storagePolicyName label: Storage Policy Name description: Name of the Storage Policy created in vCenter type: string - variable: storageClass.datastoreURL label: Data Store URL description: URL of the data store to use for new volumes (If unspecified, any data store that matches the request will be selected). type: string - variable: csiNode.prefixPath label: Prefix Path for `/var/lib/kubelet` description: For some operating systems including RancherOS, RKE prefixes `/var/lib/kubelet` with `/opt/rke`. Add the prefix path of the location of /var/lib/kubelet type: string default: "" group: Node Configuration