labels: io.cattle.role: project categories: - High Availibility questions: - variable: keepalived.virtual_ip default: "" description: "VRRP Virtual IP Address" label: Virtual IP type: string group: VRRP IP Configuration required: true - variable: keepalived.virtual_mask default: 24 description: "VRRP Virtual IP Network Mask (0-255)" label: Network Mask type: int group: VRRP IP Configuration required: true - variable: keepalived.vrid default: 1 description: "VRRP Virtual Router ID (0-255)" label: Router ID type: int group: VRRP IP Configuration required: true - variable: keepalived.interface default: "eth0" description: "Network Interface for VRRP Packets" label: Network Interface type: string group: VRRP IP Configuration required: true - variable: keepalived.auth_pass default: "agoodpwd" description: "8 characters VRRP Authentication Password" label: Auth Password type: string group: Keepalived Configuration required: true - variable: keepalived.check_script default: "ss -ltn | grep :443" description: "Service Healthcheck Script (runs in the Keepalived container)" label: Check Script type: string group: Keepalived Configuration required: true - variable: nodeSelector default: "role=ingress" description: "Node Selector for the Keepalived Pods." label: Node Selector type: string group: Container Scheduling required: false