Interlegis Public Rancher Charts for Kubernetes

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Snappy Mail Helm Chart

This Helm chart installs and manages the Snappy Mail application in Kubernetes.


  • Kubernetes cluster
  • Helm 3


The following table lists the configurable parameters for this chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Number of replicas to run 1
image.repository Snappy Mail image repository
image.pullPolicy Snappy Mail image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.tag Snappy Mail image tag ""
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets for private repos []
nameOverride Override the name of the chart ""
fullnameOverride Override the full name of the chart ""
podAnnotations Annotations to add to the pod {}
podSecurityContext Security context for the pod {}
securityContext Security context for the container {}
service.type Type of service ClusterIP
service.port Port for the service 80
snappymail.uploadMaxSize Maximum size of uploaded files 25M
snappymail.memoryLimit Memory limit for Snappy Mail 128M
snappymail.secureCookies Option to turn on secure cookies true
snappymail.logToStderr Option to log to stderr true
ingress.enabled Option to enable ingress false
ingress.className The ingress class for the service ""
ingress.annotations Annotations for the ingress {}
ingress.hosts[0].host Host for ingress chart-example.local
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path Path for ingress /
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType Path type for ingress ImplementationSpecific
ingress.tls TLS settings for ingress []
resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for resources 1500m
resources.limits.memory Memory limit for resources 1500Mi
resources.requests.cpu CPU request for resources 500m
resources.requests.memory Memory request for resources 700Mi
autoscaling.enabled Option to enable horizontal pod autoscaler false
autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas 2
autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas 10
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target CPU utilization percentage 70
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
persistence.accessMode Access mode for storage ReadWriteMany
persistence.size Size of the storage 8Gi
persistence.storageClass Storage class ""
mariadb.auth.rootPassword Root password for MariaDB changeme
mariadb.auth.database Database for MariaDB snappymail
mariadb.auth.username Username for MariaDB snappymail
mariadb.auth.password Password for MariaDB changeme
mariadb.architecture MariaDB architecture standalone
mariadb.primary.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for primary container 1500m
mariadb.primary.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for primary container 768Mi
mariadb.primary.resources.requests.cpu CPU request for primary container 500m
mariadb.primary.resources.requests.memory Memory request for primary container 256Mi
redis.architecture Redis architecture standalone
redis.auth.enabled Option to enable authentication for Redis false
redis.master.persistence.enabled Option to enable persistence for Redis true
redis.master.persistence.size Size of the storage for Redis 8Gi
redis.master.persistence.storageClass Storage class for Redis ""

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install or provide a values.yaml file in the command like -f values.yaml.


To uninstall the chart, run:

helm delete snappymail