import re
import pkg_resources
import yaml
from django.apps import apps
from django.apps.config import AppConfig
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db import connections, models
from django.db.models import CharField, TextField
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from model_mommy import mommy
from comissoes.models import Composicao, Participacao
from parlamentares.models import Parlamentar
from sessao.models import SessaoPlenaria
# BASE ######################################################################
# apps to be migrated, in app dependency order (very important)
appconfs = [apps.get_app_config(n) for n in [
'protocoloadm', ]]
stubs_list = []
name_sets = [set(m.__name__ for m in ac.get_models()) for ac in appconfs]
# apps do not overlap
for s1 in name_sets:
for s2 in name_sets:
if s1 is not s2:
assert not s1.intersection(s2)
# apps include all legacy models
legacy_app = apps.get_app_config('legacy')
legacy_model_names = set(m.__name__ for m in legacy_app.get_models())
model_dict = {m.__name__: m for ac in appconfs for m in ac.get_models()}
# RENAMES ###################################################################
MODEL_RENAME_PATTERN = re.compile('(.+) \((.+)\)')
def get_renames():
field_renames = {}
model_renames = {}
for app in appconfs:
app_rename_data = yaml.load(
pkg_resources.resource_string(app.module.__name__, 'legacy.yaml'))
for model_name, renames in app_rename_data.items():
match = MODEL_RENAME_PATTERN.match(model_name)
if match:
model_name, old_name = match.groups()
old_name = None
model = getattr(app.models_module, model_name)
if old_name:
model_renames[model] = old_name
field_renames[model] = renames
# collect renames from parent classes
for model, renames in field_renames.items():
if any(parent in field_renames for parent in model.__mro__[1:]):
renames = {}
for parent in reversed(model.__mro__):
if parent in field_renames:
field_renames[model] = renames
# remove abstract classes
field_renames = {m: r for m, r in field_renames.items()
if not m._meta.abstract}
return field_renames, model_renames
# MIGRATION #################################################################
def info(msg):
print('INFO: ' + msg)
def warn(msg):
print('CUIDADO! ' + msg)
def get_fk_related(field, value, label=None):
fields_dict = {}
if value is None and field.null is False:
value = 0
if value is not None:
value = field.related_model.objects.get(id=value)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
msg = 'FK [%s] não encontrada para valor %s ' \
'(em %s %s)' % (
field.name, value,
field.model.__name__, label or '---')
if value == 0:
# se FK == 0, criamos um stub e colocamos o valor '????????
# para qualquer CharField ou TextField que possa haver
if not field.null:
all_fields = field.related_model._meta.get_fields()
fields_dict = {f.name: '????????????'[:f.max_length]
for f in all_fields
if isinstance(f, (CharField, TextField)) and
not f.choices and not f.blank}
value = mommy.make(field.related_model,
warn(msg + ' => STUB criada para campos não nuláveis!')
value = None
warn(msg + ' => usando None para valores iguais a zero!')
value = make_stub(field.related_model, value)
stubs_list.append((value.id, field))
warn(msg + ' => STUB criada!')
assert value
return value
def get_field(model, fieldname):
return model._meta.get_field(fieldname)
def exec_sql(sql, db='default'):
cursor = connections[db].cursor()
return cursor
def iter_sql_records(sql, db):
class Record:
cursor = exec_sql(sql, db)
fieldnames = [name[0] for name in cursor.description]
for row in cursor.fetchall():
record = Record()
record.__dict__.update(zip(fieldnames, row))
yield record
def save_with_id(new, id):
sequence_name = '%s_id_seq' % type(new)._meta.db_table
cursor = exec_sql('SELECT last_value from %s;' % sequence_name)
(last_value,) = cursor.fetchone()
if last_value == 1 or id != last_value + 1:
# we explicitly set the next id if last_value == 1
# because last_value == 1 for a table containing either 0 or 1 records
# (we would have trouble for id == 2 and a missing id == 1)
exec_sql('ALTER SEQUENCE %s RESTART WITH %s;' % (sequence_name, id))
assert new.id == id, 'New id is different from provided!'
def make_stub(model, id):
new = mommy.prepare(model)
save_with_id(new, id)
return new
class DataMigrator:
def __init__(self):
self.field_renames, self.model_renames = get_renames()
def populate_renamed_fields(self, new, old):
renames = self.field_renames[type(new)]
for field in new._meta.fields:
old_field_name = renames.get(field.name)
field_type = field.get_internal_type()
msg = ("Field %s (%s) from model %s " %
(field.name, field_type, field.model.__name__))
if old_field_name:
old_value = getattr(old, old_field_name)
if isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey):
old_type = type(old) # not necessarily a model
if hasattr(old_type, '_meta') and \
old_type._meta.pk.name != 'id':
label = old.pk
label = '-- WITHOUT PK --'
value = get_fk_related(field, old_value, label)
value = getattr(old, old_field_name)
if (field_type == 'DateField' and
field.null is False and value is None):
names = [old_fields.name for old_fields
in old._meta.get_fields()]
combined_names = "(" + ")|(".join(names) + ")"
matches = re.search('(ano_\w+)', combined_names)
if not matches:
warn(msg + '=> setting 0000-01-01 value to DateField')
value = '0001-01-01'
value = '%d-01-01' % getattr(old, matches.group(0))
warn(msg + "=> settig %s for not null DateField" %
if field_type == 'CharField' or field_type == 'TextField':
if value is None:
warn(msg + "=> settig empty string '' for %s value" %
value = ''
setattr(new, field.name, value)
def migrate(self, obj=appconfs):
# warning: model/app migration order is of utmost importance
self.to_delete = []
info('Starting %s migration...' % obj)
# exclude logically deleted in legacy base
info('Deleting models with ind_excluido...')
for obj in self.to_delete:
info('Deleting unnecessary stubs...')
def _do_migrate(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, AppConfig):
models_to_migrate = (model for model in obj.models.values()
if model in self.field_renames)
elif isinstance(obj, ModelBase):
elif hasattr(obj, '__iter__'):
for item in obj:
raise TypeError(
'Parameter must be a Model, AppConfig or a sequence of them')
def migrate_model(self, model):
print('Migrating %s...' % model.__name__)
legacy_model_name = self.model_renames.get(model, model.__name__)
legacy_model = legacy_app.get_model(legacy_model_name)
legacy_pk_name = legacy_model._meta.pk.name
# Clear all model entries
# They may have been created in a previous migration attempt
# setup migration strategy for tables with or without a pk
if legacy_pk_name == 'id':
# There is no pk in the legacy table
def save(new, old):
old_records = iter_sql_records(
'select * from ' + legacy_model._meta.db_table, 'legacy')
def save(new, old):
save_with_id(new, getattr(old, legacy_pk_name))
old_records = legacy_model.objects.all().order_by(legacy_pk_name)
adjust = MIGRATION_ADJUSTMENTS.get(model)
# convert old records to new ones
for old in old_records:
new = model()
self.populate_renamed_fields(new, old)
if adjust:
adjust(new, old)
save(new, old)
if getattr(old, 'ind_excluido', False):
def delete_stubs(self):
for line in stubs_list:
stub, field = line
# Filter all objects in model and delete from related model
# if quantity is equal to zero
if field.model.objects.filter(**{field.name: stub}).exists():
field.related_model.objects.get(**{'id': stub}).delete()
def migrate(obj=appconfs):
dm = DataMigrator()
# MIGRATION_ADJUSTMENTS #####################################################
def adjust_participacao(new_participacao, old):
composicao = Composicao()
composicao.comissao, composicao.periodo = [
get_fk_related(Composicao._meta.get_field(name), value)
for name, value in (('comissao', old.cod_comissao),
('periodo', old.cod_periodo_comp))]
# check if there is already an "equal" one in the db
already_created = Composicao.objects.filter(
comissao=composicao.comissao, periodo=composicao.periodo)
if already_created:
assert len(already_created) == 1 # we must never have made 2 copies
[composicao] = already_created
new_participacao.composicao = composicao
def adjust_parlamentar(new_parlamentar, old):
value = new_parlamentar.unidade_deliberativa
# Field is defined as not null in legacy db,
# but data includes null values
# => transform None to False
if value is None:
warn('null converted to False')
new_parlamentar.unidade_deliberativa = False
def adjust_sessaoplenaria(new, old):
assert not old.tip_expediente
Participacao: adjust_participacao,
Parlamentar: adjust_parlamentar,
SessaoPlenaria: adjust_sessaoplenaria,
# CHECKS ####################################################################
def get_ind_excluido(obj):
legacy_model = legacy_app.get_model(type(obj).__name__)
return getattr(legacy_model.objects.get(
**{legacy_model._meta.pk.name: obj.id}), 'ind_excluido', False)
def check_app_no_ind_excluido(app):
for model in app.models.values():
assert not any(get_ind_excluido(obj) for obj in model.objects.all())