import re
import pkg_resources
import yaml
from django.apps import apps
from django.apps.config import AppConfig
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db import connections, models
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from model_mommy import mommy
from comissoes.models import Composicao, Participacao
from parlamentares.models import Parlamentar
# BASE ######################################################################
# this order is important for the migration
appconfs = [apps.get_app_config(n) for n in [
'protocoloadm', ]]
name_sets = [set(m.__name__ for m in ac.get_models()) for ac in appconfs]
# apps do not overlap
for s1 in name_sets:
for s2 in name_sets:
if s1 is not s2:
assert not s1.intersection(s2)
# apps include all legacy models
legacy_app = apps.get_app_config('legacy')
legacy_model_names = set(m.__name__ for m in legacy_app.get_models())
model_dict = {m.__name__: m for ac in appconfs for m in ac.get_models()}
# RENAMES ###################################################################
MODEL_RENAME_PATTERN = re.compile('(.+) \((.+)\)')
def get_renames():
field_renames = {}
model_renames = {}
for app in appconfs:
app_rename_data = yaml.load(pkg_resources.resource_string(app.module.__name__, 'legacy.yaml'))
for model_name, renames in app_rename_data.items():
match = MODEL_RENAME_PATTERN.match(model_name)
if match:
model_name, old_name = match.groups()
old_name = None
model = getattr(app.models_module, model_name)
if old_name:
model_renames[model] = old_name
field_renames[model] = renames
# collect renames from parent classes
for model, renames in field_renames.items():
if any(parent in field_renames for parent in model.__mro__[1:]):
renames = {}
for parent in reversed(model.__mro__):
if parent in field_renames:
field_renames[model] = renames
# remove abstract classes
for model in field_renames:
if model._meta.abstract:
del field_renames[model]
return field_renames, model_renames
# MIGRATION #################################################################
def info(msg):
print('INFO: ' + msg)
def warn(msg):
print('WARNING! ' + msg)
special_transforms = {}
def special(model, fieldname):
def wrap(function):
special_transforms[model._meta.get_field(fieldname)] = function
return function
return wrap
@special(Parlamentar, 'unidade_deliberativa')
def none_to_false(obj, value):
# Field is defined as not null in legacy db, but data includes null values
# => transform None to False
if value is None:
warn('null converted to False')
return bool(value)
@special(Participacao, 'composicao')
def get_participacao_composicao(obj, value):
# value parameter is ignored
new = Composicao()
for new_field, value in [('comissao', obj.cod_comissao),
('periodo', obj.cod_periodo_comp)]:
model_field = Composicao._meta.get_field(new_field)
value = get_related_if_foreignkey(model_field, '???', value)
setattr(new, new_field, value)
previous = Composicao.objects.filter(comissao=new.comissao, periodo=new.periodo)
if previous:
assert len(previous) == 1
return previous[0]
return new
def migrate(obj=appconfs, count_limit=None):
# warning: model/app migration order is of utmost importance
to_delete = []
_do_migrate(obj, to_delete, count_limit)
# exclude logically deleted in legacy base
info('Deleting models with ind_excluido...')
for obj in to_delete:
def _do_migrate(obj, to_delete, count_limit=None):
if isinstance(obj, AppConfig):
_do_migrate(obj.models.values(), to_delete, count_limit)
elif isinstance(obj, ModelBase):
migrate_model(obj, to_delete, count_limit)
elif hasattr(obj, '__iter__'):
for item in obj:
_do_migrate(item, to_delete, count_limit)
raise TypeError('Parameter must be a Model, AppConfig or a sequence of them')
def exec_sql(sql, db='default'):
cursor = connections[db].cursor()
return cursor
def iter_sql_records(sql, db):
class Record(object):
cursor = exec_sql(sql, db)
fieldnames = [name[0] for name in cursor.description]
for row in cursor.fetchall():
record = Record()
record.__dict__.update(zip(fieldnames, row))
yield record
def save_with_id(new, id):
sequence_name = '%s_id_seq' % type(new)._meta.db_table
cursor = exec_sql('SELECT last_value from %s;' % sequence_name)
(last_value,) = cursor.fetchone()
if last_value == 1 or id != last_value + 1:
# we explicitly set the next id if last_value == 1
# because last_value == 1 for a table containing either 0 or 1 records
# (we would have trouble for id == 2 and a missing id == 1)
exec_sql('ALTER SEQUENCE %s RESTART WITH %s;' % (sequence_name, id))
assert new.id == id, 'New id is different from provided!'
def make_stub(model, id):
new = mommy.prepare(model)
save_with_id(new, id)
return new
def migrate_model(model, to_delete, count_limit=None):
legacy_model_name = model_renames.get(model, model.__name__)
if legacy_model_name.upper() == 'IGNORE':
print('Model ignored: %s' % model.__name__)
print('Migrating %s...' % model.__name__)
# clear all model entries
legacy_model = legacy_app.get_model(legacy_model_name)
old_pk_name = legacy_model._meta.pk.name
# setup migration strategy for tables with or without a pk
if old_pk_name == 'id':
# There is no pk in the legacy table
def get_old_pk(old):
return '-- WITHOUT PK --'
def save(new, id):
old_records = iter_sql_records(
'select * from ' + legacy_model._meta.db_table, 'legacy')
def get_old_pk(old):
return getattr(old, old_pk_name)
save = save_with_id
old_records = legacy_model.objects.all().order_by(old_pk_name)[:count_limit]
# convert old records to new ones
for old in old_records:
old_pk = get_old_pk(old)
new = model()
for new_field, old_field in field_renames[model].items():
value = getattr(old, old_field)
model_field = model._meta.get_field(new_field)
transform = special_transforms.get(model_field)
if transform:
value = transform(old, value)
# check for a relation
value = get_related_if_foreignkey(model_field, old_pk, value)
setattr(new, new_field, value)
save(new, old_pk)
if getattr(old, 'ind_excluido', False):
def get_related_if_foreignkey(model_field, old_pk, value):
if isinstance(model_field, models.ForeignKey) and value is not None:
value = model_field.related_model.objects.get(id=value)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
msg = 'FK [%s (%s) : %s] not found for value %s' % (
model_field.model.__name__, old_pk, model_field.name, value)
if value == 0:
# we interpret FK == 0 as actually FK == NONE
value = None
warn(msg + ' => NONE for zero value')
value = make_stub(model_field.related_model, value)
warn(msg + ' => STUB CREATED')
assert value
return value
def get_ind_excluido(obj):
legacy_model = legacy_app.get_model(type(obj).__name__)
return getattr(legacy_model.objects.get(**{legacy_model._meta.pk.name: obj.id}), 'ind_excluido', False)
def check_app_no_ind_excluido(app):
for model in app.models.values():
assert not any(get_ind_excluido(obj) for obj in model.objects.all())