from inspect import getsourcelines
from collections import defaultdict
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from os.path import dirname
import yaml
from migration_base import *
def print_field_mappings():
# output to bootstrap field_mappings.yaml
for app in appconfs:
print '\n%s\n%s:' % ('#' * 80, app.name)
for model in app.models.values():
print '\n %s:' % model.__name__
new_fields = [f.name for f in model._meta.fields]
legacy_fields = [f.name for f in legacy_app.get_model(
model.__name__)._meta.fields if f.name != 'ind_excluido']
for pair in zip(new_fields, legacy_fields):
print ' %s : %s' % pair
def similar(a, b):
return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()
mappings = yaml.load(open(dirname(__file__) + '/field_mappings.yaml', 'r'))
different_pairs = defaultdict(list)
for map in mappings.values():
for name, fields in map.items():
for a, b in fields.items():
if a != 'id' and similar(a, b) < .7:
different_pairs[name].append((a, b))
if different_pairs:
print '\n\n######## Different Pairs #########'
for name, pairs in different_pairs.items():
print '#', name
for a, b in pairs:
print '# ', a, b
def print_commented_source(model):
new_fields = [f.name for f in model._meta.fields]
legacy_fields = [f.name for f in legacy_app.get_model(model.__name__)._meta.fields if f.name != 'ind_excluido']
new_to_old = dict(zip(new_fields, legacy_fields))
lines = getsourcelines(model)[0]
def is_field(line):
return not line.strip().startswith('#') and ' = ' in line
cols = max(map(len, [line for line in lines if is_field(line)]))
print '\n'
for line in lines:
if not is_field(line):
print line.rstrip()
field = line.split('=')[0].strip()
print '%s # %s' % (line.rstrip().ljust(cols), new_to_old[field])