@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import sys
from braces . views import FormMessagesMixin
from django import forms
from django . conf import settings
from django . contrib import messages
from django . contrib . auth . decorators import login_required
from django . contrib . contenttypes . models import ContentType
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ from django.core.signing import Signer
from django . core . urlresolvers import reverse_lazy
from django . db import transaction , connection
from django . db . models import Q
from django . db . utils import IntegrityError
from django . http . response import ( HttpResponse , HttpResponseRedirect ,
JsonResponse )
from django . shortcuts import get_object_or_404 , redirect
@ -56,15 +58,46 @@ TipoDispositivoCrud = Crud.build(
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
def get_integrations_view_names ( ) :
result = [ ]
modules = sys . modules
for key , value in modules . items ( ) :
if key . endswith ( ' .views ' ) :
for v in value . __dict__ . values ( ) :
if hasattr ( v , ' __bases__ ' ) :
for base in v . __bases__ :
if base == IntegracaoTaView :
result . append ( v )
return result
def choice_models_in_extenal_views ( ) :
integrations_view_names = get_integrations_view_names ( )
result = [ ( None , ' ------------- ' ) , ]
for item in integrations_view_names :
if hasattr ( item , ' model ' ) and hasattr ( item , ' model_type_foreignkey ' ) :
ct = ContentType . objects . filter (
model = item . model . __name__ . lower ( ) ,
app_label = item . model . _meta . app_label )
if ct . exists ( ) :
result . append ( (
ct [ 0 ] . pk ,
item . model . _meta . verbose_name_plural ) )
return result
class IntegracaoTaView ( TemplateView ) :
def ta_ativado ( self , kwargs ) :
def get_redirect_deactivated ( self ) :
messages . error (
self . request ,
_ ( ' O modulo de Textos Articulados está desativado. ' ) )
return redirect ( ' / ' )
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
try :
if not TipoDispositivo . objects . exists ( ) :
if settings . DEBUG or not TipoDispositivo . objects . exists ( ) :
self . import_pattern ( )
except Exception as e :
logger . error (
@ -72,6 +105,7 @@ class IntegracaoTaView(TemplateView):
_ ( ' Ocorreu erro na importação do arquivo base dos Tipos de '
' Dispositivos, entre outras informações iniciais. ' ) ,
str ( e ) ) )
return self . get_redirect_deactivated ( )
item = get_object_or_404 ( self . model , pk = kwargs [ ' pk ' ] )
related_object_type = ContentType . objects . get_for_model ( item )
@ -83,76 +117,74 @@ class IntegracaoTaView(TemplateView):
tipo_ta = TipoTextoArticulado . objects . filter (
content_type = related_object_type )
if self . ta_ativado ( kwargs ) :
if not ta . exists ( ) :
ta = TextoArticulado ( )
tipo_ta = TipoTextoArticulado . objects . filter (
content_type = related_object_type ) [ : 1 ]
if tipo_ta . exists ( ) :
ta . tipo_ta = tipo_ta [ 0 ]
ta . content_object = item
else :
ta = ta [ 0 ]
if not ta . exists ( ) :
ta = TextoArticulado ( )
tipo_ta = TipoTextoArticulado . objects . filter (
content_type = related_object_type ) [ : 1 ]
if tipo_ta . exists ( ) :
ta . tipo_ta = tipo_ta [ 0 ]
ta . content_object = item
else :
ta = ta [ 0 ]
if hasattr ( item , ' ementa ' ) and item . ementa :
ta . ementa = item . ementa
else :
ta . ementa = _ ( ' Integração com %s sem ementa. ' ) % item
if hasattr ( item , ' ementa ' ) and item . ementa :
ta . ementa = item . ementa
else :
ta . ementa = _ ( ' Integração com %s sem ementa . ' ) % item
if hasattr ( item , ' observacao ' ) and item . observacao :
ta . observacao = item . observacao
else :
ta . observacao = _ ( ' Integração com %s sem observacao. ' ) % item
if hasattr ( item , ' observacao ' ) and item . observacao :
ta . observacao = item . observacao
else :
ta . observacao = _ ( ' Integração com %s sem observacao. ' ) % item
if hasattr ( item , ' numero ' ) and item . numero :
ta . numero = item . numero
else :
ta . numero = int ( ' %s %s %s ' % (
int ( datetime . now ( ) . year ) ,
int ( datetime . now ( ) . month ) ,
int ( datetime . now ( ) . day ) ) )
if hasattr ( item , ' numero ' ) and item . numero :
ta . numero = item . numero
else :
ta . numero = int ( ' %s %s %s ' % (
int ( datetime . now ( ) . year ) ,
int ( datetime . now ( ) . month ) ,
int ( datetime . now ( ) . day ) ) )
if hasattr ( item , ' ano ' ) and item . ano :
ta . ano = item . ano
else :
ta . ano = datetime . now ( ) . year
if hasattr ( item , ' ano ' ) and item . ano :
ta . ano = item . ano
else :
ta . ano = datetime . now ( ) . year
if hasattr ( item , ' data_apresentacao ' ) :
ta . data = item . data_apresentacao
elif hasattr ( item , ' data ' ) :
ta . data = item . data
else :
ta . data = datetime . now ( )
if hasattr ( item , ' data_apresentacao ' ) :
ta . data = item . data_apresentacao
elif hasattr ( item , ' data ' ) :
ta . data = item . data
else :
ta . data = datetime . now ( )
ta . save ( )
ta . save ( )
return redirect ( to = reverse_lazy ( ' sapl.compilacao:ta_text ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : ta . pk } ) )
return redirect ( to = reverse_lazy ( ' sapl.compilacao:ta_text ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : ta . pk } ) )
else :
msg = messages . error if not request . user . is_anonymous (
) else messages . info
""" msg = messages.error if not request.user.is_anonymous(
) else messages . info
msg ( request ,
_ ( ' A funcionalidade de Textos Articulados está desativada. ' ) )
msg ( request ,
_ ( ' A funcionalidade de Textos Articulados está desativada. ' ) )
if not request . user . is_anonymous ( ) :
msg (
request ,
_ ( ' Para ativá-la, os Tipos de Textos devem ser criados. ' ) )
if not request . user . is_anonymous ( ) :
msg (
request ,
_ ( ' Para ativá-la, os Tipos de Textos devem ser criados. ' ) )
msg ( request ,
_ ( ' Sua tela foi redirecionada para a tela de '
' cadastro de Textos Articulados. ' ) )
msg ( request ,
_ ( ' Sua tela foi redirecionada para a tela de '
' cadastro de Textos Articulados. ' ) )
return redirect ( to = reverse_lazy ( ' sapl.compilacao:tipo_ta_list ' ,
kwargs = { } ) )
else :
return redirect ( to = reverse_lazy ( ' sapl.compilacao:tipo_ta_list ' ,
kwargs = { } ) )
else :
return redirect ( to = reverse_lazy (
' %s : %s _detail ' % (
item . _meta . app_config . name , item . _meta . model_name ) ,
kwargs = { ' pk ' : item . pk } ) )
return redirect ( to = reverse_lazy (
' %s : %s _detail ' % (
item . _meta . app_config . name , item . _meta . model_name ) ,
kwargs = { ' pk ' : item . pk } ) ) """
def import_pattern ( self ) :
@ -166,48 +198,52 @@ class IntegracaoTaView(TemplateView):
with connection . cursor ( ) as cursor :
for line in lines :
cursor . execute ( line )
print ( lines )
try :
cursor . execute ( line )
except IntegrityError as e :
if not settings . DEBUG :
logger . error (
string_concat (
_ ( ' Ocorreu erro na importação: ' ) ,
line ,
str ( e ) ) )
integrations_view_names = get_integrations_view_names ( )
def cria_sigla ( verbose_name ) :
verbose_name = verbose_name . upper ( ) . split ( )
if len ( verbose_name ) == 1 :
verbose_name = verbose_name [ 0 ]
sigla = ' '
for letra in verbose_name :
sigla + = letra
else :
sigla = ' ' . join ( [ palavra [ 0 ] for palavra in verbose_name ] )
return sigla [ : 3 ]
# INSERT INTO compilacao_tipotextoarticulado (id, sigla, descricao, participacao_social, content_type_id) VALUES (2, 'ML', 'Matéria Legislativa', true, 119);
# INSERT INTO compilacao_tipotextoarticulado (id, sigla, descricao, participacao_social, content_type_id) VALUES (5, 'PRP', 'Proposição', true, 136);
# INSERT INTO compilacao_tipotextoarticulado (id, sigla, descricao,
# participacao_social, content_type_id) VALUES (1, 'NJ', 'Norma Juridica',
# false, 142);
for view in integrations_view_names :
try :
tipo = TipoTextoArticulado ( )
tipo . sigla = cria_sigla (
view . model . _meta . verbose_name
if view . model . _meta . verbose_name
else view . model . _meta . model_name )
tipo . descricao = view . model . _meta . verbose_name
tipo . content_type = ContentType . objects . get_by_natural_key (
view . model . _meta . app_label , view . model . _meta . model_name )
tipo . save ( )
except IntegrityError as e :
if not settings . DEBUG :
logger . error (
string_concat (
_ ( ' Ocorreu erro na criação tipo de ta: ' ) ,
str ( e ) ) )
class Meta :
abstract = True
def get_integrations_view_names ( ) :
result = [ ]
modules = sys . modules
for key , value in modules . items ( ) :
if key . endswith ( ' .views ' ) :
for v in value . __dict__ . values ( ) :
if hasattr ( v , ' __bases__ ' ) :
for base in v . __bases__ :
if base == IntegracaoTaView :
result . append ( v )
return result
def choice_models_in_extenal_views ( ) :
integrations_view_names = get_integrations_view_names ( )
result = [ ( None , ' ------------- ' ) , ]
for item in integrations_view_names :
if hasattr ( item , ' model ' ) and hasattr ( item , ' model_type_foreignkey ' ) :
ct = ContentType . objects . filter (
model = item . model . __name__ . lower ( ) ,
app_label = item . model . _meta . app_label )
if ct . exists ( ) :
result . append ( (
ct [ 0 ] . pk ,
item . model . _meta . verbose_name_plural ) )
return result
class CompMixin :
def get_context_data ( self , * * kwargs ) :