@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ from django.db import connections, models |
from django.db.models import CharField, TextField |
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase |
from model_mommy import mommy |
from model_mommy.mommy import foreign_key_required, make |
from base.models import ProblemaMigracao |
from comissoes.models import Composicao, Participacao |
from parlamentares.models import Parlamentar |
from sessao.models import SessaoPlenaria |
@ -26,7 +28,6 @@ appconfs = [apps.get_app_config(n) for n in [ |
'lexml', |
'protocoloadm', ]] |
stubs_list = [] |
unique_constraints = [] |
name_sets = [set(m.__name__ for m in ac.get_models()) for ac in appconfs] |
@ -81,9 +82,9 @@ def get_renames(): |
return field_renames, model_renames |
# MIGRATION ################################################################# |
def info(msg): |
print('INFO: ' + msg) |
@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ def warn(msg): |
def get_fk_related(field, value, label=None): |
fields_dict = {} |
if value is None and field.null is False: |
value = 0 |
if value is not None: |
@ -105,24 +105,20 @@ def get_fk_related(field, value, label=None): |
field.name, value, |
field.model.__name__, label or '---') |
if value == 0: |
# se FK == 0, criamos um stub e colocamos o valor '????????' |
# para qualquer CharField ou TextField que possa haver |
if not field.null: |
all_fields = field.related_model._meta.get_fields() |
fields_dict = {f.name: '????????????'[:f.max_length] |
for f in all_fields |
if isinstance(f, (CharField, TextField)) and |
not f.choices and not f.blank} |
fields_dict = get_fields_dict(field.related_model) |
value = mommy.make(field.related_model, |
**fields_dict) |
warn(msg + ' => STUB criada para campos não nuláveis!') |
descricao = 'stub criado para campos não nuláveis!' |
save_relation(value, msg, descricao, eh_stub=True) |
warn(msg + ' => ' + descricao) |
else: |
value = None |
warn(msg + ' => usando None para valores iguais a zero!') |
else: |
value = make_stub(field.related_model, value) |
stubs_list.append((value.id, field)) |
warn(msg + ' => STUB criada!') |
descricao = 'stub criado para entrada orfã!' |
warn(msg + ' => ' + descricao) |
save_relation(value, msg, descricao, eh_stub=True) |
else: |
assert value |
return value |
@ -173,11 +169,23 @@ def recreate_constraints(): |
for i in range(len(args)): |
if isinstance(model._meta.get_field(args[i]), |
models.ForeignKey): |
args[i] = args[i]+'_id' |
args[i] = args[i] + '_id' |
args_string = '' |
args_string += "(" + ', '.join(map(str, args)) + ")" |
exec_sql("ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s UNIQUE %s;" % |
(table, name, args_string)) |
unique_constraints.clear() |
def stub_desnecessario(obj): |
lista_fields = [ |
f for f in obj._meta.get_fields() |
if (f.one_to_many or f.one_to_one) and f.auto_created |
] |
desnecessario = not any( |
rr.related_model.objects.filter(**{rr.field.name: obj}).exists() |
for rr in lista_fields) |
return desnecessario |
def save_with_id(new, id): |
@ -193,15 +201,34 @@ def save_with_id(new, id): |
assert new.id == id, 'New id is different from provided!' |
def save_relation(obj, problema='', descricao='', eh_stub=False): |
link = ProblemaMigracao(content_object=obj, problema=problema, |
descricao=descricao, eh_stub=eh_stub) |
link.save() |
def make_stub(model, id): |
new = mommy.prepare(model) |
fields_dict = get_fields_dict(model) |
new = mommy.prepare(model, **fields_dict) |
save_with_id(new, id) |
return new |
def get_fields_dict(model): |
all_fields = model._meta.get_fields() |
fields_dict = {} |
fields_dict = {f.name: '????????????'[:f.max_length] |
for f in all_fields |
if isinstance(f, (CharField, TextField)) and |
not f.choices and not f.blank} |
return fields_dict |
class DataMigrator: |
def __init__(self): |
self.field_renames, self.model_renames = get_renames() |
self.data_mudada = {} |
def populate_renamed_fields(self, new, old): |
renames = self.field_renames[type(new)] |
@ -209,7 +236,7 @@ class DataMigrator: |
for field in new._meta.fields: |
old_field_name = renames.get(field.name) |
field_type = field.get_internal_type() |
msg = ("Campo %s (%s) da model %s " % |
msg = ("O valor do campo %s (%s) da model %s era inválido" % |
(field.name, field_type, field.model.__name__)) |
if old_field_name: |
old_value = getattr(old, old_field_name) |
@ -230,18 +257,24 @@ class DataMigrator: |
combined_names = "(" + ")|(".join(names) + ")" |
matches = re.search('(ano_\w+)', combined_names) |
if not matches: |
descricao = 'A data 0001-01-01 foi colocada no lugar' |
warn(msg + |
'=> colocando valor 0000-01-01 para DateField') |
' => ' + descricao) |
value = '0001-01-01' |
self.data_mudada['obj'] = new |
self.data_mudada['descricao'] = descricao |
self.data_mudada['problema'] = msg |
else: |
value = '%d-01-01' % getattr(old, matches.group(0)) |
descricao = ('A data %s para foi colocada no lugar' |
% value) |
self.data_mudada['obj'] = new |
self.data_mudada['descricao'] = descricao |
self.data_mudada['problema'] = msg |
warn(msg + |
"=> colocando %s para DateField não nulável" % |
(value)) |
'=> ' + descricao) |
if field_type == 'CharField' or field_type == 'TextField': |
if value is None: |
warn(msg + "=> colocando string vazia para valor %s" % |
(value)) |
value = '' |
setattr(new, field.name, value) |
@ -249,6 +282,7 @@ class DataMigrator: |
# warning: model/app migration order is of utmost importance |
self.to_delete = [] |
ProblemaMigracao.objects.all().delete() |
info('Começando migração: %s...' % obj) |
self._do_migrate(obj) |
# exclude logically deleted in legacy base |
@ -256,7 +290,8 @@ class DataMigrator: |
for obj in self.to_delete: |
obj.delete() |
info('Deletando stubs desnecessários...') |
self.delete_stubs() |
while self.delete_stubs(): |
pass |
info('Recriando unique constraints...') |
recreate_constraints() |
@ -309,16 +344,29 @@ class DataMigrator: |
if adjust: |
adjust(new, old) |
save(new, old) |
if self.data_mudada: |
save_relation(**self.data_mudada) |
self.data_mudada.clear() |
if getattr(old, 'ind_excluido', False): |
self.to_delete.append(new) |
def delete_stubs(self): |
for line in stubs_list: |
stub, field = line |
# Filter all objects in model and delete from related model |
# if quantity is equal to zero |
if field.model.objects.filter(**{field.name: stub}).exists(): |
field.related_model.objects.get(**{'id': stub}).delete() |
excluidos = 0 |
for obj in ProblemaMigracao.objects.all(): |
if obj.content_object and obj.eh_stub: |
original = obj.content_type.get_all_objects_for_this_type( |
id=obj.object_id) |
if stub_desnecessario(original[0]): |
qtd_exclusoes, *_ = original.delete() |
assert qtd_exclusoes == 1 |
qtd_exclusoes, *_ = obj.delete() |
assert qtd_exclusoes == 1 |
excluidos = excluidos + 1 |
elif not obj.content_object and not obj.eh_stub: |
qtd_exclusoes, *_ = obj.delete() |
assert qtd_exclusoes == 1 |
excluidos = excluidos + 1 |
return excluidos |
def migrate(obj=appconfs): |
@ -346,13 +394,14 @@ def adjust_participacao(new_participacao, old): |
def adjust_parlamentar(new_parlamentar, old): |
value = new_parlamentar.unidade_deliberativa |
# Field is defined as not null in legacy db, |
# but data includes null values |
# => transform None to False |
if value is None: |
warn('nulo convertido para falso') |
new_parlamentar.unidade_deliberativa = False |
if old.ind_unid_deliberativa: |
value = new_parlamentar.unidade_deliberativa |
# Field is defined as not null in legacy db, |
# but data includes null values |
# => transform None to False |
if value is None: |
warn('nulo convertido para falso') |
new_parlamentar.unidade_deliberativa = False |
def adjust_sessaoplenaria(new, old): |
@ -378,3 +427,18 @@ def check_app_no_ind_excluido(app): |
for model in app.models.values(): |
assert not any(get_ind_excluido(obj) for obj in model.objects.all()) |
print('OK!') |
# MOMMY MAKE WITH LOG ###################################################### |
def make_with_log(model, _quantity=None, make_m2m=False, **attrs): |
fields_dict = get_fields_dict(model) |
stub = make(model, _quantity, make_m2m, **fields_dict) |
problema = 'Um stub foi necessário durante a criação de um outro stub' |
descricao = 'Essa entrada é necessária para um dos stubs criados' |
' anteriormente' |
warn(problema) |
save_relation(stub, problema, descricao, eh_stub=True) |
return stub |
make_with_log.required = foreign_key_required |