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@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ |
{% load i18n staticfiles sass_tags menus %} |
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<span class="vcenter"> |
{# XXX Make better use of translation tags in html blocks ie. actually use the proper blocktrans tag efficiently #} |
<br/><small>{% trans 'Sistema de Apoio ao Processo Legislativo' %}</small> |
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<br/><h1><big>{% trans 'Página não encontrada! Erro 404' %}</big></h1> |
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<p> |
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Desenvolvido pelo <a href="http://www.interlegis.leg.br/">Interlegis</a> em software livre e aberto. |
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$(document).ready(function(){ |
let iframe_set_backend = {{ request|has_iframe|lower }} |
if (iframe_set_backend && !inIframe() ) { |
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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ |
{% load i18n staticfiles sass_tags menus %} |
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<title>{% block head_title %}{% trans 'SAPL - Sistema de Apoio ao Processo Legislativo' %}{% endblock %}</title> |
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{% block head_content %} |
<link rel="icon" href="{% static 'img/favicon.ico' %}" type="image/png" > |
{# Styles #} |
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{# Scripts #} |
{# modernizr must be in head (see http://modernizr.com/docs/#installing) #} |
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{# Header #} |
{% block main_header %} |
<header class="masthead"> |
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<div class="navbar-header"> |
<a class="navbar-brand" href="/"> |
<span class="text-center"> |
<br/><small>{% trans 'Sistema de Apoio ao Processo Legislativo' %}</small> |
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</a> |
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<div class="hidden-print"> |
{% block sections_nav %} {% subnav %} {% endblock sections_nav %} |
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{% endblock main_header %} |
<div class="container"> |
<span class="text-center"> |
<br/><h1><big>{% trans 'Ocorreu um erro inesperado! Erro 500' %}</big></h1> |
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{% block base_content %} |
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<img src="{% static 'img/logo_interlegis.png' %}" alt="{% trans 'Logo do Interlegis' %} "> |
</a> |
</a> |
<p> |
<small> |
Desenvolvido pelo <a href="http://www.interlegis.leg.br/">Interlegis</a> em software livre e aberto. |
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<img src="{% static 'img/logo_cc.png' %}" alt="{% trans 'Logo do Creative Commons BY SA' %}"> |
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Conteúdo e dados sob licença <a href="https://creativecommons.org">Creative Commons</a> 4.0 <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Atribuir Fonte - Compartilhar Igual</a> |
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{% block extra_js %}{% endblock %} |
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