@ -3,33 +3,36 @@ import os.path
import re
import string
import textract
from django . db . models import Q , F , Value
from django . db . models . fields import TextField
from django . db . models . fields . files import FieldFile
from django . db . models . functions import Concat
from django . template import loader
from haystack import indexes
from haystack . constants import Indexable
from haystack . fields import CharField
from haystack . indexes import SearchIndex
from haystack . utils import get_model_ct_tuple
from textract . exceptions import ExtensionNotSupported
import textract
from sapl . compilacao . models import TextoArticulado , Dispositivo , \
from sapl . materia . models import DocumentoAcessorio , MateriaLegislativa
from sapl . norma . models import NormaJuridica
from sapl . settings import BASE_DIR , SOLR_URL
logger = logging . getLogger ( BASE_DIR . name )
logger = logging . getLogger ( BASE_DIR . name )
class DocumentoAcessorioIndex ( indexes . SearchIndex , indexes . Indexable ) :
text = indexes . CharField ( document = True , use_template = True )
filename = ' arquivo '
model = DocumentoAcessorio
template_name = ' materia/documentoacessorio_text.txt '
class TextExtractField ( CharField ) :
def get_model ( self ) :
return self . model
def index_queryset ( self , using = None ) :
return self . get_model ( ) . objects . all ( )
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( * * kwargs )
assert self . model_attr
def get_updated_field ( self ) :
return ' data_ultima_atualizacao '
if not isinstance ( self . model_attr , ( list , tuple ) ) :
self . model_attr = ( self . model_attr , )
def solr_extraction ( self , arquivo ) :
extracted_data = self . _get_backend ( None ) . extract_file_contents (
@ -59,71 +62,109 @@ class DocumentoAcessorioIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable):
print ( msg )
logger . error ( msg )
def prepare ( self , obj ) :
if not self . filename or not self . model or not self . template_name :
raise Exception
data = super ( DocumentoAcessorioIndex , self ) . prepare ( obj )
arquivo = getattr ( obj , self . filename )
if arquivo :
if not os . path . exists ( arquivo . path ) :
return self . prepared_data
if not os . path . splitext ( arquivo . path ) [ 1 ] [ : 1 ] :
return self . prepared_data
# Em ambiente de produção utiliza-se o SOLR
try :
extracted_data = self . solr_extraction ( arquivo )
except Exception :
self . print_error ( arquivo )
return self . prepared_data
# Em ambiente de DEV utiliza-se o Whoosh
# Como ele não possui extração, faz-se uso do textract
else :
try :
extracted_data = self . whoosh_extraction ( arquivo )
except ExtensionNotSupported as e :
print ( str ( e ) )
logger . error ( str ( e ) )
return self . prepared_data
except Exception :
self . print_error ( arquivo )
return self . prepared_data
# Now we'll finally perform the template processing to render the
# text field with *all* of our metadata visible for templating:
t = loader . select_template ( (
' search/indexes/ ' + self . template_name , ) )
data [ ' text ' ] = t . render ( { ' object ' : obj ,
' extracted ' : extracted_data } )
return data
return self . prepared_data
def file_extractor ( self , arquivo ) :
if not os . path . exists ( arquivo . path ) or \
not os . path . splitext ( arquivo . path ) [ 1 ] [ : 1 ] :
return ' '
# Em ambiente de produção utiliza-se o SOLR
try :
return self . solr_extraction ( arquivo )
except Exception :
self . print_error ( arquivo )
# Em ambiente de DEV utiliza-se o Whoosh
# Como ele não possui extração, faz-se uso do textract
else :
try :
return self . whoosh_extraction ( arquivo )
except ExtensionNotSupported as e :
print ( str ( e ) )
logger . error ( str ( e ) )
except Exception :
self . print_error ( arquivo )
return ' '
def ta_extractor ( self , value ) :
r = [ ]
for ta in value . filter ( privacidade__in = [
dispositivos = Dispositivo . objects . filter (
Q ( ta = ta ) | Q ( ta_publicado = ta )
) . order_by (
' ordem '
) . annotate (
rotulo_texto = Concat (
F ( ' rotulo ' ) , Value ( ' ' ) , F ( ' texto ' ) ,
output_field = TextField ( ) ,
) . values_list (
' rotulo_texto ' , flat = True )
r + = list ( filter ( lambda x : x . strip ( ) , dispositivos ) )
return ' ' . join ( r )
def extract_data ( self , obj ) :
data = ' '
for attr , func in self . model_attr :
if not hasattr ( obj , attr ) or not hasattr ( self , func ) :
raise Exception
value = getattr ( obj , attr )
if not value :
data + = getattr ( self , func ) ( value )
return data
def prepare_template ( self , obj ) :
app_label , model_name = get_model_ct_tuple ( obj )
template_names = [ ' search/indexes/ %s / %s _ %s .txt ' %
( app_label , model_name , self . instance_name ) ]
t = loader . select_template ( template_names )
return t . render ( { ' object ' : obj ,
' extracted ' : self . extract_data ( obj ) } )
class DocumentoAcessorioIndex ( SearchIndex , Indexable ) :
model = DocumentoAcessorio
text = TextExtractField (
document = True , use_template = True ,
model_attr = ( ( ' arquivo ' , ' file_extractor ' ) , )
class MateriaLegislativaIndex ( DocumentoAcessorioIndex ) :
text = indexes . CharField ( document = True , use_template = True )
def get_model ( self ) :
return self . model
filename = ' texto_original '
model = MateriaLegislativa
template_name = ' materia/materialegislativa_text.txt '
def index_queryset ( self , using = None ) :
return self . get_model ( ) . objects . all ( )
def get_updated_field ( self ) :
return ' data_ultima_atualizacao '
class NormaJuridicaIndex ( DocumentoAcessorioIndex ) :
text = indexes . CharField ( document = True , use_template = True )
filename = ' texto_integral '
model = NormaJuridica
template_name = ' norma/normajuridica_text.txt '
text = TextExtractField (
document = True , use_template = True ,
model_attr = (
( ' texto_integral ' , ' file_extractor ' ) ,
( ' texto_articulado ' , ' ta_extractor ' )
def get_updated_field ( self ) :
return ' data_ultima_atualizacao '
class MateriaLegislativaIndex ( DocumentoAcessorioIndex ) :
model = MateriaLegislativa
text = TextExtractField (
document = True , use_template = True ,
model_attr = (
( ' texto_original ' , ' file_extractor ' ) ,
( ' texto_articulado ' , ' ta_extractor ' )