#/bin/bash VERSION=`git describe --tags --abbrev=0` LAST_DIGIT=`echo $VERSION | cut -f 3 -d '.'` MAIN_REV=`echo $VERSION | cut -f 1,2 -d '.'` NEXT_NUMBER=$(($LAST_DIGIT + 1)) NEXT_VERSION=$MAIN_REV'.'$NEXT_NUMBER function bump_version { sed -e s/$VERSION/$NEXT_VERSION/g docker-compose.yml > tmp1 mv tmp1 docker-compose.yml sed -e s/$VERSION/$NEXT_VERSION/g setup.py > tmp2 mv tmp2 setup.py sed -e s/$VERSION/$NEXT_VERSION/g sapl/templates/base.html > tmp3 mv tmp3 sapl/templates/base.html sed -e s/$VERSION/$NEXT_VERSION/g sapl/settings.py > tmp4 mv tmp4 sapl/settings.py } function commit_and_push { echo "committing..." git add docker-compose.yml setup.py sapl/settings.py sapl/templates/base.html git commit -m "Release: $NEXT_VERSION" git tag $NEXT_VERSION echo "sending to github..." git push origin $NEXT_VERSION git push origin echo "done." } case "$1" in --dry-run) echo "Dry run" bump_version echo "done." echo "Run git checkout -- docker-compose.yml setup.py to undo the files" exit 0 ;; --publish) echo "generating release" bump_version commit_and_push esac