from django.apps import apps from django.db import connection, models import legacy from mesa.models import Legislatura, SessaoLegislativa from parlamentares.models import NivelInstrucao mappings = ( (Legislatura, 'num_legislatura', [ ('dat_inicio', 'data_inicio'), ('dat_fim', 'data_fim'), ('dat_eleicao', 'data_eleicao'), ] ), (SessaoLegislativa, 'cod_sessao_leg', [ ('num_legislatura', 'legislatura'), ('num_sessao_leg', 'numero'), ('tip_sessao_leg', 'tipo'), ('dat_inicio', 'data_inicio'), ('dat_fim', 'data_fim'), ('dat_inicio_intervalo', 'data_inicio_intervalo'), ('dat_fim_intervalo', 'data_fim_intervalo'), ] ), (NivelInstrucao, 'cod_nivel_instrucao', [ ('des_nivel_instrucao', 'nivel_instrucao')] ), ) appconfs = [apps.get_app_config(n) for n in [ 'mesa', 'parlamentares', 'comissoes', 'sessao', 'materia', 'norma', 'lexml', 'protocoloadm', ]] name_sets = [set(m.__name__ for m in ac.get_models()) for ac in appconfs] # apps do not overlap for s1 in name_sets: for s2 in name_sets: if s1 is not s2: assert not s1.intersection(s2) # apps include all legacy models legacy_model_names = set(m.__name__ for m in apps.get_app_config('legacy').get_models()) all_names = set() for s1 in name_sets: all_names = all_names.union(s1) assert all_names == legacy_model_names def migrate(): for model, pk, field_pairs in mappings: print 'Migrating %s...' % model.__name__ # clear all model entries model.objects.all().delete() # resets id sequence sql_reset_seq = 'ALTER SEQUENCE %s_id_seq RESTART WITH 1;' % model._meta.db_table cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_reset_seq) legacy_model = getattr(legacy.models, model.__name__) for old in legacy_model.objects.all().order_by(pk): old_id = getattr(old, pk) new = model() while not for old_field, new_field in field_pairs: value = getattr(old, old_field) # check for a relation model_field = model._meta.get_field(new_field) # TODO ... test for special transformations first (e.g. Parlamentar.localidade_residencia) # elfi ... if isinstance(model_field, models.ForeignKey): value = model_field.related_model.objects.get(id=value) setattr(new, new_field, value) assert <= old_id, 'New id exceeds old one. Be sure your new table was just created!' if < old_id: new.delete() new = model()