import pytest from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from model_mommy import mommy from crud.base import (CrispyLayoutFormMixin, CrudListMixin, from_to, get_field_display, make_pagination) from .stub_app.models import Continent, Country from .stub_app.views import CountryCrudListMixin pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db __ = None # for test readability @pytest.mark.parametrize( "index, num_pages, result", [(i, k, from_to(1, k)) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] for k in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] ] + [ (11, 11, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, __, 10, (11)]), (10, 11, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, __, 9, (10), 11]), (9, 11, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, __, 8, (9), 10, 11]), (8, 11, [1, 2, 3, 4, __, 7, (8), 9, 10, 11]), (7, 11, [1, 2, 3, __, 6, (7), 8, 9, 10, 11]), (6, 11, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (6), 7, __, 10, 11]), (5, 11, [1, 2, 3, 4, (5), 6, 7, __, 10, 11]), (4, 11, [1, 2, 3, (4), 5, 6, 7, __, 10, 11]), (3, 11, [1, 2, (3), 4, 5, 6, 7, __, 10, 11]), (2, 11, [1, (2), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, __, 10, 11]), (1, 11, [(1), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, __, 10, 11]), (12, 12, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, __, 11, (12)]), (11, 12, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, __, 10, (11), 12]), (10, 12, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, __, 9, (10), 11, 12]), (9, 12, [1, 2, 3, 4, __, 8, (9), 10, 11, 12]), (8, 12, [1, 2, 3, __, 7, (8), 9, 10, 11, 12]), (7, 12, [1, 2, 3, __, 6, (7), 8, __, 11, 12]), (6, 12, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (6), 7, __, 11, 12]), (5, 12, [1, 2, 3, 4, (5), 6, 7, __, 11, 12]), (4, 12, [1, 2, 3, (4), 5, 6, 7, __, 11, 12]), (3, 12, [1, 2, (3), 4, 5, 6, 7, __, 11, 12]), (2, 12, [1, (2), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, __, 11, 12]), (1, 12, [(1), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, __, 11, 12]), # some random entries (8, 22, [1, 2, 3, __, 7, (8), 9, __, 21, 22]), (1, 17, [(1), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, __, 16, 17]), (22, 25, [1, 2, 3, 4, __, 21, (22), 23, 24, 25]), ]) def test_make_pagination(index, num_pages, result): assert num_pages < 10 or len(result) == 10 assert make_pagination(index, num_pages) == result def test_get_field_display(): stub = mommy.prepare(Country, is_cold=True) assert get_field_display(stub, 'name')[1] == assert get_field_display(stub, 'continent')[1] == str(stub.continent) # must return choice display, not the value assert stub.is_cold is True assert get_field_display(stub, 'is_cold')[1] == 'Yes' # None is displayed as an empty string assert stub.population is None assert get_field_display(stub, 'population')[1] == '' @pytest.mark.parametrize("_layout, result", [ ([['Dados Complementares']], []), # missing rows definition ([['Basic', [('name', 9), ('population', 3)]], ['More Details', [('description', 12)]], ], ['name', 'population']), ]) def test_layout_fieldnames(_layout, result): class StubMixin(CrispyLayoutFormMixin): def get_layout(self): return _layout view = StubMixin() assert view.list_field_names == result def test_layout_detail_fieldsets(monkeypatch): stub = mommy.make(Country, name='Brazil', continent__name='South America', is_cold=False) class StubMixin(CrispyLayoutFormMixin): def get_layout(self): return [['Basic Data', [('name', 9), ('continent', 3)], [('population', 6), ('is_cold', 6)] ], ['More Details', [('description', 12)]], ] def get_object(self): return stub view = StubMixin() # to test None displayed as empty string assert stub.population is None assert view.layout_display == [ {'legend': 'Basic Data', 'rows': [[{'id': 'name', 'span': 9, 'text':, 'verbose_name': 'name'}, {'id': 'continent', 'span': 3, 'text':, 'verbose_name': 'continent'} ], [{'id': 'population', 'span': 6, 'text': '', 'verbose_name': 'population'}, {'id': 'is_cold', 'span': 6, 'text': 'No', 'verbose_name': 'is cold'}]]}, {'legend': 'More Details', 'rows': [[{'id': 'description', 'span': 12, 'text': '', 'verbose_name': 'description'}]]}] def test_reverse(): assert '/countries/' == reverse('country:list') assert '/countries/create' == reverse('country:create') assert '/countries/2' == reverse('country:detail', args=(2,)) assert '/countries/2/edit' == reverse('country:update', args=(2,)) assert '/countries/2/delete' == reverse('country:delete', args=(2,)) def assert_h1(res, title): assert res.html.find('main').find('h1').text.strip() == title NO_ENTRIES_MSG = str(CrudListMixin.no_entries_msg) # "unlazy" def assert_on_list_page(res): assert_h1(res, 'Countries') assert 'Adicionar Country' in res assert res.html.find('table') or NO_ENTRIES_MSG in res # XXX ... characterize better def assert_on_create_page(res): assert_h1(res, 'Adicionar Country') form = res.form assert not any( form[k].value for k in form.fields if k != 'csrfmiddlewaretoken') def assert_on_detail_page(res, stub_name): assert_h1(res, stub_name) assert not res.forms assert 'Editar' in res assert 'Excluir' in res @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_entries, page_size, ranges, page_list", [ (0, 6, [], []), (5, 5, [(0, 5)], []), (10, 5, [(0, 5), (5, 10)], ['Anterior', '1', '2', 'Próxima']), (9, 4, [(0, 4), (4, 8), (8, 9)], ['Anterior', '1', '2', '3', 'Próxima']), ]) def test_flux_list_paginate_detail( app, monkeypatch, num_entries, page_size, ranges, page_list): entries_labels = [] for i in range(num_entries): name, continent = 'name %s' % i, 'continent %s' % i population, is_cold = i, i % 2 == 0 entries_labels.append([ name, continent, str(population), 'Yes' if is_cold else 'No']) mommy.make(Country, name=name, continent__name=continent, population=population, is_cold=is_cold) CountryCrudListMixin.paginate_by = page_size res = app.get('/countries/') if num_entries == 0: assert_on_list_page(res) assert NO_ENTRIES_MSG in res # no table assert not res.html.find('table') # no pagination assert not res.html.find('ul', {'class': 'pagination'}) else: def assert_at_page(res, i): assert_on_list_page(res) table = res.html.find('table') assert table header_trs = table.findAll('tr') header, trs = header_trs[0], header_trs[1:] assert [c.text for c in header.findChildren('th')] == [ 'name', 'continent', 'population', 'is cold'] rows = [[td.text.strip() for td in tr.findAll('td')] for tr in trs] start, end = ranges[i - 1] assert entries_labels[start:end] == rows paginator = res.html.find('ul', {'class': 'pagination'}) if page_list: assert paginator assert paginator.text.strip().split() == page_list assert_at_page(res, 1) res_detail ='name 1') assert_on_detail_page(res_detail, 'name 1') if len(ranges) > 1: res ='2', href='page=2') assert_at_page(res, 2) fist_entry_on_2nd_page = 'name %s' % page_size res_detail = assert_on_detail_page(res_detail, fist_entry_on_2nd_page) res ='1', href='page=1') assert_at_page(res, 1) res_detail ='name 1') assert_on_detail_page(res_detail, 'name 1') @pytest.mark.parametrize("cancel, make_invalid_submit", [ (a, b) for a in (True, False) for b in (True, False)]) def test_flux_list_create_detail(app, cancel, make_invalid_submit): # to have a couple an option for continent field stub_continent = mommy.make(Continent) res = app.get('/countries/') # on list page assert_on_list_page(res) res ='Adicionar Country') previous_objects = set(Country.objects.all()) # on create page assert_on_create_page(res) # test bifurcation ! if cancel: res ='Cancelar') # back to list page assert_on_list_page(res) # db has not changed assert previous_objects == set(Country.objects.all()) else: # and a test detour ! if make_invalid_submit: # some fields are required => validation error res = res.form.submit() 'Formulário inválido. O registro não foi criado.' in res assert_on_create_page(res) # db has not changed assert previous_objects == set(Country.objects.all()) # now fill out some fields form = res.form stub_name = '### name ###' form['name'] = stub_name form['continent'] = form['population'] = 23000 form['is_cold'] = True res = form.submit() # on redirect to detail page created = Country.objects.get(name=stub_name) assert res.url.endswith('/countries/%s' % res = res.follow() # on detail page assert_on_detail_page(res, stub_name) assert 'Registro criado com sucesso!' in res [new_obj] = list(set(Country.objects.all()) - previous_objects) assert == stub_name def get_detail_page(app): stub = mommy.make(Country, name='Country Stub') res = app.get('/countries/%s' % # on detail page assert_on_detail_page(res, return stub, res @pytest.mark.parametrize("cancel", [True, False]) def test_flux_detail_update_detail(app, cancel): stub, res = get_detail_page(app) res ='Editar') # on update page assert_h1(res, # test bifurcation ! if cancel: res ='Cancelar') # back to detail page assert_on_detail_page(res, assert Country.objects.get( == else: form = res.form new_name = '### New Name ###' form['name'] = new_name res = form.submit() # on redirect to detail page assert res.url.endswith('/countries/%s' % res = res.follow() # back to detail page assert_on_detail_page(res, new_name) assert 'Registro alterado com sucesso!' in res assert Country.objects.get( == new_name @pytest.mark.parametrize("cancel", [True, False]) def test_flux_detail_delete_list(app, cancel): stub, res = get_detail_page(app) res ='Excluir') # on delete page assert 'Confirma exclusão de' in res assert in res # test bifurcation ! if cancel: res ='Cancelar') # back to detail page assert_on_detail_page(res, assert Country.objects.filter( else: res = res.form.submit() # on redirect to list page assert res.url.endswith('/countries/') res = res.follow() # on list page assert 'Registro excluído com sucesso!' in res assert_h1(res, 'Countries') assert not Country.objects.filter(