{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load compilacao_filters %} {% load common_tags %} {% block sections_nav %} {%if object %}
{% if object.content_object%} Início {%else%} {% trans 'Início' %} {%endif%} {% model_verbose_name_plural 'compilacao.models.Publicacao' %} {% trans 'Texto' %} {% trans 'Edição do Texto' %}
{%endif %} {% endblock %} {% block base_content %} {# FIXME is this the best markup to use? #}
{% block actions %} {% endblock actions %}
{% block detail_content %} {# TODO replace fieldset for something semantically correct, but with similar visual grouping style #}
{%trans 'Identificação Básica'%}

{{ object.tipo_ta}}

{% if object.content_object and object.content_object.tipo%}

{{ object.content_object.tipo}}


{{ object.numero}}

{{ object.ano}}

{{ object.data}}

{{ object.ementa|safe}}

{% endblock detail_content %} {% endblock base_content %}