mirror of https://github.com/interlegis/sapl.git
59 lines
1.9 KiB
59 lines
1.9 KiB
FROM alpine:3.7
ENV BUILD_PACKAGES postgresql-dev graphviz-dev graphviz build-base git pkgconfig \
python3-dev libxml2-dev jpeg-dev libressl-dev libffi-dev libxslt-dev nodejs py3-lxml \
py3-magic postgresql-client poppler-utils antiword vim openssh-client
RUN apk update --update-cache && apk upgrade
RUN apk --update add fontconfig ttf-dejavu && fc-cache -fv
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 nginx tzdata && \
python3 -m ensurepip && \
rm -r /usr/lib/python*/ensurepip && \
pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools && \
rm -r /root/.cache && \
rm -f /etc/nginx/conf.d/*
RUN mkdir -p /var/interlegis/sapl && \
apk add --update --no-cache $BUILD_PACKAGES && \
npm install -g bower && \
npm cache verify
WORKDIR /var/interlegis/sapl/
ADD . /var/interlegis/sapl/
COPY start.sh /var/interlegis/sapl/
COPY config/nginx/sapl.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d
COPY config/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
RUN pip install -r /var/interlegis/sapl/requirements/dev-requirements.txt --upgrade setuptools && \
rm -r /root/.cache
COPY config/env_dockerfile /var/interlegis/sapl/sapl/.env
# Configura timezone para BRT
# RUN cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Sao_Paulo /etc/localtime && echo "America/Sao_Paulo" > /etc/timezone
# manage.py bower install bug: https://github.com/nvbn/django-bower/issues/51
# compilescss - Precompile all occurrences of your SASS/SCSS files for the whole project into css files
RUN python3 manage.py bower_install --allow-root && \
python3 manage.py compilescss
RUN python3 manage.py collectstatic --noinput --clear
# Remove .env(fake) e sapl.db da imagem
RUN rm -rf /var/interlegis/sapl/sapl/.env && \
rm -rf /var/interlegis/sapl/sapl.db
RUN chmod +x /var/interlegis/sapl/start.sh && \
ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log && \
ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx/error.log && \
mkdir /var/log/sapl/
VOLUME ["/var/interlegis/sapl/data", "/var/interlegis/sapl/media"]
CMD ["/var/interlegis/sapl/start.sh"]