Sistema de Apoio ao Processo Legislativo

5.4 KiB

.. image:: 
:alt: 'Stories in Ready'

SAPL - Legislative Process Support System

This page brings together useful information on the current development of
**SAPL - Sistema de Apoio ao Processo Legislativo** (Legislative Process Support System).

That means all information presented here applies only to **version 3.1** and greater.

For more information about the the project as a whole and the current working version of the system (2.5)
please visit the `project page at Interlegis wiki <>`_.

Development Environment Installation

* Install the following system dependencies (command bellow for Ubuntu)::

sudo apt-get install git python3-dev libpq-dev graphviz-dev graphviz \
postgresql postgresql-contrib pgadmin3 python-psycopg2 nodejs npm

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

sudo npm install -g bower

* Setup git, following the instructions in

* Fork and clone this repository, following the instructions in

* Create a virtualenv using python 3 for the project and activate it.
If you use `virtualenvwrapper <>`_::

mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 sapl

* Install python dependencies (run on the project root)::

pip install -r requirements/dev-requirements.txt

* Install bower dependencies (run on the project root)::

./ bower install

* Install `PostgreSQL <>`_ if you haven't already.

* Create a ``sapl`` role with:

- Password ``sapl``
- The privilege ``can create databases``
- A big expiration date (or infinite, using eg ``ALTER ROLE SAPL VALID UNTIL 'infinity';``)

* Create a database ``sapl`` with owner ``sapl``.

* Either run ``./ migrate`` (for an empty database) or restore a database dump.

Instructions for Translators

We use `Transifex <>`_ to manage the project's translations.
If you want to contribute, please setup an account there and request to join us at
the `Transifex SAPL Page <>`_.
Once your join request is accepted, you can start to translate.

To integrate the last translations on a working instance follow these steps:

* Follow the instructions at `Development Environment Installation`_.

* Install `Transifex Client <>`_.

.. warning::
The Transifex Client stores passwords in plain text on the file ``~/.transifexrc``.

We personally prefer to log into Transifex website with social network credentials and change the password used for the client frequently.

* `Pull translations <>`_ or `push translations <>`_ using the client. Pull only on a clean repo, i.e. commit your changes before pulling new translations.

* Run the program with `` runserver`` and check the system to see the translations into effect.

.. note::
The browser language preference is used to choose the translations to display.

General implementation guidelines

Best practices

* Use English for all the code, commit messages and project docs.

* Commit messages following the standard 50/72 columns. Start every commit message with a verb in infinitive. For more info on this please check:

- Http://
- Http://

* Keep all code in standard PEP8 (without exceptions).

* Before every ``git push``:
- Run ``git pull --rebase`` (almost always).
- In exceptional cases simply use ``git pull`` to produce a merge.

* Before ``git commit``, always:
- Run ``./ check``
- Run all tests with ``py.test`` at the root of the project tree

.. attention::
The database user ``sapl`` needs to have the permission ``create database`` in postgres for the tests to complete successfully

* If you're not part of the core team, fork the repo and submit pull requests.
All are welcome to contribute. Please make a separate pull request for each bugfix/new feature.

* New features are subject to approval, since they may impact a lot of people.
We suggest you open an issue to discuss new features. That can be made in Portuguese, as well as in English.


* Write tests for all the functionality you implement.

* Keep the test coverage near 100%.

* To run all tests activate your virtualenv and issue these commands
**at the root of the repository**::


* To run the tests with coverage issue the command::

py.test --cov . --cov-report term --cov-report html && firefox htmlcov/index.html

* The first time you run the tests after a migration (``./ migrate``) use the db recreation option.
This needs to be done only once::

py.test --create-db


* Open all issues about the current development version (3.1) at the
`Github Issue Tracker <>`_.

* You can file issues in either Portuguese or English (at least for the time being).