mirror of https://github.com/interlegis/sapl.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
228 lines
7.5 KiB
228 lines
7.5 KiB
from math import ceil
from crispy_forms.bootstrap import FormActions
from crispy_forms.helper import FormHelper
from crispy_forms.layout import HTML, Div, Fieldset, Layout, Submit
from django import template
from django.utils import formats
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
import rtyaml
def heads_and_tails(list_of_lists):
for alist in list_of_lists:
yield alist[0], alist[1:]
def to_column(name_span):
fieldname, span = name_span
return Div(fieldname, css_class='col-md-%d' % span)
def to_row(names_spans):
return Div(*map(to_column, names_spans), css_class='row-fluid')
def to_fieldsets(fields):
for field in fields:
if isinstance(field, list):
legend, row_specs = field[0], field[1:]
rows = [to_row(name_span_list) for name_span_list in row_specs]
yield Fieldset(legend, *rows)
yield field
def form_actions(more=[], save_label=_('Salvar')):
return FormActions(
Submit('salvar', save_label, css_class='pull-right'), *more)
class SaplFormLayout(Layout):
def __init__(self, *fields, cancel_label=_('Cancelar'),
save_label=_('Salvar'), actions=None):
buttons = actions
if not buttons:
buttons = form_actions(save_label=save_label, more=[
HTML('<a href="{{ view.cancel_url }}"'
' class="btn btn-inverse">%s</a>' % cancel_label)
if cancel_label else None])
_fields = list(to_fieldsets(fields))
if buttons:
_fields += [to_row([(buttons, 12)])]
super(SaplFormLayout, self).__init__(*_fields)
def get_field_display(obj, fieldname):
field = ''
field = obj._meta.get_field(fieldname)
value = getattr(obj, fieldname)
return '', str(value)
verbose_name = str(field.verbose_name)\
if hasattr(field, 'verbose_name') else ''
if hasattr(field, 'choices') and field.choices:
value = getattr(obj, 'get_%s_display' % fieldname)()
value = getattr(obj, fieldname)
str_type = str(type(value))
if value is None:
display = ''
elif 'date' in str_type:
display = formats.date_format(value, "SHORT_DATE_FORMAT")
elif 'bool' in str(type(value)):
display = _('Sim') if value else _('Não')
elif 'ImageFieldFile' in str(type(value)):
if value:
display = '<img src="{}" />'.format(value.url)
display = ''
elif 'FieldFile' in str(type(value)):
if value:
display = '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(
display = ''
elif 'ManyRelatedManager' in str(type(value))\
or 'RelatedManager' in str(type(value))\
or 'GenericRelatedObjectManager' in str(type(value)):
display = '<ul>'
for v in value.all():
display += '<li>%s</li>' % str(v)
display += '</ul>'
if not verbose_name:
verbose_name = str(field.related_model._meta.verbose_name_plural)
display = str(value)
return verbose_name, display
class CrispyLayoutFormMixin:
def layout_key(self):
if hasattr(super(CrispyLayoutFormMixin, self), 'layout_key'):
return super(CrispyLayoutFormMixin, self).layout_key
return self.model.__name__
def layout_key_set(self):
if hasattr(super(CrispyLayoutFormMixin, self), 'layout_key_set'):
return super(CrispyLayoutFormMixin, self).layout_key_set
obj = self.crud if hasattr(self, 'crud') else self
return getattr(obj.model,
def get_layout(self):
yaml_layout = '%s/layouts.yaml' % self.model._meta.app_config.label
return read_layout_from_yaml(yaml_layout, self.layout_key)
def get_layout_set(self):
obj = self.crud if hasattr(self, 'crud') else self
yaml_layout = '%s/layouts.yaml' % getattr(
obj.model, obj.model_set).field.model._meta.app_config.label
return read_layout_from_yaml(yaml_layout, self.layout_key_set)
def fields(self):
if hasattr(self, 'form_class') and self.form_class:
return None
'''Returns all fields in the layout'''
return [fieldname for legend_rows in self.get_layout()
for row in legend_rows[1:]
for fieldname, span in row]
def get_form(self, form_class=None):
form = super(CrispyLayoutFormMixin, self).get_form(form_class)
except AttributeError:
# simply return None if there is no get_form on super
if self.layout_key:
form.helper = FormHelper()
form.helper.layout = SaplFormLayout(*self.get_layout())
return form
def list_field_names(self):
'''The list of field names to display on table
This base implementation returns the field names
in the first fieldset of the layout.
obj = self.crud if hasattr(self, 'crud') else self
if hasattr(obj, 'list_field_names') and obj.list_field_names:
return obj.list_field_names
rows = self.get_layout()[0][1:]
return [fieldname for row in rows for fieldname, __ in row]
def list_field_names_set(self):
'''The list of field names to display on table
This base implementation returns the field names
in the first fieldset of the layout.
rows = self.get_layout_set()[0][1:]
return [fieldname for row in rows for fieldname, __ in row]
def get_column(self, fieldname, span):
obj = self.get_object()
verbose_name, text = get_field_display(obj, fieldname)
return {
'id': fieldname,
'span': span,
'verbose_name': verbose_name,
'text': text,
def layout_display(self):
return [
{'legend': legend,
'rows': [[self.get_column(fieldname, span)
for fieldname, span in row]
for row in rows]
} for legend, rows in heads_and_tails(self.get_layout())]
def read_yaml_from_file(yaml_layout):
# TODO cache this at application level
t = template.loader.get_template(yaml_layout)
# aqui é importante converter para str pois, dependendo do ambiente,
# o rtyaml pode usar yaml.CSafeLoader, que exige str ou stream
rendered = str(t.render())
return rtyaml.load(rendered)
def read_layout_from_yaml(yaml_layout, key):
# TODO cache this at application level
yaml = read_yaml_from_file(yaml_layout)
base = yaml[key]
def line_to_namespans(line):
split = [cell.split(':') for cell in line.split()]
namespans = [[s[0], int(s[1]) if len(s) > 1 else 0] for s in split]
remaining = 12 - sum(s for n, s in namespans)
nondefined = [ns for ns in namespans if not ns[1]]
while nondefined:
span = ceil(remaining / len(nondefined))
namespan = nondefined.pop(0)
namespan[1] = span
remaining = remaining - span
return list(map(tuple, namespans))
return [[legend] + [line_to_namespans(l) for l in lines]
for legend, lines in base.items()]