mirror of https://github.com/interlegis/sapl.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
61 lines
1.7 KiB
61 lines
1.7 KiB
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from model_mommy import mommy
from comissoes.models import Comissao, TipoComissao
# XXX These tests are based on comissoes app
# but could be done with a stub one
def test_reverse():
assert '/comissoes/' == reverse('comissao:list')
assert '/comissoes/create' == reverse('comissao:create')
assert '/comissoes/2' == reverse('comissao:detail', args=(2,))
assert '/comissoes/2/edit' == reverse('comissao:update', args=(2,))
assert '/comissoes/2/delete' == reverse('comissao:delete', args=(2,))
def assert_h1(res, title):
assert res.html.find('h1').text == title
def test_flux_list_create_detail(app):
# to have a couple an option for tipo field
stub_tipo = mommy.make(TipoComissao)
res = app.get('/comissoes/')
# on list page
assert_h1(res, 'Comissões')
res = res.click('Adicionar Comissão')
# on create page
assert_h1(res, 'Adicionar Comissão')
form = res.form
assert not any(
form[k].value for k in form.fields if k != 'csrfmiddlewaretoken')
# some fields are required => validation error
res = res.form.submit()
'Formulário inválido. O registro não foi criado.' in res
# now fill out some fields
form = res.form
stub_name = '### Nome Especial ###'
form['nome'] = stub_name
form['sigla'] = 'SIGLA'
form['tipo'] = stub_tipo.id
form['data_criacao'] = '1/1/2001'
res = form.submit()
# on redirect to detail page
created = Comissao.objects.get(nome=stub_name)
assert res.url.endswith('comissoes/%s' % created.id)
res = res.follow()
# on detail page
assert 'Registro criado com sucesso!' in res
assert_h1(res, stub_name)