mirror of https://github.com/interlegis/sapl.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
302 lines
13 KiB
302 lines
13 KiB
##parameters=rodape_dic, sessao='', imagem, inf_basicas_dic, lst_mesa, lst_presenca_sessao, lst_expedientes, lst_expediente_materia, lst_oradores_expediente, lst_presenca_ordem_dia, lst_votacao, lst_oradores
"""Script para geração do PDF das sessoes plenarias
Autor: Gustavo Lepri
Atualizado por Luciano De Fázio - 22/03/2012
versão: 1.0
import time
from trml2pdf import parseString
def cabecalho(inf_basicas_dic, imagem):
tmp = ''
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<image x="2.1cm" y="25.7cm" width="59" height="62" file="' + \
imagem + '"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<lines>2cm 25.4cm 19cm 25.4cm</lines>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<setFont name="Helvetica-Bold" size="16"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<drawString x="5cm" y="27.1cm">' + \
str(inf_basicas_dic["nom_camara"]) + '</drawString>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<setFont name="Helvetica" size="12"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<drawString x="5cm" y="26.6cm">Sistema de Apoio ao Processo Legislativo</drawString>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<setFont name="Helvetica-Bold" size="12"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<drawString x="2.2cm" y="24.6cm">Resumo da ' + str(inf_basicas_dic['num_sessao_plen']) + 'ª Reunião ' + str(inf_basicas_dic['nom_sessao']) + ' da ' + str(
inf_basicas_dic['num_sessao_leg']) + 'ª Sessão Legislativa da ' + str(inf_basicas_dic['num_legislatura']) + 'ª Legislatura </drawString>\n'
return tmp
def rodape(rodape_dic):
tmp = ''
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<lines>2cm 3.2cm 19cm 3.2cm</lines>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<setFont name="Helvetica" size="8"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<drawString x="2cm" y="3.3cm">' + \
rodape_dic[2] + '</drawString>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<drawString x="17.9cm" y="3.3cm">Página <pageNumber/></drawString>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<drawCentredString x="10.5cm" y="2.7cm">' + \
rodape_dic[0] + '</drawCentredString>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t\t<drawCentredString x="10.5cm" y="2.3cm">' + \
rodape_dic[1] + '</drawCentredString>\n'
return tmp
def paraStyle():
tmp = ''
tmp += '\t<stylesheet>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<blockTableStyle id="repeater" spaceBefore="12">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<lineStyle kind="OUTLINE" colorName="black" thickness="0.5"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<lineStyle kind="GRID" colorName="gray" thickness="0.25"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockFont name="Helvetica-Bold" size="8" leading="8" start="0,0" stop="-1,0"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockBottomPadding length="1"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockBackground colorName="silver" start="0,0" stop="-1,0"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="black" start="0,0" stop="-1,0" thickness="0.5"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<!--body section-->\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockFont name="Helvetica" size="8" leading="9" start="0,1" stop="-1,-1"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockTopPadding length="1" start="0,1" stop="-1,-1"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockAlignment value="LEFT" start="1,1" stop="-1,-1"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockValign value="TOP"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</blockTableStyle>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<blockTableStyle id="votacao">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockFont name="Helvetica" size="8" leading="9" start="0,0" stop="-1,0"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockBackground colorName="silver" start="0,0" stop="3,0" />\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<lineStyle kind="GRID" colorName="silver" />\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<lineStyle kind="LINEBELOW" colorName="black" start="0,0" stop="-1,0" thickness="0.5"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockAlignment value="LEFT"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<blockValign value="TOP"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</blockTableStyle>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<initialize>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<paraStyle name="all" alignment="justify"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</initialize>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<paraStyle name="style.Title" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="11" leading="13" alignment="RIGHT"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<paraStyle name="P1" fontName="Helvetica-Bold" fontSize="12.0" textColor="gray" leading="14" spaceBefore="12" alignment="LEFT"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<paraStyle name="P2" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="10.0" leading="10" alignment="JUSTIFY"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<paraStyle name="P3" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="9" leading="10" spaceAfter="3" alignment="LEFT"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<paraStyle name="P4" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="8" leading="9" spaceAfter="3" alignment="JUSTIFY"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<paraStyle name="texto_projeto" fontName="Helvetica" fontSize="12.0" leading="12" spaceAfter="10" alignment="JUSTIFY"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<paraStyle name="numOrdem" alignment="CENTER"/>\n'
tmp += '\t</stylesheet>\n'
return tmp
def inf_basicas(inf_basicas_dic):
tmp = ""
nom_sessao = inf_basicas_dic['nom_sessao']
num_sessao_plen = inf_basicas_dic["num_sessao_plen"]
num_sessao_leg = inf_basicas_dic["num_sessao_leg"]
num_legislatura = inf_basicas_dic["num_legislatura"]
dat_inicio_sessao = inf_basicas_dic["dat_inicio_sessao"]
hr_inicio_sessao = inf_basicas_dic["hr_inicio_sessao"]
dat_fim_sessao = inf_basicas_dic["dat_fim_sessao"]
hr_fim_sessao = inf_basicas_dic["hr_fim_sessao"]
if hr_fim_sessao is None:
hr_fim_sessao = ''
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P1">Informações Básicas</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<font color="white"> </font>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2" spaceAfter="5"><b>Tipo da Sessão: </b> ' + \
nom_sessao + '</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2" spaceAfter="5"><b>Abertura: </b> ' + \
dat_inicio_sessao + ' <b>- </b> ' + hr_inicio_sessao + '</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2" spaceAfter="5"><b>Encerramento: </b> ' + \
dat_fim_sessao + ' <b>- </b> ' + hr_fim_sessao + '</para>\n'
return tmp
def mesa(lst_mesa):
tmp = ''
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P1">Mesa Diretora</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<font color="white"> </font>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</para>\n'
for mesa in lst_mesa:
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2" spaceAfter="5"><b>' + \
str(mesa['des_cargo']) + ':</b> ' + str(mesa['nom_parlamentar']
) + '/' + str(mesa['sgl_partido']) + '</para>\n'
return tmp
def presenca(lst_presenca_sessao):
tmp = ''
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P1">Lista de Presença da Sessão</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<font color="white"> </font>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</para>\n'
for presenca in lst_presenca_sessao:
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2" spaceAfter="5">' + \
str(presenca['nom_parlamentar']) + '/' + \
str(presenca['sgl_partido']) + '</para>\n'
return tmp
def expedientes(lst_expedientes):
tmp = ''
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P1">Expedientes</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<font color="white"> </font>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</para>\n'
for expediente in lst_expedientes:
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2"><b>' + \
expediente['nom_expediente'] + ': </b></para>\n' + \
'<para style="P2">' + \
expediente['txt_expediente'] + '</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<font color="white"> </font>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</para>\n'
return tmp
def expediente_materia(lst_expediente_materia):
tmp = ''
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P1">Matérias do Expediente</para>\n\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<font color="white"> </font>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</para>\n'
tmp += '<blockTable style="repeater" repeatRows="1">\n'
tmp += '<tr><td >Matéria</td><td>Ementa</td><td>Resultado da Votação</td></tr>\n'
for expediente_materia in lst_expediente_materia:
tmp += '<tr><td><para style="P3"><b>' + str(expediente_materia['num_ordem']) + '</b> - ' + expediente_materia['id_materia'] + '</para>\n' + '<para style="P3"><b>Turno: </b>' + expediente_materia[
'des_turno'] + '</para>\n' + '<para style="P3"><b>Autor: </b>' + expediente_materia['nom_autor'] + '</para></td>\n'
txt_ementa = expediente_materia['txt_ementa'].replace('&', '&')
tmp += '<td><para style="P4">' + txt_ementa + '</para></td>\n'
tmp += '<td><para style="P3"><b>' + \
expediente_materia['nom_resultado'] + '</b></para>\n' + '<para style="P3">' + \
expediente_materia['votacao_observacao'] + '</para></td></tr>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</blockTable>\n'
return tmp
def oradores_expediente(lst_oradores_expediente):
tmp = ''
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P1">Oradores do Expediente</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<font color="white"> </font>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</para>\n'
for orador_expediente in lst_oradores_expediente:
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2" spaceAfter="5"><b>' + str(orador_expediente['num_ordem']) + '</b> - ' + orador_expediente[
'nom_parlamentar'] + '/' + str(orador_expediente['sgl_partido']) + '</para>\n'
return tmp
def presenca_ordem_dia(lst_presenca_ordem_dia):
tmp = ''
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P1">Lista de Presença da Ordem do Dia</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<font color="white"> </font>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</para>\n'
for presenca_ordem_dia in lst_presenca_ordem_dia:
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2" spaceAfter="5">' + \
str(presenca_ordem_dia['nom_parlamentar']) + '/' + \
str(presenca_ordem_dia['sgl_partido']) + '</para>\n'
return tmp
def votacao(lst_votacao):
tmp = ''
tmp += '<para style="P1">Matérias da Ordem do Dia</para>\n\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<font color="white"> </font>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</para>\n'
tmp += '<blockTable style="repeater" repeatRows="1">\n'
tmp += '<tr><td >Matéria</td><td>Ementa</td><td>Resultado da Votação</td></tr>\n'
for votacao in lst_votacao:
tmp += '<tr><td><para style="P3"><b>' + str(votacao['num_ordem']) + '</b> - ' + votacao['id_materia'] + '</para>\n' + '<para style="P3"><b>Turno:</b> ' + votacao[
'des_turno'] + '</para>\n' + '<para style="P3"><b>Autor: </b>' + votacao['nom_autor'] + '</para></td>\n'
txt_ementa = votacao['txt_ementa'].replace('&', '&')
tmp += '<td><para style="P4">' + txt_ementa + '</para></td>\n'
tmp += '<td><para style="P3"><b>' + \
votacao['nom_resultado'] + '</b></para>\n' + '<para style="P3">' + \
votacao['votacao_observacao'] + '</para></td></tr>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</blockTable>\n'
return tmp
def oradores(lst_oradores):
tmp = ''
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P1">Oradores das Explicações Pessoais</para>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<font color="white"> </font>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</para>\n'
for orador in lst_oradores:
tmp += '\t\t<para style="P2" spaceAfter="5"><b>' + \
str(orador['num_ordem']) + '</b> - ' + orador['nom_parlamentar'] + \
'/' + str(orador['sgl_partido']) + '</para>\n'
return tmp
def principal(cabecalho_dic, rodape_dic, imagem, sessao, inf_basicas_dic, lst_mesa, lst_presenca_sessao, lst_expedientes, lst_expediente_materia, lst_oradores_expediente, lst_presenca_ordem_dia, lst_votacao, lst_oradores):
arquivoPdf = str(int(time.time() * 100)) + ".pdf"
tmp = ''
tmp += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>\n'
tmp += '<!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM "rml_1_0.dtd">\n'
tmp += '<document filename="relatorio.pdf">\n'
tmp += '\t<template pageSize="(21cm, 29.7cm)" title="Sessao Plenaria" author="Interlegis" allowSplitting="20">\n'
tmp += '\t\t<pageTemplate id="first">\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<pageGraphics>\n'
tmp += cabecalho(inf_basicas_dic, imagem)
tmp += rodape(rodape_dic)
tmp += '\t\t\t</pageGraphics>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<frame id="first" x1="2cm" y1="4cm" width="17cm" height="20.5cm"/>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</pageTemplate>\n'
tmp += '\t</template>\n'
tmp += paraStyle()
tmp += '\t<story>\n'
tmp += inf_basicas(inf_basicas_dic)
tmp += mesa(lst_mesa)
tmp += presenca(lst_presenca_sessao)
tmp += expedientes(lst_expedientes)
tmp += expediente_materia(lst_expediente_materia)
tmp += oradores_expediente(lst_oradores_expediente)
tmp += presenca_ordem_dia(lst_presenca_ordem_dia)
tmp += votacao(lst_votacao)
tmp += oradores(lst_oradores)
tmp += '\t</story>\n'
tmp += '</document>\n'
tmp_pdf = parseString(tmp)
return tmp_pdf
# if hasattr(context.temp_folder,arquivoPdf):
# context.temp_folder.manage_delObjects(ids=arquivoPdf)
# context.temp_folder.manage_addFile(arquivoPdf)
# arq=context.temp_folder[arquivoPdf]
# arq.manage_edit(title='Arquivo PDF temporario.',filedata=tmp_pdf,content_type='application/pdf')
# return "/temp_folder/"+arquivoPdf
# return principal(cabecalho, rodape, sessao, imagem, inf_basicas_dic)