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<form class="navbar-form search-form" method="get" action="http://sapl3.interlegis.leg.br/generico/lexml_pesquisar">
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<li><a href="/sistema/ajuda"><img src="{% static 'img/manual.png' %}"></a></li>
{% if not user.is_authenticated %}
<li><a href="{% url 'sapl.base:login' %}"><img src="{% static 'img/user.png' %}"></a></li>
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{% if 'parlamentares.can_vote' in request.user.get_all_permissions %}
<li><a href="" onclick="window.open('{% url 'sapl.painel:voto_individual' %}','Voto Individual','width=1000, height=800, scrollbars=yes')";>
Votar Matéria
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<li><a href="{% url 'sapl.base:alterar_senha' %}">Alterar senha</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'sapl.base:logout' %}">Sair</a></li>
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<span class="vcenter">
{# XXX Make better use of translation tags in html blocks ie. actually use the proper blocktrans tag efficiently #}
{% if nome %}
{{ nome }}
{% else %}
{% trans 'Câmara/Assembléia não configurada'%}
{% endif %}
<br/><small>{% trans 'Sistema de Apoio ao Processo Legislativo' %}</small>
<div class="hidden-print">
{% block sections_nav %} {% subnav %} {% endblock sections_nav %}
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{# Main content #}
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{# Feedback messages #}
{% for message in messages %}
<div class="alert alert-{% if message.tags == 'error' %}danger{% else %}{{ message.tags }}{% endif %} alert-dismissible fade in" role="alert">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria-hidden="true"></span>
{{ message|safe }}
{% endfor %}
{# Content header #}
{% block base_header %}
<div class="clearfix">
{% block help %}
{# {% if view.help_topic %}#}
{# <a class="contextual-help right" href="{% url 'sapl.base:help' %}{{ view.help_topic }}">{% trans 'Ajuda' %}</a>#}
{# {% endif %}#}
{% endblock %}
{% block title %}
<h1 class="page-header">
{% if title %}
{{ title|safe|linebreaksbr }}
{% elif object %}
{{ object|safe|linebreaksbr }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock base_header %}
{# Content per se #}
{% block base_content %}{% endblock %}
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<img src="{% static 'img/logo_interlegis.png' %}" alt="{% trans 'Logo do Interlegis' %} ">
Desenvolvido pelo <a href="http://www.interlegis.leg.br/">Interlegis</a> em software livre e aberto.
<span>Release: 3.1.124</span>
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<img src="{% static 'img/logo_cc.png' %}" alt="{% trans 'Logo do Creative Commons BY SA' %}">
Conteúdo e dados sob licença <a href="https://creativecommons.org">Creative Commons</a> 4.0<br><a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Atribuir Fonte - Compartilhar Igual</a>
<div class="col-md-4">
{% if nome %}
<span class="org">{{ nome }}</span>
<span class="street-address">{{ endereco }}</span>
<br> CEP: <span class="postal-code">{{ cep }}</span> | Telefone: <span>{{ telefone }}</span>
<a href="{{endereco_web}}" class="url">{% trans 'Site' %}</a> |
<a href="mailto:{{email}}" class="email">{% trans 'Fale Conosco' %}</a>
{% else %}
Casa Legislativa não configurada.
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
<a href="{% url 'sapl.base:casalegislativa_list' %}">Favor configurar clicando aqui</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock footer_container %}
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function inIframe () {
try {
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let iframe_set_backend = {{ request|has_iframe|lower }}
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location.href = location.origin + '?iframe=0'
{% endblock foot_js %}