@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ $string['identifyby'] = 'Identify student by'; |
$string['includeall'] = 'Select all sessions'; |
$string['includeall'] = 'Select all sessions'; |
$string['includenottaken'] = 'Include not taken sessions'; |
$string['includenottaken'] = 'Include not taken sessions'; |
$string['includeremarks'] = 'Include remarks'; |
$string['includeremarks'] = 'Include remarks'; |
$string['incorrectpassword'] = 'You have entered an incorrect password'; |
$string['incorrectpassword'] = 'You have entered an incorrect password and your attendance has not been recorded, please enter the correct password.'; |
$string['indetail'] = 'In detail...'; |
$string['indetail'] = 'In detail...'; |
$string['invalidsessionenddate'] = 'This date can not be earlier than the session date'; |
$string['invalidsessionenddate'] = 'This date can not be earlier than the session date'; |
$string['invalidaction'] = 'You must select an action'; |
$string['invalidaction'] = 'You must select an action'; |