$string['checkweekdays'] = 'Select weekdays that fall within your selected session date range.';
$string['checkweekdays'] = 'Select weekdays that fall within your selected session date range.';
$string['column'] = 'column';
$string['column'] = 'column';
$string['columns'] = 'columns';
$string['columns'] = 'columns';
$string['commonsession'] = 'Common';
$string['commonsession'] = 'All students';
$string['commonsessions'] = 'Common';
$string['commonsessions'] = 'All students';
$string['confirmdeleteuser'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'{$a->fullname}\' ({$a->email})?<br/>All of their attendance records will be permanently deleted.';
$string['confirmdeleteuser'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete user \'{$a->fullname}\' ({$a->email})?<br/>All of their attendance records will be permanently deleted.';
$string['countofselected'] = 'Count of selected';
$string['countofselected'] = 'Count of selected';
$string['copyfrom'] = 'Copy attendance data from';
$string['copyfrom'] = 'Copy attendance data from';
$string['createmultiplesessions_help'] = 'This function allows you to create multiple sessions in one simple step.
$string['createmultiplesessions_help'] = 'This function allows you to create multiple sessions in one simple step.
The sessions begin on the date of the base session and continue until the \'repeat until\' date.
* <strong>Session Start Date</strong>: Select the start date of your course (the first day of class)
* <strong>Repeat on</strong>: Select the days of the week when your class will meet (for example, Monday/Wednesday/Friday).
* <strong>Session End Date</strong>: Select the last day of class (the last day you want to take attendance).
* <strong>Repeat every</strong>: This allows for a frequency setting. If your class will meet every week, select 1; if it will meet every other week, select 2; every 3rd week, select 3, etc.
* <strong>Session Days</strong>: Select the days of the week when your class will meet (for example, Monday/Wednesday/Friday).
* <strong>Repeat until</strong>: Select the last day of class (the last day you want to take attendance).
* <strong>Frequency</strong>: This allows for a frequency setting. If your class will meet every week, select 1; if it will meet every other week, select 2; every 3rd week, select 3, etc.
$string['createonesession'] = 'Create one session for the course';
$string['createonesession'] = 'Create one session for the course';
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ $string['gradebookexplanation_help'] = 'The Attendance module displays your curr
For example, if you have earned 8 of 10 points to date (80% attendance) and attendance for the entire course is worth 50 points, the Attendance module will display 8/10 and the gradebook will display 40/50. You have not yet earned 40 points but 40 is the equivalent point value to your current attendance percentage of 80%. The point value you have earned in the Attendance module can never decrease, as it is based only on attendance to date; however, the attendance point value shown in the gradebook may increase or decrease depending on your future attendance, as it is based on attendance for the entire course.';
For example, if you have earned 8 of 10 points to date (80% attendance) and attendance for the entire course is worth 50 points, the Attendance module will display 8/10 and the gradebook will display 40/50. You have not yet earned 40 points but 40 is the equivalent point value to your current attendance percentage of 80%. The point value you have earned in the Attendance module can never decrease, as it is based only on attendance to date; however, the attendance point value shown in the gradebook may increase or decrease depending on your future attendance, as it is based on attendance for the entire course.';
$string['gridcolumns'] = 'Grid columns';
$string['gridcolumns'] = 'Grid columns';
$string['groupsession'] = 'Group';
$string['groupsession'] = 'Group of students';
$string['hiddensessions'] = 'Hidden sessions';
$string['hiddensessions'] = 'Hidden sessions';
$string['hiddensessions_help'] = 'Sessions are hidden if they are scheduled before the course start date.
$string['hiddensessions_help'] = 'Sessions are hidden if they are scheduled before the course start date.
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ $string['includeall'] = 'Select all sessions';
$string['includenottaken'] = 'Include not taken sessions';
$string['includenottaken'] = 'Include not taken sessions';
$string['includeremarks'] = 'Include remarks';
$string['includeremarks'] = 'Include remarks';
$string['indetail'] = 'In detail...';
$string['indetail'] = 'In detail...';
$string['invalidsessionenddate'] = 'The session end date can not be earlier than the session start date';
$string['invalidsessionenddate'] = 'This date can not be earlier than the session date';
$string['invalidaction'] = 'You must select an action';
$string['invalidaction'] = 'You must select an action';
$string['sessiontype_help'] = 'There are two types of sessions: common and groups. Ability to add different types depends on activity group mode.
$string['sessiontype_help'] = 'You can add sessions for all students or for a group of students. Ability to add different types depends on activity group mode.
* In group mode "No groups" you can add only common sessions.
* In group mode "No groups" you can add only sessions for all students.
* In group mode "Visible groups" you can add common and group sessions.
* In group mode "Separate groups" you can add only sessions for a group of students.
* In group mode "Separate groups" you can add only group sessions.
* In group mode "Visible groups" you can add both types of sessions.
$string['timeahead'] = 'Multiple sessions that exceed one year cannot be created, please adjust the start and end dates.';
$string['timeahead'] = 'Multiple sessions that exceed one year cannot be created, please adjust the start and end dates.';
$string['priorto'] = 'The session date is prior to the course start date ({$a}) so that the new sessions scheduled before this date will be hidden (not accessible). You can change the course start date at any time (see course settings) in order to have access to earlier sessions.<br><br>Please change the session date or just click the "Add session" button again to confirm?';
$string['priorto'] = 'The session date is prior to the course start date ({$a}) so that the new sessions scheduled before this date will be hidden (not accessible). You can change the course start date at any time (see course settings) in order to have access to earlier sessions.<br><br>Please change the session date or just click the "Add session" button again to confirm?';
$string['noattendanceusers'] = 'It is not possible to export any data as there are no students enrolled in the course.';
$string['noattendanceusers'] = 'It is not possible to export any data as there are no students enrolled in the course.';
$string['time'] = 'Time';
$string['from'] = 'from:';
$string['to'] = 'to:';
$string['repeatasfollows'] = 'Repeat the session above as follows';
$string['repeatevery'] = 'Repeat every';
$string['repeatuntil'] = 'Repeat until';
$string['repeaton'] = 'Repeat on';
$string['invalidsessionendtime'] = 'The end time must be greater than start time';