@ -129,8 +129,7 @@ Feature: Visiting reports |
| id_sessiontype_1 | 1 | |
| id_groups | Group1 | |
And I click on "id_submitbutton" "button" |
And I wait until the page is ready |
Then I should see "3am - 4am" |
Then I should see "3am - 4am" |
And "Group: Group1" "text" should exist in the "3am - 4am" "table_row" |
When I click on "Take attendance" "link" in the "3am - 4am" "table_row" |
@ -168,8 +167,7 @@ Feature: Visiting reports |
| id_sestime_starthour | 03 | |
| id_sestime_endhour | 04 | |
And I click on "id_submitbutton" "button" |
And I wait until the page is ready |
Then I should see "3am - 4am" |
Then I should see "3am - 4am" |
When I click on "Take attendance" "link" in the "3am - 4am" "table_row" |
# Present |
@ -181,8 +179,7 @@ Feature: Visiting reports |
| id_sestime_starthour | 05 | |
| id_sestime_endhour | 06 | |
And I click on "id_submitbutton" "button" |
And I wait until the page is ready |
Then I should see "05:00 - 06:00" |
Then I should see "5am - 6am" |
When I follow "Report" |
And I click on "Summary" "link" in the "All" "table_row" |