<FIELDNAME="includeqrcode"TYPE="int"LENGTH="1"NOTNULL="true"DEFAULT="0"SEQUENCE="false"COMMENT="Include a QR code image when displaying the password"/>
<KEYNAME="primary"TYPE="primary"FIELDS="id"COMMENT="Primary key for attendance_sessions"/>
<KEYNAME="primary"TYPE="primary"FIELDS="id"COMMENT="Primary key for attendance_sessions"/>
$string['includenottaken'] = 'Include not taken sessions';
$string['includenottaken'] = 'Include not taken sessions';
$string['includeqrcode'] = 'Include QR code';
$string['includeremarks'] = 'Include remarks';
$string['includeremarks'] = 'Include remarks';
$string['incorrectpassword'] = 'You have entered an incorrect password and your attendance has not been recorded, please enter the correct password.';
$string['incorrectpassword'] = 'You have entered an incorrect password and your attendance has not been recorded, please enter the correct password.';
$string['indetail'] = 'In detail...';
$string['indetail'] = 'In detail...';
@ -341,6 +342,9 @@ $string['preventsharediptime_help'] = 'Allow an IP address to be re-used for tak
$string['preventsharederror'] = 'Self-marking has been disabled for a session because this device appears to have been used to record attendance for another student.';
$string['preventsharederror'] = 'Self-marking has been disabled for a session because this device appears to have been used to record attendance for another student.';
$string['priorto'] = 'The session date is prior to the course start date ({$a}) so that the new sessions scheduled before this date will be hidden (not accessible). You can change the course start date at any time (see course settings) in order to have access to earlier sessions.<br><br>Please change the session date or just click the "Add session" button again to confirm?';
$string['priorto'] = 'The session date is prior to the course start date ({$a}) so that the new sessions scheduled before this date will be hidden (not accessible). You can change the course start date at any time (see course settings) in order to have access to earlier sessions.<br><br>Please change the session date or just click the "Add session" button again to confirm?';
$string['processingfile'] = 'Processing file';
$string['processingfile'] = 'Processing file';
$string['qrcode'] = 'QR Code';
$string['qrcodemissing'] = 'QR Code not available. Please ask your administrator to install the <ahref="https://moodle.org/plugins/local_qrlinks">QR Links</a> plugin.';
$string['qrcodewarning'] = 'Local QR code generator not available. Using web-based 3rd-party service <ahref="https://goqr.me/">goQR.me</a> instead.';
$string['randompassword'] = 'Random password';
$string['randompassword'] = 'Random password';
$string['remark'] = 'Remark for: {$a}';
$string['remark'] = 'Remark for: {$a}';
$string['remarks'] = 'Remarks';
$string['remarks'] = 'Remarks';
@ -434,6 +438,7 @@ $string['setunmarked_help'] = 'If enabled in the session, set this status if a s
$string['showdefaults'] = 'Show defaults';
$string['showdefaults'] = 'Show defaults';
$string['showduration'] = 'Show duration';
$string['showduration'] = 'Show duration';
$string['showextrauserdetails'] = 'Show extra user details';
$string['showextrauserdetails'] = 'Show extra user details';