$string['studentscanmark'] = 'Allow students to record own attendance';
$string['studentscanmark'] = 'Allow students to record own attendance';
$string['studentscanmark_desc'] = 'If checked, teachers will be able to allow students to mark their own attendance.';
$string['studentscanmark_desc'] = 'If checked, teachers will be able to allow students to mark their own attendance.';
$string['studentscanmark_help'] = 'If checked students will be able to change their own attendance status for the session.';
$string['studentscanmark_help'] = 'If checked students will be able to change their own attendance status for the session.';
$string['studentscanmarksessiontime'] = 'Students record attendance during session time';
$string['studentscanmarksessiontime_desc'] = 'If checked students can only record their attendance during the session.';
$string['studentscanmarksessiontimeend'] = 'Session end (minutes)';
$string['studentscanmarksessiontimeend_desc'] = 'If the session does not have an end time, how many minutes should the session be available for students to record their attendance.';
$string['set_by_student'] = 'Self-recorded';
$string['set_by_student'] = 'Self-recorded';
$string['attendance_already_submitted'] = 'You may not self register attendance that has already been set.';
$string['attendance_already_submitted'] = 'You may not self register attendance that has already been set.';