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phpdocs compatibility

bdaloukas 8 years ago
  1. 74
  2. 218
  3. 246
  4. 363
  5. 111
  6. 126
  7. 23
  8. 3
  9. 134
  10. 13
  11. 8
  12. 4


@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Defines backup_glossary_activity_task class
* @package mod_game
* @subpackage backup-moodle2
* @copyright 2007 Vasilis Daloukas
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/game/backup/moodle2/backup_game_stepslib.php'); // Because it exists (must).
* Defines backup_game_activity_task class
* game backup task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one
* complete backup of the activity
class backup_game_activity_task extends backup_activity_task {
* Define (add) particular settings this activity can have
protected function define_my_settings() {
// No particular settings for this activity.
* Define (add) particular steps this activity can have
protected function define_my_steps() {
// Game only has one structure step.
$this->add_step(new backup_game_activity_structure_step('game_structure', 'game.xml'));
* Encodes URLs to the index.php and view.php scripts
* @param string $content some HTML text that eventually contains URLs to the activity instance scripts
* @return string the content with the URLs encoded
static public function encode_content_links($content) {
global $CFG;
$base = preg_quote($CFG->wwwroot, "/");
// Link to the list of games.
$search = "/(".$base."\/mod\/game\/index.php\?id\=)([0-9]+)/";
$content = preg_replace($search, '$@GAMEINDEX*$2@$', $content);
// Link to game view by moduleid.
$search = "/(".$base."\/mod\/game\/view.php\?id\=)([0-9]+)/";
$content = preg_replace($search, '$@GAMEVIEWBYID*$2@$', $content);
return $content;


@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_game_activity_task
* @package mod_game
* @subpackage backup-moodle2
* @author bdaloukas
* Define the complete game structure for backup, with file and id annotations
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
class backup_game_activity_structure_step extends backup_activity_structure_step {
* Defines the needed structures.
protected function define_structure() {
// To know if we are including userinfo.
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');
// Define each element separated.
$game = new backup_nested_element('game', array('id'), array(
'name', 'sourcemodule', 'timeopen', 'timeclose', 'quizid',
'glossaryid', 'glossarycategoryid', 'questioncategoryid', 'bookid',
'gamekind', 'param1', 'param2', 'param3',
'param4', 'param5', 'param6', 'param7', 'param8', 'param9',
'shuffle', 'timemodified', 'toptext', 'bottomtext',
'grademethod', 'grade', 'decimalpoints', 'popup',
'review', 'attempts', 'glossaryid2', 'glossarycategoryid2',
'language', 'subcategories', 'maxattempts'
$exporthtmls = new backup_nested_element('game_export_htmls');
$exporthtml = new backup_nested_element('game_export_html', array('id'), array(
'filename', 'title', 'checkbutton', 'printbutton', 'inputsize', 'maxpicturewidth', 'maxpictureheight'));
$exportjavames = new backup_nested_element('game_export_javames');
$exportjavame = new backup_nested_element('game_export_javame', array('id'), array(
'filename', 'icon', 'createdby', 'vendor', 'name', 'description', 'version',
'maxpicturewidth', 'maxpictureheight'));
$grades = new backup_nested_element('game_grades');
$grade = new backup_nested_element('game_grade', array('id'), array(
'userid', 'score', 'timemodified'));
$repetitions = new backup_nested_element('game_repetitions');
$repetition = new backup_nested_element('game_repetition', array('id'), array(
'userid', 'questionid', 'glossaryentryid', 'repetitions'));
$attempts = new backup_nested_element('game_attempts');
$attempt = new backup_nested_element('game_attempt', array('id'), array(
'userid', 'timestart', 'timefinish', 'timelastattempt', 'lastip',
'lastremotehost', 'preview', 'attempt', 'score', 'attempts', 'language'));
$querys = new backup_nested_element('game_queries');
$query = new backup_nested_element('game_query', array('id'), array(
'gamekind', 'userid', 'sourcemodule', 'questionid', 'glossaryentryid',
'questiontext', 'score', 'timelastattempt', 'studentanswer', 'col', 'row',
'horizontal', 'answertext', 'correct', 'attachment', 'answerid', 'tries'));
$bookquizs = new backup_nested_element('game_bookquizs');
$bookquiz = new backup_nested_element('game_bookquiz', array('id'), array('lastchapterid'));
$bookquizchapters = new backup_nested_element('game_bookquiz_chapters');
$bookquizchapter = new backup_nested_element('game_bookquiz_chapter', array('id'), array( 'chapterid'));
$bookquizquestions = new backup_nested_element('game_bookquiz_questions');
$bookquizquestion = new backup_nested_element('game_bookquiz_question', array('id'), array(
'chapterid', 'questioncategoryid'));
$crosss = new backup_nested_element('game_crosss');
$cross = new backup_nested_element('game_cross', array('id'), array(
'cols', 'rows', 'words', 'wordsall', 'createscore', 'createtries',
'createtimelimit', 'createconnectors', 'createfilleds', 'createspaces', 'triesplay'));
$cryptexs = new backup_nested_element('game_cryptexs');
$cryptex = new backup_nested_element('game_cryptex', array('id'), array('letters'));
$hangmans = new backup_nested_element('game_hangmans');
$hangman = new backup_nested_element('game_hangman', array('id'), array(
'queryid', 'letters', 'allletters', 'try', 'maxtries', 'finishedword',
'corrects', 'iscorrect'));
$hiddenpictures = new backup_nested_element('game_hiddenpictures');
$hiddenpicture = new backup_nested_element('game_hiddenpicture', array('id'), array('correct', 'wrong', 'found'));
$millionaires = new backup_nested_element('game_millionaires');
$millionaire = new backup_nested_element('game_millionaire', array('id'), array('queryid', 'state', 'level'));
$snakes = new backup_nested_element('game_snakes');
$snake = new backup_nested_element('game_snake', array('id'), array('snakesdatabaseid', 'position', 'queryid', 'dice'));
$sudokus = new backup_nested_element('game_sudokus');
$sudoku = new backup_nested_element('game_sudoku', array('id'), array('level', 'data', 'opened', 'guess'));
// Build the tree.
$game->add_child( $bookquizquestions);
$bookquizquestions->add_child( $bookquizquestion);
$game->add_child( $exporthtmls);
$exporthtmls->add_child( $exporthtml);
$game->add_child( $exportjavames);
$exportjavames->add_child( $exportjavame);
$game->add_child( $grades);
$grades->add_child( $grade);
$game->add_child( $repetitions);
$repetitions->add_child( $repetition);
// All these source definitions only happen if we are including user info.
if ($userinfo) {
$game->add_child( $attempts);
$attempts->add_child( $attempt);
$attempts->add_child( $querys);
$querys->add_child( $query);
$attempts->add_child( $bookquizs);
$bookquizs->add_child( $bookquiz);
$game->add_child( $bookquizchapters);
$attempts->add_child( $crosss);
$crosss->add_child( $cross);
$attempts->add_child( $cryptexs);
$cryptexs->add_child( $cryptex);
$attempts->add_child( $hangmans);
$hangmans->add_child( $hangman);
$attempts->add_child( $hiddenpictures);
$hiddenpictures->add_child( $hiddenpicture);
$attempts->add_child( $millionaires);
$millionaires->add_child( $millionaire);
$attempts->add_child( $snakes);
$snakes->add_child( $snake);
$attempts->add_child( $sudokus);
$sudokus->add_child( $sudoku);
// Define sources.
$game->set_source_table('game', array('id' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID));
$bookquizquestion->set_source_table('game_bookquiz_questions', array('gameid' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID));
$exporthtml->set_source_table('game_export_html', array('id' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID));
$exportjavame->set_source_table('game_export_javame', array('id' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID));
// All the rest of elements only happen if we are including user info.
if ($userinfo) {
$grade->set_source_table('game_grades', array('gameid' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID));
$repetition->set_source_table('game_repetitions', array('gameid' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID));
$attempt->set_source_table('game_attempts', array( 'gameid' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID));
$attempt->set_source_table('game_queries', array( 'attemptid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$bookquiz->set_source_table('game_bookquiz', array( 'id' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID));
$bookquizchapter->set_source_table('game_bookquiz_chapters', array( 'id' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$cross->set_source_table('game_cross', array( 'id' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$cryptex->set_source_table('game_cryptex', array( 'id' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$hangman->set_source_table('game_hangman', array( 'id' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$hiddenpicture->set_source_table('game_hiddenpicture', array( 'id' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$millionaire->set_source_table('game_millionaire', array( 'id' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$snake->set_source_table('game_snakes', array( 'id' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
$sudoku->set_source_table('game_sudoku', array( 'id' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
// Define id annotations.
$attempt->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
$grade->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
$repetition->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
$repetition->annotate_ids('question', 'questionid');
$repetition->annotate_ids('glossary_entry', 'glossaryentryid');
$query->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
$query->annotate_ids('question', 'questionid');
$query->annotate_ids('glossary_enrty', 'glossaryentryid');
$query->annotate_ids('question_answer', 'answerid');
$bookquizquestion->annotate_ids('book_chapter', 'chapterid');
$bookquizquestion->annotate_ids('question_category', 'questioncategoryid');
$bookquizchapter->annotate_ids('book_chapter', 'chapterid');
$hangman->annotate_ids('game_query', 'queryid');
$millionaire->annotate_ids('game_query', 'queryid');
// Define file annotations.
$game->annotate_files('mod_game', 'snakes_file', null); // This file area hasn't itemid.
$game->annotate_files('mod_game', 'snakes_board', null); // This file area hasn't itemid.
// Return the root element (game), wrapped into standard activity structure.
return $this->prepare_activity_structure( $game);


@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* @package mod_game
* @subpackage backup-moodle2
* @author bdaloukas
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/game/backup/moodle2/restore_game_stepslib.php'); // Because it exists (must).
* game restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one
* complete restore of the activity
class restore_game_activity_task extends restore_activity_task {
* Define (add) particular settings this activity can have
protected function define_my_settings() {
// No particular settings for this activity.
* Define (add) particular steps this activity can have
protected function define_my_steps() {
// Game only has one structure step.
$this->add_step(new restore_game_activity_structure_step('game_structure', 'game.xml'));
* Define the contents in the activity that must be
* processed by the link decoder
static public function define_decode_contents() {
$contents = array();
$contents[] = new restore_decode_content('game', array('toptext'), 'game');
$contents[] = new restore_decode_content('game', array('bottomtext'), 'game');
return $contents;
* Define the decoding rules for links belonging
* to the activity to be executed by the link decoder
static public function define_decode_rules() {
$rules = array();
return $rules;
* Define the restore log rules that will be applied
* by the {@link restore_logs_processor} when restoring
* game logs. It must return one array
* of {@link restore_log_rule} objects
static public function define_restore_log_rules() {
$rules = array();
$rules[] = new restore_log_rule('game', 'add', 'view.php?id={course_module}', '{game}');
$rules[] = new restore_log_rule('game', 'update', 'view.php?id={course_module}', '{game}');
$rules[] = new restore_log_rule('game', 'view', 'view.php?id={course_module}', '{game}');
$rules[] = new restore_log_rule('game', 'choose', 'view.php?id={course_module}', '{game}');
$rules[] = new restore_log_rule('game', 'choose again', 'view.php?id={course_module}', '{game}');
$rules[] = new restore_log_rule('game', 'report', 'report.php?id={course_module}', '{game}');
return $rules;
* Define the restore log rules that will be applied
* by the {@link restore_logs_processor} when restoring
* course logs. It must return one array
* of {@link restore_log_rule} objects
* Note this rules are applied when restoring course logs
* by the restore final task, but are defined here at
* activity level. All them are rules not linked to any module instance (cmid = 0)
static public function define_restore_log_rules_for_course() {
$rules = array();
// Fix old wrong uses (missing extension).
$rules[] = new restore_log_rule('game', 'view all', 'index?id={course}', null,
null, null, 'index.php?id={course}');
$rules[] = new restore_log_rule('game', 'view all', 'index.php?id={course}', null);
return $rules;
public function after_restore() {
// Do something at end of restore.
global $DB;
// Get the blockid.
$gameid = $this->get_activityid();
// Extract Game configdata and update it to point to the new glossary.
$rec = $DB->get_record_select( 'game', 'id='.$gameid,
null, 'id,quizid,glossaryid,glossarycategoryid,questioncategoryid,bookid,glossaryid2,glossarycategoryid2');
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'quiz', $rec->quizid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->quizid = $ret->newitemid;
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'glossary', $rec->glossaryid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->glossaryid = $ret->newitemid;
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'glossary_categories', $rec->glossarycategoryid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->glossarycategoryid = $ret->newitemid;
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'question_categories', $rec->questioncategoryid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->questioncategoryid = $ret->newitemid;
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'book', $rec->bookid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->bookid = $ret->newitemid;
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'glossary', $rec->glossaryid2);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->glossaryid2 = $ret->newitemid;
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'glossary_categories', $rec->glossarycategoryid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->glossarycategoryid = $ret->newitemid;
$DB->update_record( 'game', $rec);
// Read game_repetitions.
$recs = $DB->get_records_select( 'game_repetitions', 'gameid='.$gameid, null, '',
if ($recs != false) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'question', $rec->questionid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->questionid = $ret->newitemid;
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'glossary_entry', $rec->glossaryentryid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->glossaryentryid = $ret->newitemid;
$DB->update_record( 'game_repetitions', $rec);
// Read game_queries.
$recs = $DB->get_records_select( 'game_queries', 'gameid='.$gameid, null, '',
if ($recs != false) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'question', $rec->questionid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->questionid = $ret->newitemid;
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'glossary_entry', $rec->glossaryentryid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->glossaryentryid = $ret->newitemid;
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'question_answers', $rec->glossaryentryid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->answerid = $ret->newitemid;
$DB->update_record( 'game_queries', $rec);
// Read bookquiz.
$recs = $DB->get_records_select( 'game_bookquiz', 'id='.$gameid, null, '', 'id,lastchapterid');
if ($recs != false) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'book_chapters', $rec->lastchapterid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->lastchapterid = $ret->newitemid;
$DB->update_record( 'game_bookquiz', $rec);
// Read bookquiz_chapters.
$sql = "SELECT gbc.* ".
"FROM {game_bookquiz_chapters} gbc LEFT JOIN {game_attempts} a ON gbc.attemptid =".
" WHERE a.gameid=$gameid";
$recs = $DB->get_records_sql( $sql);
if ($recs != false) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'book_chapters', $rec->chapterid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->chapterid = $ret->newitemid;
$DB->update_record( 'game_bookquiz_chapter', $rec);
// Read bookquiz_questions.
$recs = $DB->get_records_select( 'game_bookquiz_questions', 'id='.$gameid, null, '', 'id,chapterid,questioncategoryid');
if ($recs != false) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'book_chapters', $rec->chapterid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->chapterid = $ret->newitemid;
$ret = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'book_chapters', $rec->questioncategoryid);
if ($ret != false) {
$rec->questioncategoryid = $ret->newitemid;
$DB->update_record( 'game_bookquiz_questions', $rec);


@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_game_activity_task
* @package mod_game
* @subpackage backup-moodle2
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Structure step to restore one game activity
class restore_game_activity_structure_step extends restore_activity_structure_step {
* Defines the neeeded structures.
protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game', '/activity/game');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_export_html', '/activity/game/game_export_htmls/game_export_html');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_export_javame', '/activity/game/game_export_htmls/game_export_javame');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element(
'game_bookquiz_question', '/activity/game/game_bookquiz_questions/game_bookquiz_question');
if ($userinfo) {
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_grade', '/activity/game/game_grades/game_grade');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_repetition', '/activity/game/game_repetiotions/game_repetition');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_attempt', '/activity/game/game_attempts/game_attempt');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_query', '/activity/game/game_querys/game_query');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_bookquiz', '/activity/game/game_bookquizs/game_bookquiz');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_bookquiz_chapter',
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_cross', '/activity/game/game_crosss/game_cross');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_cryptex', '/activity/game/game_cryptexs/game_cryptex');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_hangman', '/activity/game/game_hangmans/game_hangman');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_hiddenpicture', '/activity/game/game_hiddenpictures/game_hiddenpicture');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_millionaire', '/activity/game/game_millionaires/game_millionaire');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_snake', '/activity/game/game_snakes/game_snake');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('game_sudoku', '/activity/game/game_sudokus/game_sudoku');
// Return the paths wrapped into standard activity structure.
return $this->prepare_activity_structure($paths);
* Restores the game table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->course = $this->get_courseid();
$data->timemodified = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timemodified);
// Insert the game record.
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('game', $data);
// Immediately after inserting "activity" record, call this.
* Restores the game_export_html table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_export_html($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->id = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
if ($data->id != 0) {
$DB->insert_record('game_export_html', $data);
* Restores the game_export_javame table.
* @param stdClass $game
protected function process_game_export_javame( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->id = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
if ($data->id != 0) {
$DB->insert_record('game_export_javame', $data);
* Restores the game_grades table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_grade( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->gameid = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
$DB->insert_record('game_grades', $data);
* Restores the game_repetitions table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_repetition( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->gameid = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
$DB->insert_record('game_repetitions', $data);
* Restores the game_attempts table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_attempt( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->gameid = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
if (!isset( $data->timestart)) {
$data->timestart = 0;
if (!isset( $data->timefinish)) {
$data->timefinish = 0;
if (!isset( $data->timelastattempt)) {
$data->timelastattempt = 0;
$data->timestart = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timestart);
$data->timefinish = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timefinish);
$data->timelastattempt = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timelastattempt);
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('game_attempts', $data);
$this->set_mapping('game_attempt', $oldid, $newitemid);
* Restores the game_queries table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_query( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$oldid = $data->id;
$data->gameid = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$data->attemptid = get_mappingid('game_attempt', $data->attemptid);
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
$newitemid = $DB->insert_record('game_queries', $data);
$this->set_mapping('game_query', $oldid, $newitemid);
* Restores the game_bookquiz table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_bookquiz( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->id = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$DB->insert_record('game_bookquiz', $data);
* Restores the game_bookauiz_chapters table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_bookquiz_chapter( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->gameid = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$DB->insert_record('game_bookquiz_chapters', $data);
* Restores the game_bookquiz_questions table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_bookquiz_question( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->gameid = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$DB->insert_record('game_bookquiz_questions', $data);
* Restores the game_cross table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_cross( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->id = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$DB->insert_record('game_cross', $data);
* Restores the game_cryptex table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_cryptex( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->id = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$DB->insert_record('game_cryptex', $data);
* Restores the game_hangman table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_hangman( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->id = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$data->queryid = $this->get_mappingid('game_query', $data->queryid);
$DB->insert_record('game_hangman', $data);
* Restores the game_hiddenpicture table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_hiddenpicture( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->id = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$DB->insert_record('game_hiddenpicture', $data);
* Restores the game_millionaire table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_millionaire( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->id = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$data->queryid = $this->get_mappingid('game_query', $data->queryid);
$DB->insert_record('game_millionaire', $data);
* Restores the game_snakes table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_snake( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->id = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$data->queryid = $this->get_mappingid('game_query', $data->queryid);
$DB->insert_record('game_snakes', $data);
* Restores the game_sudoku table.
* @param stdClass $data
protected function process_game_sudoku( $data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
$data->id = $this->get_new_parentid('game');
$DB->insert_record('game_sudoku', $data);
* Add Game related files, no need to match by itemname (just internally handled context).
protected function after_execute() {
$this->add_related_files('mod_game', 'snakes_file', null);
$this->add_related_files('mod_game', 'snakes_board', null);


@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* This files plays the game "Snakes and Ladders".
@ -23,6 +21,17 @@ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* @copyright 2007 Vasilis Daloukas
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Plays the game "Snakes and Ladders".
* @param int $id
* @param stdClass $game
* @param stdClass $attempt
* @param stdClass $snakes
* @param stdClass $context
function game_snakes_continue( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context) {
if ($attempt != false and $snakes != false) {
return game_snakes_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context);
@ -50,6 +59,15 @@ function game_snakes_continue( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context) {
return game_snakes_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $newrec, $context);
* Plays the game "Snakes and Ladders".
* @param int $id
* @param stdClass $game
* @param stdClass $attempt
* @param stdClass $snakes
* @param stdClass $context
function game_snakes_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
@ -149,6 +167,12 @@ top:<?php p( -2 * round($board->height / 3));?>px; ">
* Computes player's position.
* @param stdClass $snakes
* @param stdClass $board
function game_snakes_computeplayerposition( $snakes, $board) {
$x = ($snakes->position - 1) % $board->cols;
$y = floor( ($snakes->position - 1) / $board->cols);
@ -178,6 +202,13 @@ function game_snakes_computeplayerposition( $snakes, $board) {
return $pos;
* Computes next question.
* @param stdClass $game
* @param stdClass $snakes
* @param stdClass $quert
function game_snakes_computenextquestion( $game, &$snakes, &$query) {
global $DB, $USER;
@ -235,6 +266,15 @@ function game_snakes_computenextquestion( $game, &$snakes, &$query) {
return true;
* Shows the question.
* @param int $id
* @param stdClass $game
* @param stdClass $snakes
* @param stdClass $query
* @param stdClass $context
function game_snakes_showquestion( $id, $game, $snakes, $query, $context) {
if ($query->sourcemodule == 'glossary') {
game_snakes_showquestion_glossary( $id, $snakes, $query, $game);
@ -243,6 +283,15 @@ function game_snakes_showquestion( $id, $game, $snakes, $query, $context) {
* Shows the question.
* @param stdClass $game
* @param $id
* @param stdClass $snakes
* @param stdClass $query
* @param stdClass $context
function game_snakes_showquestion_question( $game, $id, $snakes, $query, $context) {
global $CFG;
@ -269,6 +318,14 @@ function game_snakes_showquestion_question( $game, $id, $snakes, $query, $contex
echo "</form>\n";
* Show a glossary question.
* @param int $id
* @param stdClass $snakes
* @param stdClass $query
* @param stdClass $game
function game_snakes_showquestion_glossary( $id, $snakes, $query, $game) {
global $CFG, $DB;
@ -301,6 +358,15 @@ function game_snakes_showquestion_glossary( $id, $snakes, $query, $game) {
echo "</form>\n";
* Checks if answer is correct.
* @param int $id
* @param stdClass $game
* @param stdClass $attempt
* @param stdClass $snakes
* @param stdClass $context
function game_snakes_check_questions( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context) {
global $CFG, $DB;
@ -337,6 +403,15 @@ function game_snakes_check_questions( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context) {
game_snakes_position( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $correct, $query, $context);
* Checks if the glossary answer is correct.
* @param int $id
* @param stdClass $game
* @param stdClass $attempt
* @param stdClass $snakes
* @param stdClass $context
function game_snakes_check_glossary( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context) {
global $CFG, $DB;
@ -369,6 +444,18 @@ function game_snakes_check_glossary( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context) {
game_snakes_position( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $correct, $query, $context);
* Computes the position.
* @param int $id
* @param stdClass $game
* @param stdClass $attempt
* @param stdClass $snakes
* @param $correct
* @param stsdClass $correct
* @param stdClasss $query
* @param stdClass $context
function game_snakes_position( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $correct, $query, $context) {
global $DB;
@ -406,7 +493,12 @@ function game_snakes_position( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $correct, $query,
game_snakes_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $snakes, $context);
// In lander go forward.
* In lander go forward.
* @param int $position
* @param $data
function game_snakes_foundlander( $position, $data) {
preg_match( "/L$position-([0-9]*)/", $data, $matches);
@ -417,7 +509,12 @@ function game_snakes_foundlander( $position, $data) {
return 0;
// In snake go backward.
* In snake go backward.
* @param int $position
* @param $data
function game_snakes_foundsnake( $position, $data) {
preg_match( "/S([0-9]*)-$position,/", $data.',', $matches);
@ -428,6 +525,12 @@ function game_snakes_foundsnake( $position, $data) {
return 0;
* Removes attempt data.
* @param int $questionusageid
* @param int $questionid
function game_snakes_remove_attemptdata ($questionusageid, $questionid) {
global $DB;


@ -54,6 +54,14 @@
* attempting to distribute clues more optimally.
* This class is used by Sudoku game.
* @package mod_game
* @copyright 2007 Vasilis Daloukas
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
@ -97,7 +105,6 @@ class objects {
* Deep copy anything.
* @access public
* @param array $theArray [optional] Something to be deep copied. Default is the current
* ObjectS.
* @return mixed The deep copy of the input. All references embedded within
@ -115,7 +122,6 @@ class objects {
* @desc Debugging output interface.
* @access public
* @param mixed $theValue The "thing" to be pretty printed.
* @param boolean $theHTMLFlag True if the output will be seen in a browser, false otherwise.
@ -125,14 +131,16 @@ class objects {
* The individual cell on the Sudoku board.
* These cells aren't restricted to 9x9 Sudoku (although pretty much everything else
* at the moment). This class provides the state manipulation and searching capabilities
* needed by the inference engine (class RCS).
* @package Sudoku
* @package mod_game
* @copyright 2007 Vasilis Daloukas
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class cell extends objects {
protected $r;
@ -171,7 +179,6 @@ class cell extends objects {
* contents of the tuple removed.
* @desc apply a 23Tuple to a cell.
* @access public
* @param array $aTuple the tuple to be eliminated.
@ -192,10 +199,8 @@ class cell extends objects {
* For more details on the pair tuple algorithm, see RCS::_pairSolution.
* @desc Remove all values in the tuple, but only if the cell is a superset.
* @access public
* @param array A tuple to be eliminated from the cell's state.
public function applytuple($atuple) {
if (is_array($this->state)) {
if (!$this->array_equal($atuple, $this->state)) {
@ -208,11 +213,9 @@ class cell extends objects {
* @desc Return the string representation of the cell.
* @access public
* @param boolean $theFlag true if the intermediate states of the cell are to be visible.
* @return string
public function asstring($theflag = false) {
if (is_array($this->state)) {
if (($theflag) || (count($this->state) == 1)) {
@ -231,40 +234,32 @@ class cell extends objects {
* Sudoku::_newSolvedPosition.
* @desc Assert pending solution.
* @access public
* @param integer $value The value for the solved position.
] * @param integer $value The value for the solved position.
public function flagsolvedposition($value) {
$this->state = array($value => $value);
* @desc return the state of a cell.
* @access protected
* @return mixed Either solved state or array of state pending solution.
public function &getstate() {
return $this->state;
* @desc Has the state of this cell been applied to the board.
* @access public
* @return boolean True if it has, false otherwise. Implies that IsSolved is true as well.
public function isapplied() {
return $this->applied;
* @desc Has this cell been solved?
* @access public
* @return boolean True if this cell has hit a single state.
public function issolved() {
return !is_array($this->state);
@ -274,12 +269,10 @@ class cell extends objects {
* in the code.
* @desc Return information about the state of a cell.
* @access public
* @return integer 0 => the cell has been solved.
* 1 => the cell has been solved but not seen a solved.
* 2 => the cell has not been solved.
public function solvedstate() {
if (is_array($this->state)) {
if (count($this->state) == 1) {
@ -299,11 +292,9 @@ class cell extends objects {
* cell is promoted into the solved state.
* @desc Eliminate one or more values from the state information of the cell.
* @access public
* @param mixed The value or values to be removed from the cell state.
* @return boolean True if the cell state was modified, false otherwise.
public function un_set($thevalues) {
if (is_array($thevalues)) {
$thereturn = false;
@ -333,7 +324,6 @@ class cell extends objects {
* @package Sudoku
class rcs extends ObjectS {
protected $theindex;
@ -346,7 +336,6 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* This
* @desc Constructor
* @access public
* @param string $theTag "Row", "Column", "Square", used primarily in debugging.
* @param integer $theIndex 1..9, where is this on the board. Square are numbered top
* left, ending bottom right
@ -378,7 +367,6 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* 9x9 Sudoku, they probably aren't of interested.
* @desc
* @access private
* @return boolean True if a 23 solution exists and has been applied.
@ -447,7 +435,6 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* @desc apply a tuple to exclude items from within the row/column/square.
* @param array $aTuple the tuple to be excluded.
* @access private
* @return boolean true if anything changes.
@ -473,13 +460,11 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* the clue sets are substantially smaller than simple random placement.
* @desc Calculate the coupling for a cell within the row/column/square.
* @access abstract
* @param integer $theRow the row coordinate on the board of the cell.
* @param integer $theColumn the column coordinate on the board of the cell.
* @return integer the degree of coupling between the cell and the rest of the cells
* within the row/column/square.
public function coupling($therow, $thecolumn) {
return 0;
@ -492,13 +477,11 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* pair (generally) only 2. The unique solution adds no new information.
* @desc Run the inference engine for a row/column/square.
* @access public
* @param array theRow A row/column/square data structure.
* @param string theType A string merged with the standard headers during
* intermediate solution printing.
* @return boolean True when at least one inference has succeeded.
public function doaninference() {
$this->theheader = null;
@ -514,7 +497,6 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* @param array Array of n size tuples.
* @returns array of tuples that appear the same number of times as the size of the contents
public function _findtuples(&$thearray) {
$thereturn = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($thearray); $i++) {
@ -545,10 +527,8 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* @desc Get a reference to the specified cell.
* @access public
* @return reference to ObjectS of class Cell.
public function &getcell($i) {
return $this->therow[$i];
@ -557,7 +537,6 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* @desc Get the header set by the last call to doAnInference.
public function getheader() {
return $this->theheader;
@ -570,10 +549,8 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* me that these situations really occurred.
* @desc Eliminate tuple-locked alternatives.
* @access private
* @return boolean True if something changed.
protected function _pairsolution() {
$thecounts = array();
$thetuples = array();
@ -649,10 +626,8 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* For example, if two cells must contain the values 5 or 6, then no other cell in that
* row/column/square may contain those values, similarly for 3 cells, etc.
* @access private
* @return boolean True if one or more values in the RCS has changed state.
protected function _uniquesolution() {
$theset = array();
@ -703,11 +678,9 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* @desc Check to see if the RCS contains a valid state.
* @access public
* @return boolean True if the state of the RCS could be part of a valid
* solution, false otherwise.
public function validatesolution() {
$thenewset = array();
@ -729,10 +702,8 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* Only items that are actually solved are compared. This is used during puzzle
* generation.
* @access public
* @return True if the input parameter contains a valid solution, false otherwise.
public function validatetrialsolution() {
$thenewset = array();
@ -753,11 +724,9 @@ class rcs extends ObjectS {
* @package Sudoku
class r extends rcs {
* @desc Constructor
* @access public
* @param string $theTag "Row", "Column", "Square", used primarily in debugging.
* @param integer $theIndex 1..9, where is this on the board. Square are numbered top
* left, ending bottom right
@ -768,7 +737,6 @@ class r extends rcs {
* @see RCS::coupling
public function coupling($therow, $thecolumn) {
return $thestate = $this->_coupling($thecolumn);
@ -776,13 +744,11 @@ class r extends rcs {
* @see RCS::coupling
* @desc Heavy lifting for row/column coupling calculations.
* @access private
* @param integer $theIndex the index of the cell within the row or column.
* @return integer the "coupling coefficient" for the cell. The sum of the
* sizes of the intersection between this and all other
* cells in the row or column.
protected function _coupling($theindex) {
$thecommonstate =& $this->getCell($theindex);
$thecommonstate =& $thecommonstate->getstate();
@ -807,11 +773,9 @@ class r extends rcs {
* @package Sudoku
class c extends r {
* @desc Constructor
* @access public
* @param string $theTag "Row", "Column", "Square", used primarily in debugging.
* @param integer $theIndex 1..9, where is this on the board. Square are numbered top
* left, ending bottom right
@ -833,14 +797,12 @@ class c extends r {
* @package Sudoku
class s extends rcs {
* The cells within the 3x3 sudoku which participate in the coupling calculation for a square.
* Remember that the missing cells have already participated in the row or column coupling
* calculation.
* @access private
* @var array
@ -856,7 +818,6 @@ class s extends rcs {
* @desc Constructor
* @access public
* @param string $theTag "Row", "Column", "Square", used primarily in debugging.
* @param integer $theIndex 1..9, where is this on the board. Square are numbered top
* left, ending bottom right
@ -867,7 +828,6 @@ class s extends rcs {
* @see RCS::coupling
public function coupling($therow, $thecolumn) {
$theindex = ((($therow - 1) % 3) * 3) + (($thecolumn - 1) % 3) + 1;
$thecommonstate =& $this->getcell($theindex);
@ -918,51 +878,40 @@ class s extends rcs {
* @example ./example2.php
* @example ./example3.php
class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* An array of Cell ObjectSs, organized into rows and columns.
* @access private
* @var array of ObjectSs of type Cell.
protected $theboard = array();
* True if debugging output is to be provided during a run.
* @access private
* @var boolean
protected $thedebug = false;
* An array of RCS ObjectSs, one ObjectS for each row.
* @access private
* @var ObjectS of type R
protected $therows = array();
* An array of RCS ObjectSs, one ObjectS for each Column.
* @access private
* @var ObjectS of type C
private $thecolumns = array();
* An array of RCS ObjectSs, one ObjectS for each square.
* @access private
* @var ObjectS of type S
protected $thesquares = array();
@ -970,10 +919,8 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* eventually be some use of theLevel to figure out where to stop
* the backtrace when puzzle generation fails.
* @access private
* @var integer.
protected $thelevel = 0;
@ -983,10 +930,8 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* a solution, it just might take a very long time. This is a way to
* limit the damage before taking another guess.
* @access private
* @var integer.
protected $themaxiterations = 50;
@ -996,10 +941,8 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* a couple of failures in a row, so this should be sufficient
* to get a puzzle generated.
* @access private
* @var integer.
protected $thetrys = 10;
@ -1007,10 +950,8 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* during puzzle generation. It the number gets above $theMaxIterations,
* puzzle generation has failed and another try is made.
* @access private
* @var integer.
protected $thegenerationiterations = 0;
public function init($thedebug = false) {
@ -1033,11 +974,9 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* This applies the "negative" inference that no row, column, or square
* containing the value within the cell.
* @access private
* @param integer $row The row of the board's element whose value is now fixed.
* @param integer $col The column of the board's element whose value is now fixed.
protected function _applysolvedposition($row, $col) {
$thevalue = $this->theboard[$row][$col]->getstate();
@ -1057,11 +996,9 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* @desc Apply all pending solved positions to the board.
* @access private
* @return boolean True if at least one solved position was applied, false
* otherwise.
protected function _applysolvedpositions() {
$thereturn = false;
@ -1088,9 +1025,7 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* @desc build the row/column/square structures for the board.
* @access private
protected function _buildrcs() {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$this->therows[$i] = new r("Row",
@ -1139,11 +1074,9 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* Given a solution, see if there are any alternates within the solution.
* In theory this should return the "minimum" solution given any solution.
* @access public
* @param array $theInitialState (@see Sudoku::initializePuzzleFromArray)
* @return array A set of triples containing the minimum solution.
public function findalternatesolution($theinitialstate) {
$j = count($theinitialstate);
@ -1175,7 +1108,6 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* a long time to force a solution, it's easier to probe for a solution
* if you go "too long".
* @access public
* @param integer $theDifficultyLevel [optional] Since virtually everybody who
* plays sudoku wants a variety of difficulties this controls that.
* 1 is the easiest, 10 the most difficult. The easier Sudoku have
@ -1188,7 +1120,6 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* @return array A set of triples suitable for initializing a new Sudoku class
* (@see Sudoku::initializePuzzleFromArray).
public function generatepuzzle($thedifficultylevel = 10, $themaxiterations = 50, $thetrys = 10) {
$thedifficultylevel = min($thedifficultylevel, 10);
$thedifficultylevel = max($thedifficultylevel, 1);
@ -1271,7 +1202,6 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* of iterations are asserted. Once these limits are passed, the generator gives up and
* makes another try. If enough tries are made, the generator gives up entirely.
* @access private
* @param array $theAvailablePositions A set of pairs for all positions which have not been
* filled by the solver or the set of guesses. When we run out of available
* positions, the solution is in hand.
@ -1281,7 +1211,6 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* @return array NULL array if no solution is possible, otherwise a set of triples
* suitable for feeding to {@link Sudoku::initializePuzzleFromArray}
protected function _generatepuzzle($theavailablepositions, $thecluespositions, $theclues) {
@ -1332,7 +1261,6 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* of the work is likely to be associated with finding better algorithms to solve
* Sudoku (which would have the effect of generating harder ones).
$thecouplings = array();
foreach ($theavailablepositions as $xxx) {
@ -1433,9 +1361,7 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* has not yet been solved.
* @desc Get the current state of the board as a string.
* @access public
public function getboardasstring() {
$thestring = "";
@ -1456,10 +1382,8 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* Each element of the input array is a triple consisting of (row, column, value).
* Each of these values is in the range 1..9.
* @access public
* @param array $theArray
public function initializepuzzlefromarray($thearray) {
foreach ($thearray as $xxx) {
$c =& $this->getcell($xxx[0], $xxx[1]);
@ -1475,11 +1399,9 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* 1..9. Input lines that are blank (all whitespace) or which begin with whitespace
* followed by a "#" character are ignored.
* @access public
* @param mixed $theHandle [optional] defaults to STDIN. If a string is passed
* instead of a file handle, the file is opened.
public function initializepuzzlefromfile($thehandle = STDIN) {
$theopenedfileflag = false;
@ -1522,10 +1444,8 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* are provide, the string is padded on the right.
* @desc Initialize puzzle from a string.
* @access public
* @param string $theString The initial state of each cell in the puzzle.
public function initializepuzzlefromstring($thestring) {
$thestring = str_pad($thestring, 81, " ");
@ -1540,10 +1460,8 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* @desc predicate to determine if the current puzzle has been solved.
* @access public
* @return boolean true if the puzzle has been solved.
public function issolved() {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= 9; $j++) {
@ -1562,10 +1480,8 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* This step is actually unnecessary unless you want a pretty output of the
* intermediate.
* @access private
* @return boolean True if at least on pending solution existed, false otherwise.
protected function _newsolvedposition() {
$thereturn = false;
@ -1589,11 +1505,9 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* @see SudokuIntermediateSolution.
* @access private
* @param string $theHeader [optional] The header line to be output along
* with the intermediate solution.
protected function _printintermediatesolution($theheader = null) {
if ($this->thedebug) {
$this->printsolution( $theheader);
@ -1606,11 +1520,9 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* Simple output, is tailored by hand so that an initial state and
* a solution will find nicely upon a single 8.5 x 11 page of paper.
* @access public
* @param mixed $theHeader [optional] The header line[s] to be output along
* with the solution.
public function printsolution($theheader = null) {
if (($this->thedebug) && ($theheader != null)) {
if (is_array($theheader)) {
@ -1695,13 +1607,11 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* During processing I explain which structures (row, column, square)
* are being used to infer solutions.
* @access public
* @param boolean $theInitialStateFlag [optional] True if the initial
* state of the board is to be printed upon entry, false
* otherwise. [Default = true]
* @return boolean true if a solution was possible, false otherwise.
public function solve($theinitialstateflag = true) {
$theheader = "<br />Initial Position:";
@ -1776,10 +1686,8 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* straightforward and looks a lot like that of generatePuzzle.
* @desc Brute force additional solutions.
* @access public
* @returns array The clues added sufficient to solve the puzzle.
public function solvebruteforce($i = 1, $j = 1) {
for (; $i <= 9; $i++) {
for (; $j <= 9; $j++) {
@ -1831,7 +1739,6 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* @param integer $theColumn the column coordinate.
* @return integer the square index in the range 1..9
protected function _squareindex($therow, $thecolumn) {
$theindex = ((int)(($therow - 1) / 3) * 3) + (int)(($thecolumn - 1) / 3) + 1;
return $theindex;
@ -1844,11 +1751,9 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* report any inconsistencies. This is primarily intended for debugging
* purposes.
* @access public
* @return mixed true if the solution is valid, an array containing the
* error details.
public function validatesolution() {
$thereturn = array();
@ -1872,10 +1777,8 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* Used during puzzle generation to determine when to backtrace.
* @access private
* @return True when the intermediate soltuion is valid, false otherwise.
protected function _validatetrialsolution() {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
if (!(($this->therows[$i]->validatetrialsolution()) &&
@ -1896,7 +1799,6 @@ class sudoku extends ObjectS {
* @package Sudoku
class SudokuTemplates extends Sudoku
public function generatepuzzlefromfile($thehandle = STDIN, $thedifficultylevel = 10) {
@ -1923,7 +1825,6 @@ class SudokuTemplates extends Sudoku
** template cells, we construct the clues from the board and the
** input array before continuing to generate the puzzle.
foreach ($thearray as $thekey => $theposition) {
$thetemplateclues[] = array($theposition[0], $theposition[1], $this->theboard[$theposition[0]][$theposition[1]]);
@ -1939,7 +1840,6 @@ class SudokuTemplates extends Sudoku
* @package Sudoku
class sudokuintermediatesolution extends sudoku {
public function sudokuintermediateresults($thedebug = false) {


@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ function showform() {
* Append sudoku
function appendsudokub() {
global $DB;
@ -87,6 +90,12 @@ function appendsudokub() {
* Pack sudoku
* @param $si
* @param $sp
function packsudoku( $si, $sp) {
$data = '';
@ -112,6 +121,13 @@ function packsudoku( $si, $sp) {
return $data;
* Creates a sudoku
* @param $id
* @param $sp
* @param $level
function create( &$si, &$sp, $level=1) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 40; $i++) {
$sp = new sudoku();
@ -131,6 +147,13 @@ function create( &$si, &$sp, $level=1) {
return true;
* get opened
* @param $si
* @return count of opened
function getopened( $si) {
$count = 0;


@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ require_login();
* Exports
function export() {
global $CFG;


@ -26,6 +26,16 @@ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once( "../../lib/questionlib.php");
* Plays the game Sudoku
* @param $id
* @param $game
* @param $attempt
* @param $sudoku
* @param boolean $endofgame
* @param stdClass $context
function game_sudoku_continue( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $endofgame, $context) {
global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
@ -116,6 +126,17 @@ function game_sudoku_continue( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $endofgame, $conte
game_sudoku_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $newrec, false, false, $context);
* Plays the game Sudoku
* @param $id
* @param $game
* @param $attempt
* @param $sudoku
* @param boolean $onlyshow
* @param boolean $showsolution
* @param stdClass $context
function game_sudoku_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $onlyshow, $showsolution, $context) {
$offsetquestions = game_sudoku_compute_offsetquestions( $game->sourcemodule, $attempt, $numbers, $correctquestions);
@ -142,7 +163,14 @@ function game_sudoku_play( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $onlyshow, $showsoluti
// Returns a map with an offset and id of each question.
* Returns a map with an offset and id of each question.
* @param $sourcemodule
* @param $attemp
* @param $numbers
* @param $correctquestions
function game_sudoku_compute_offsetquestions( $sourcemodule, $attempt, &$numbers, &$correctquestions) {
global $CFG, $DB;
@ -179,6 +207,9 @@ function game_sudoku_compute_offsetquestions( $sourcemodule, $attempt, &$numbers
return $offsetquestions;
* Select a sudoku randomly
function getrandomsudoku() {
global $DB;
@ -203,6 +234,11 @@ function getrandomsudoku() {
return false;
* Get closed
* @param $data
function game_sudoku_getclosed( $data) {
$a = array();
@ -217,6 +253,15 @@ function game_sudoku_getclosed( $data) {
return $a;
* Shows the sudoku
* @param $data
* @param $guess
* @param boolean $bshowlegend
* @param boolean $bshowsolution
* @param $offsetquestions
function game_sudoku_showsudoku( $data, $guess, $bshowlegend, $bshowsolution, $offsetquestions,
$correctquestions, $id, $attempt, $game) {
global $CFG, $DB;
@ -319,6 +364,11 @@ function game_sudoku_showsudoku( $data, $guess, $bshowlegend, $bshowsolution, $o
return $count;
* Get question list
* @param $offsetquestions
function game_sudoku_getquestionlist( $offsetquestions) {
$questionlist = '';
foreach ($offsetquestions as $q) {
@ -335,6 +385,14 @@ function game_sudoku_getquestionlist( $offsetquestions) {
return $questionlist;
* Get glossary entries
* @param $game
* @param $offsetentries
* @param $entrylist
* @param $numbers
function game_sudoku_getglossaryentries( $game, $offsetentries, &$entrylist, $numbers) {
global $DB;
@ -352,6 +410,16 @@ function game_sudoku_getglossaryentries( $game, $offsetentries, &$entrylist, $nu
return $entries;
* Plays the game hangman
* @param $id
* @param $game
* @param $attempt
* @param $sudoku
* @param $offsetquestions
* @param $numbers
function game_sudoku_showquestions_quiz( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $offsetquestions, $numbers,
$correctquestions, $onlyshow, $showsolution, $context) {
global $CFG;
@ -421,7 +489,16 @@ function game_sudoku_showquestions_quiz( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $offsetq
// Show the sudoku and glossaryentries.
* Show the sudoku and glossaryentries.
* @param $id
* @param $game
* @param $attempt
* @param $sudoku
* @param $offsetentries
* @param $numbers
function game_sudoku_showquestions_glossary( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $offsetentries, $numbers,
$correctentries, $onlyshow, $showsolution) {
global $CFG;
@ -496,6 +573,14 @@ function game_sudoku_showquestions_glossary( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $off
echo "</form>\n";
* Show question onfinish
* @param $id
* @param $game
* @param $attempt
* @param $sudoku
function game_sudoku_showquestion_onfinish( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku) {
if (!set_field( 'game_attempts', 'finish', 1, 'id', $attempt->id)) {
print_error( "game_sudoku_showquestion_onfinish: Can't update game_attempts id=$attempt->id");
@ -508,12 +593,25 @@ function game_sudoku_showquestion_onfinish( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku) {
echo "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}?id=$id\">".get_string( 'finish', 'game').'</a> ';
* Check answers
function game_sudoku_checkanswers() {
$responses = data_submitted();
$actions = question_extract_responses($questions, $responses, $event);
* Checks questions
* @param $id
* @param $game
* @param $attempt
* @param $sudoku
* @param $finishattempt
* @param $course
function game_sudoku_check_questions( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $finishattempt, $course) {
global $DB;
@ -553,6 +651,16 @@ function game_sudoku_check_questions( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $finishatte
game_sudoku_check_last( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $finishattempt, $course);
* Check glossary entries
* @param $id
* @param $game
* @param $attempt
* @param $sudoku
* @param $finishattempt
* @param $course
function game_sudoku_check_glossaryentries( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $finishattempt, $course) {
global $DB;
@ -599,7 +707,16 @@ function game_sudoku_check_glossaryentries( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $fini
return true;
// This is the last function after submiting the answers.
/**This is the last function after submiting the answers.
* @param $id
* @param $game
* @param $attempt
* @param $sudoku
* @param $finishattempt
* @param $course
function game_sudoku_check_last( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $finishattempt, $course) {
global $CFG, $DB;
@ -614,6 +731,17 @@ function game_sudoku_check_last( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $finishattempt,
game_updateattempts( $game, $attempt, $grade, $finishattempt);
* Check number
* @param $id
* @param $game
* @param $attempt
* @param $sudoku
* @param $pos
* @param $num
* @param stdClass $context
function game_sudoku_check_number( $id, $game, $attempt, $sudoku, $pos, $num, $context) {
global $DB;


@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ class sdd {
* Constructor.
* @access public
* @param boolean $theHTMLFlag [optional] True if HTML is to be generated.
* If omitted, $_SERVER is used to "guess" the state of
* the HTML flag. Be default, HTML is generated when
@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ class sdd {
* Close the log file.
* @access public
* @abstract
@ -284,14 +282,12 @@ class sdd {
* Write a debugging value to a log file.
* @access public
* @abstract
* @param mixed Data to be logged.
* @param string $theHeader [optional] string to be emitted prior to
* logging the data. By default it is a date/time
* stamp.
public function log(&$thedata, $theheader = null) {
$theheader = date('[Y-m-d H:i:s]: ') . $theheader;
@ -317,9 +313,7 @@ class sdd {
* @param integer [optional] the number of newlines.
* @param boolean [optional] true if generating html newlines.
* @return string newlines.
* @access public
public function newline($thecount = 1, $thehtmlflag = null) {
if ($thehtmlflag === null) {
if (empty($this)) {
@ -346,7 +340,6 @@ class sdd {
* @param mixed $theVariable the variable to be dumped.
* @param boolean $theHtmlFlag true if html is to be generated.
public function scalar(&$thevariable, $thehtmlflag) {
if ($thehtmlflag) {
return "<pre>" . preg_replace('|<|s', '&lt;', var_export($thevariable, true)) . "</pre>";
@ -358,13 +351,11 @@ class sdd {
* Write data to the log file.
* @access public
* @abstract
* @parameter string $theData [by reference] the data to be written
* into the log file.
* @return integer the number of bytes written into the log file.
public function writelog(&$thedata) {
return strlen($this->m_log[] = $thedata);
@ -372,10 +363,8 @@ class sdd {
* Return the state of the logging flag.
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function getlogging() {
return $this->m_logging;
@ -383,10 +372,8 @@ class sdd {
* Set the state of the logging flag.
* @access public
* @return boolean
public function setlogging($thelogging=false) {
$this->m_logging = $thelogging;


@ -44,10 +44,7 @@ class logfile extends SDD {
* Constructor
* @access public
public function init($thefilename) {
if (file_exists($thefilename)) {
$this->m_handle = fopen($thefilename, 'a');
@ -56,6 +53,9 @@ class logfile extends SDD {
* close
public function close() {
@ -68,9 +68,7 @@ class logfile extends SDD {
* @param mixed Data to be logged.
* @return integer number of bytes written to the log.
public function log(&$thedata) {
return fwrite($this->m_handle, date('[Y-m-d H:i:s]: ') . $this->dump($thedata) . "\n");


@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ if (!isset( $plugin)) {
$plugin->component = 'mod_game'; // Full name of the plugin (used for diagnostics).
$plugin->version = 2017061101; // The current module version (Date: YYYYMMDDXX).
$plugin->version = 2017061201; // The current module version (Date: YYYYMMDDXX).
$plugin->requires = 2010112400; // Requires Moodle 2.0.
$plugin->cron = 0; // Period for cron to check this module (secs).
$plugin->release = '2017-06-11';
$plugin->release = '2017-06-12';
if ($useplugin != 2) {
$module = $plugin;
