mirror of https://github.com/interlegis/sigi.git
3 changed files with 143 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} |
{% load static i18n djbs_extras %} |
{% if form %} |
{% block extrastyle %} |
{{ block.super }} |
{{ form.media }} |
{% endblock extrastyle %} |
{% endif %} |
{% block breadcrumbs %} |
<li class="breadcrumb-item">{% translate "Relatórios" %}</li> |
<li class="breadcrumb-item">{{ report_title }}</li> |
{% endblock %} |
{% block content_title %} |
<h5>{{ report_title }}</h5> |
{% endblock %} |
{% block content %} |
{% block form %} |
{% if form %} |
<form> |
<div class="card mb-3"> |
<div class="card-header"> |
<a class="icon-link" data-bs-toggle="collapse" href="#filterFormCollapse" aria-expanded="{% if not object_list %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}" aria-controls="filterFormCollapse"> |
{% icon "filter" %} {% translate "Filtros" %} |
</a> |
</div> |
<div class="card-body collapse{% if not object_list %} show{% endif %}" id="filterFormCollapse"> |
{% block filterform %}{{ form }}{% endblock %} |
</div> |
<div class="card-footer d-flex justify-content-end"> |
<div> |
{% block formactionbar %} |
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">{% trans 'Ver dados' %}</button> |
<button type="submit" name="fmt" value="pdf" class="btn btn-primary" title="{% trans 'Exportar para PDF' %}"> |
{% icon "pdf" %} |
{% trans 'Exportar para PDF' %} |
</button> |
<button type="submit" name="fmt" value="csv" class="btn btn-primary" title="{% trans 'Exportar para CSV' %}"> |
{% icon "csv" %} |
{% trans 'Exportar para CSV' %} |
</button> |
{% endblock formactionbar %} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
{% else %} |
{% block actionbar %} |
<nav class="nav my-3 bg-body-tertiary"> |
<a class="nav-link ms-lg-auto" href="?fmt=pdf">{% icon "pdf" %}Exportar para PDF</a> |
<a class="nav-link" href="?fmt=csv&casas=yes">{% icon "csv" %} Exportar para CSV</a> |
</nav> |
{% endblock actionbar %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endblock form %} |
{% block datacard %} |
<div class="card"> |
<div class="card-body"> |
{% block data %} |
{% include "utils/report/report_items_snippet.html" with mode="html" %} |
{% endblock data %} |
</div> |
</div> |
{% endblock datacard %} |
{% endblock %} |
{% block footer %} |
{{ block.super }} |
{% if form %} |
{{ form.media }} |
{% endif %} |
<script> |
$(document).ready(function(){ |
M.FloatingActionButton.init($('.fixed-action-btn'), {hoverEnabled: false}); |
M.Modal.init($(".modal")); |
}) |
</script> |
{% endblock %} |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
{% load i18n admin_urls sigi_tags %} |
<table class="table table-sm table-striped"> |
<thead> |
<tr> |
{% for label in list_labels %} |
<th>{{ label }}</th> |
{% endfor %} |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody class="table-group-divider"> |
{% for obj in object_list %} |
{% if break_field %} |
{% with obj|valueof:break_field as monitor_break %} |
{% ifchanged monitor_break %} |
<tr><th colspan="{{ list_fields|length }}">{{ monitor_break }}</th></tr> |
{% endifchanged %} |
{% endwith %} |
{% endif %} |
<tr{% if change_field %}{% with obj|valueof:change_field as monitor_change %}{% ifchanged monitor_change %} class="changed {{ change_field }}-changed"{% endifchanged %}{% endwith %}{% endif %}> |
{% for field_name in list_fields %} |
<td> |
{% if field_name in link_fields %} |
<a href="{% url opts|admin_urlname:'change' obj.pk %}"> |
{{ obj|valueof:field_name|safe }} |
</a> |
{% else %} |
{{ obj|valueof:field_name|safe }} |
{% endif %} |
</td> |
{% endfor %} |
</tr> |
{% empty %} |
<tr> |
<td colspam="{{ list_labels|length }}"> |
{{ empty_message|default:_("Nenhum dado para exibir") }} |
</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
</tbody> |
</table> |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
{% extends "pdf/base_report.html" %} |
{% load static i18n %} |
{% block page_size %}A4 landscape{% endblock %} |
{% block extra_style %} |
{{ block.super }} |
tr.changed { |
border-top: 1px solid var(--body-fg); |
} |
tr.changed td { |
border-top: 1px solid var(--body-fg); |
} |
{% endblock %} |
{% block report_name %}{{ report_title }}{% endblock report_name %} |
{% block main_content %} |
{% include "utils/report/report_items_snippet.html" %} |
{% endblock %} |
Reference in new issue