@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ |
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@ -47,89 +48,111 @@ |
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$(document).ready(function () { |
// Build the chart |
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chart: { |
plotBackgroundColor: null, |
plotBorderWidth: null, |
plotShadow: false |
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title: { |
text: 'Processos de convênios por projeto <br/> {{ g_conv_proj.0 }}' |
<script> |
{% for num, dados in dados_graficos_convenio_projeto %} |
var pieData{{ num }} = [ |
{% for label, value, color, highlight in dados %} |
{# {% if not forloop.first %}#} |
{ |
label: "{{ label }}", |
value: {{ value }}, |
color:"{{ color }}", |
highlight: "{{ highlight }}" |
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cursor: 'pointer', |
dataLabels: { |
enabled: false |
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showInLegend: true |
} |
}, |
series: [{ |
type: 'pie', |
name: 'Browser share', |
data: [ |
{% for k, v in g_conv_proj %} |
{% if not forloop.first %} |
['{{ k }}', {{ v }}], |
{% endif %} |
{# {% endif %}#} |
{% endfor %} |
] |
}] |
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$('#processos_conv_ass').highcharts({ |
chart: { |
plotBackgroundColor: null, |
plotBorderWidth: null, |
plotShadow: false |
}, |
title: { |
text: 'Convênios assinados por projeto <br/> {{ g_convassinado_proj.0 }}' |
}, |
tooltip: { |
pointFormat: '{series.name}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>' |
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plotOptions: { |
pie: { |
allowPointSelect: true, |
cursor: 'pointer', |
dataLabels: { |
enabled: false |
}, |
showInLegend: true |
} |
}, |
series: [{ |
type: 'pie', |
name: 'Browser share', |
data: [ |
{% for k, v in g_convassinado_proj %} |
{% if not forloop.first %} |
['{{ k }}', {{ v }}], |
{% endif %} |
window.onload = function(){ |
var ctx = document.getElementById("chart-area-1").getContext("2d"); |
window.myPie = new Chart(ctx).Pie(pieData1).generateLegend(); |
var ctx = document.getElementById("chart-area-2").getContext("2d"); |
window.myPie = new Chart(ctx).Pie(pieData2).generateLegend(); |
}; |
{% endfor %} |
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{# plotShadow: false#} |
{# },#} |
{# title: {#} |
{# text: 'Processos de convênios por projeto <br/> {{ g_conv_proj.0 }}'#} |
{# },#} |
{# tooltip: {#} |
{# pointFormat: '{series.name}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'#} |
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{# },#} |
{# series: [{#} |
{# type: 'pie',#} |
{# name: 'Browser share',#} |
{# data: [#} |
{# {% for k, v in g_conv_proj %}#} |
{# {% if not forloop.first %}#} |
{# ['{{ k }}', {{ v }}],#} |
{# {% endif %}#} |
{# {% endfor %}#} |
{# ]#} |
{# }]#} |
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{# plotBackgroundColor: null,#} |
{# plotBorderWidth: null,#} |
{# plotShadow: false#} |
{# },#} |
{# title: {#} |
{# text: 'Convênios assinados por projeto <br/> {{ g_convassinado_proj.0 }}'#} |
{# },#} |
{# tooltip: {#} |
{# pointFormat: '{series.name}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'#} |
{# },#} |
{# plotOptions: {#} |
{# pie: {#} |
{# allowPointSelect: true,#} |
{# cursor: 'pointer',#} |
{# dataLabels: {#} |
{# enabled: false#} |
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{# showInLegend: true#} |
{# }#} |
{# },#} |
{# series: [{#} |
{# type: 'pie',#} |
{# name: 'Browser share',#} |
{# data: [#} |
{# {% for k, v in g_convassinado_proj %}#} |
{# {% if not forloop.first %}#} |
{# ['{{ k }}', {{ v }}],#} |
{# {% endif %}#} |
{# {% endfor %}#} |
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