@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Use the Terraform plugin to apply the infrastructure configuration contained wit
<key>=<value>` option.
* `ca_cert` - ca cert to add to your environment to allow terraform to use internal/private resources
* `sensitive` (default: `false`) - Whether or not to suppress terraform commands to stdout.
* `role_arn_to_assume` - A role to assume before running the terraform commands
The following is a sample Terraform configuration in your .drone.yml file:
@ -73,3 +74,22 @@ deploy:
app_name: my-project
app_version: 1.0.0
## Assume Role ARN
You may want to assume another role before running the terraform commands. This is useful for cross account access, where a central account ahs privileges to assume roles in other accounts. Using the current credentials, this role will be assumed and exported to environment variables. See [the discussion](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/1275) in the Terraform issues.