@ -19,12 +19,15 @@ from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django . utils . translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django . utils . translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django . views . generic . base import TemplateView
from django . views . generic . base import TemplateView
from django . views . generic . detail import DetailView
from django . views . generic . detail import DetailView
from django . views . generic . edit import CreateView , DeleteView , UpdateView
from django . views . generic . edit import CreateView , DeleteView , UpdateView , \
from django . views . generic . list import ListView
from django . views . generic . list import ListView
from compilacao . forms import ( DispositivoEdicaoBasicaForm , NotaForm ,
from compilacao . forms import ( DispositivoEdicaoBasicaForm , NotaForm ,
PublicacaoForm , TaForm , TipoTaForm , VideForm ,
PublicacaoForm , TaForm , TipoTaForm , VideForm ,
DispositivoEdicaoVigenciaForm )
DispositivoEdicaoVigenciaForm ,
DispositivoSearchModalForm ,
DispositivoDefinidorVigenciaForm )
from compilacao . models import ( Dispositivo , Nota ,
from compilacao . models import ( Dispositivo , Nota ,
PerfilEstruturalTextoArticulado , Publicacao ,
PerfilEstruturalTextoArticulado , Publicacao ,
TextoArticulado , TipoDispositivo , TipoNota ,
TextoArticulado , TipoDispositivo , TipoNota ,
@ -317,6 +320,266 @@ class TaDeleteView(CompMixin, DeleteView):
return reverse_lazy ( ' compilacao:ta_list ' )
return reverse_lazy ( ' compilacao:ta_list ' )
class DispositivoSuccessUrlMixin :
def get_success_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:dispositivo ' , kwargs = {
' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [
' ta_id ' ] ,
' dispositivo_id ' : self . kwargs [
' dispositivo_id ' ] } )
class NotaMixin ( DispositivoSuccessUrlMixin ) :
def get_modelo_nota ( self , request ) :
if ' action ' in request . GET and request . GET [ ' action ' ] == ' modelo_nota ' :
tn = TipoNota . objects . get ( pk = request . GET [ ' id_tipo ' ] )
return True , tn . modelo
return False , ' '
def get_initial ( self ) :
dispositivo = get_object_or_404 (
Dispositivo , pk = self . kwargs . get ( ' dispositivo_id ' ) )
initial = { ' dispositivo ' : dispositivo }
if ' pk ' in self . kwargs :
initial [ ' pk ' ] = self . kwargs . get ( ' pk ' )
return initial
@method_decorator ( login_required )
def dispatch ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
return super ( NotaMixin , self ) . dispatch ( * args , * * kwargs )
class NotasCreateView ( NotaMixin , CreateView ) :
template_name = ' compilacao/ajax_form.html '
form_class = NotaForm
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
flag_action , modelo_nota = self . get_modelo_nota ( request )
if flag_action :
return HttpResponse ( modelo_nota )
return super ( NotasCreateView , self ) . get ( request , * args , * * kwargs )
def post ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
self . object = None
try :
ta_id = kwargs . pop ( ' ta_id ' )
dispositivo_id = kwargs . pop ( ' dispositivo_id ' )
form = NotaForm ( request . POST , request . FILES , * * kwargs )
kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] = ta_id
kwargs [ ' dispositivo_id ' ] = dispositivo_id
if form . is_valid ( ) :
nt = form . save ( commit = False )
nt . owner_id = request . user . pk
nt . save ( )
self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] = nt . pk
return self . form_valid ( form )
else :
return self . form_invalid ( form )
except Exception as e :
print ( e )
return HttpResponse ( " error post " )
class NotasEditView ( NotaMixin , UpdateView ) :
model = Nota
template_name = ' compilacao/ajax_form.html '
form_class = NotaForm
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
flag_action , modelo_nota = self . get_modelo_nota ( request )
if flag_action :
return HttpResponse ( modelo_nota )
return super ( NotasEditView , self ) . get ( request , * args , * * kwargs )
class NotasDeleteView ( NotaMixin , TemplateView ) :
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
nt = Nota . objects . get ( pk = self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] )
nt . delete ( )
return HttpResponseRedirect ( self . get_success_url ( ) )
class VideMixin ( DispositivoSuccessUrlMixin ) :
def get_initial ( self ) :
dispositivo_base = get_object_or_404 (
Dispositivo , pk = self . kwargs . get ( ' dispositivo_id ' ) )
initial = { ' dispositivo_base ' : dispositivo_base }
if ' pk ' in self . kwargs :
initial [ ' pk ' ] = self . kwargs . get ( ' pk ' )
return initial
@method_decorator ( login_required )
def dispatch ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
return super ( VideMixin , self ) . dispatch ( * args , * * kwargs )
def choice_model_type_foreignkey_in_extenal_views ( id_tipo_ta = None ) :
yield None , ' ------------- '
if not id_tipo_ta :
tipo_ta = TipoTextoArticulado . objects . get ( pk = id_tipo_ta )
integrations_view_names = get_integrations_view_names ( )
for item in integrations_view_names :
if hasattr ( item , ' model_type_foreignkey ' ) :
if ( tipo_ta . content_type . model == item . model . __name__ . lower ( ) and
tipo_ta . content_type . app_label ==
item . model . _meta . app_label ) :
for i in item . model_type_foreignkey . objects . all ( ) :
yield i . pk , i
class VideCreateView ( VideMixin , CreateView ) :
model = Vide
template_name = ' compilacao/ajax_form.html '
form_class = VideForm
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
self . object = None
form = self . get_form ( )
return self . render_to_response ( self . get_context_data ( form = form ) )
def get_form_kwargs ( self ) :
kwargs = super ( VideCreateView , self ) . get_form_kwargs ( )
if ' choice_model_type_foreignkey_in_extenal_views ' not in kwargs :
kwargs . update ( {
' choice_model_type_foreignkey_in_extenal_views ' :
} )
return kwargs
class VideEditView ( VideMixin , UpdateView ) :
model = Vide
template_name = ' compilacao/ajax_form.html '
form_class = VideForm
class VideDeleteView ( VideMixin , TemplateView ) :
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
vd = Vide . objects . get ( pk = self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] )
vd . delete ( )
return HttpResponseRedirect ( self . get_success_url ( ) )
class PublicacaoListView ( ListView ) :
model = Publicacao
verbose_name = model . _meta . verbose_name
def title ( self ) :
return _ ( ' %s de %s ' % (
self . model . _meta . verbose_name_plural ,
self . ta ) )
def ta ( self ) :
ta = TextoArticulado . objects . get ( pk = self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] )
return ta
def create_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:ta_pub_create ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
def get_queryset ( self ) :
pubs = Publicacao . objects . filter ( ta_id = self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] )
return pubs
def get_context_data ( self , * * kwargs ) :
context = super ( PublicacaoListView , self ) . get_context_data ( * * kwargs )
context [ ' NO_ENTRIES_MSG ' ] = CrudListView . no_entries_msg
return context
class PublicacaoCreateView ( FormMessagesMixin , CreateView ) :
model = Publicacao
form_class = PublicacaoForm
template_name = " crud/form.html "
form_valid_message = _ ( ' Registro criado com sucesso! ' )
form_invalid_message = _ ( ' O registro não foi criado. ' )
def get_success_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:ta_pub_detail ' ,
kwargs = {
' pk ' : self . object . id ,
' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
def cancel_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:ta_pub_list ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
def get_initial ( self ) :
return { ' ta ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] }
class PublicacaoDetailView ( CompMixin , DetailView ) :
model = Publicacao
class PublicacaoUpdateView ( CompMixin , UpdateView ) :
model = Publicacao
form_class = PublicacaoForm
template_name = " crud/form.html "
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
self . object = self . get_object ( )
form = self . get_form ( )
# if self.object and self.object.content_object:
# form.fields['tipo_ta'].required = False
# form.fields['tipo_ta'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'
return self . render_to_response ( self . get_context_data ( form = form ) )
def get_success_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy ( ' compilacao:ta_pub_detail ' ,
kwargs = {
' pk ' : self . object . id ,
' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
def cancel_url ( self ) :
return self . get_success_url ( )
class PublicacaoDeleteView ( CompMixin , DeleteView ) :
model = Publicacao
template_name = " crud/confirm_delete.html "
def detail_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy ( ' compilacao:ta_pub_detail ' ,
kwargs = {
' pk ' : self . object . id ,
' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
def get_success_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy ( ' compilacao:ta_pub_list ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
class TextView ( ListView , CompMixin ) :
class TextView ( ListView , CompMixin ) :
template_name = ' compilacao/text_list.html '
template_name = ' compilacao/text_list.html '
@ -617,7 +880,6 @@ class TextEditView(ListView, CompMixin):
a . tipo_dispositivo = td
a . tipo_dispositivo = td
a . inicio_vigencia = ta . data
a . inicio_vigencia = ta . data
a . inicio_eficacia = ta . data
a . inicio_eficacia = ta . data
a . timestamp = datetime . now ( )
a . save ( )
a . save ( )
td = TipoDispositivo . objects . filter ( class_css = ' ementa ' ) [ 0 ]
td = TipoDispositivo . objects . filter ( class_css = ' ementa ' ) [ 0 ]
@ -630,7 +892,6 @@ class TextEditView(ListView, CompMixin):
e . tipo_dispositivo = td
e . tipo_dispositivo = td
e . inicio_vigencia = ta . data
e . inicio_vigencia = ta . data
e . inicio_eficacia = ta . data
e . inicio_eficacia = ta . data
e . timestamp = datetime . now ( )
e . texto = ta . ementa
e . texto = ta . ementa
e . dispositivo_pai = a
e . dispositivo_pai = a
e . save ( )
e . save ( )
@ -640,7 +901,6 @@ class TextEditView(ListView, CompMixin):
a . ordem = e . ordem + Dispositivo . INTERVALO_ORDEM
a . ordem = e . ordem + Dispositivo . INTERVALO_ORDEM
a . ordem_bloco_atualizador = 0
a . ordem_bloco_atualizador = 0
a . set_numero_completo ( [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ] )
a . set_numero_completo ( [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ] )
a . timestamp = datetime . now ( )
a . save ( )
a . save ( )
result = Dispositivo . objects . filter (
result = Dispositivo . objects . filter (
@ -1018,6 +1278,7 @@ class ActionsEditMixin:
return JsonResponse ( action ( context ) , safe = False )
return JsonResponse ( action ( context ) , safe = False )
def set_dvt ( self , context ) :
def set_dvt ( self , context ) :
# Dispositivo de Vigência do Texto Original e de Dpts Alterados
dvt = Dispositivo . objects . get ( pk = context [ ' dispositivo_id ' ] )
dvt = Dispositivo . objects . get ( pk = context [ ' dispositivo_id ' ] )
if dvt . is_relative_auto_insert ( ) :
if dvt . is_relative_auto_insert ( ) :
@ -1025,15 +1286,28 @@ class ActionsEditMixin:
try :
try :
Dispositivo . objects . filter (
Dispositivo . objects . filter (
ta = dvt . ta ,
( Q ( ta = dvt . ta ) & Q ( ta_publicado__isnull = True ) ) |
ta_publicado__isnull = True ) . update (
Q ( ta_publicado = dvt . ta )
) . update (
dispositivo_vigencia = dvt ,
dispositivo_vigencia = dvt ,
inicio_vigencia = dvt . inicio_vigencia )
inicio_vigencia = dvt . inicio_vigencia ,
inicio_eficacia = dvt . inicio_eficacia )
Dispositivo . objects . filter (
ta_publicado = dvt . ta ) . update (
dps = Dispositivo . objects . filter ( dispositivo_vigencia_id = dvt . pk ,
dispositivo_vigencia = dvt ,
ta_publicado_id = dvt . ta_id )
inicio_vigencia = dvt . inicio_vigencia )
for d in dps :
if d . dispositivo_substituido :
ds = d . dispositivo_substituido
ds . fim_vigencia = d . inicio_vigencia - timedelta ( days = 1 )
ds . fim_eficacia = d . inicio_eficacia - timedelta ( days = 1 )
ds . save ( )
if d . dispositivo_subsequente :
ds = d . dispositivo_subsequente
d . fim_vigencia = ds . inicio_vigencia - timedelta ( days = 1 )
d . fim_eficacia = ds . inicio_eficacia - timedelta ( days = 1 )
d . save ( )
return { ' message ' : str ( _ ( ' Dispositivo de Vigência atualizado '
return { ' message ' : str ( _ ( ' Dispositivo de Vigência atualizado '
' com sucesso!!! ' ) ) }
' com sucesso!!! ' ) ) }
@ -1723,172 +1997,80 @@ class ActionsEditView(ActionsEditMixin, TemplateView):
return self . render_to_json_response ( context , * * response_kwargs )
return self . render_to_json_response ( context , * * response_kwargs )
class DispositivoSuccessUrlMixin :
class DispositivoEdicaoBasicaView ( FormMessagesMixin , UpdateView ) :
model = Dispositivo
template_name = ' compilacao/dispositivo_form_edicao_basica.html '
form_class = DispositivoEdicaoBasicaForm
form_valid_message = _ ( ' Alterações no Dispositivo realizadas com sucesso! ' )
form_invalid_message = _ ( ' Houve erro em registrar '
' as alterações no Dispositivo ' )
def get_success_url ( self ) :
def cancel_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:dispositivo ' , kwargs = {
' compilacao:ta_text_edit ' ,
' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } ) + ' # ' + str ( self . object . pk )
' ta_id ' ] ,
' dispositivo_id ' : self . kwargs [
' dispositivo_id ' ] } )
class NotaMixin ( DispositivoSuccessUrlMixin ) :
def get_modelo_nota ( self , request ) :
if ' action ' in request . GET and request . GET [ ' action ' ] == ' modelo_nota ' :
tn = TipoNota . objects . get ( pk = request . GET [ ' id_tipo ' ] )
return True , tn . modelo
return False , ' '
def get_initial ( self ) :
dispositivo = get_object_or_404 (
Dispositivo , pk = self . kwargs . get ( ' dispositivo_id ' ) )
initial = { ' dispositivo ' : dispositivo }
if ' pk ' in self . kwargs :
initial [ ' pk ' ] = self . kwargs . get ( ' pk ' )
return initial
@method_decorator ( login_required )
def dispatch ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
return super ( NotaMixin , self ) . dispatch ( * args , * * kwargs )
class NotasCreateView ( NotaMixin , CreateView ) :
template_name = ' compilacao/ajax_form.html '
form_class = NotaForm
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
def get_success_url ( self ) :
flag_action , modelo_nota = self . get_modelo_nota ( request )
return reverse_lazy (
if flag_action :
' compilacao:dispositivo_edit ' ,
return HttpResponse ( modelo_nota )
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] , ' pk ' : self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] } )
return super ( NotasCreateView , self ) . get ( request , * args , * * kwargs )
def get_url_this_view ( self ) :
return ' compilacao:dispositivo_edit '
def post ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
def run_actions ( self , request ) :
self . object = None
if ' action ' in request . GET and \
request . GET [ ' action ' ] == ' atualiza_rotulo ' :
try :
try :
ta_id = kwargs . pop ( ' ta_id ' )
d = Dispositivo . objects . get ( pk = self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] )
dispositivo_id = kwargs . pop ( ' dispositivo_id ' )
d . dispositivo0 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo0 ' ] )
form = NotaForm ( request . POST , request . FILES , * * kwargs )
d . dispositivo1 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo1 ' ] )
kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] = ta_id
d . dispositivo2 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo2 ' ] )
kwargs [ ' dispositivo_id ' ] = dispositivo_id
d . dispositivo3 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo3 ' ] )
d . dispositivo4 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo4 ' ] )
if form . is_valid ( ) :
d . dispositivo5 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo5 ' ] )
nt = form . save ( commit = False )
d . rotulo = d . rotulo_padrao ( )
nt . owner_id = request . user . pk
nt . save ( )
self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] = nt . pk
return self . form_valid ( form )
else :
return self . form_invalid ( form )
except Exception as e :
print ( e )
return HttpResponse ( " error post " )
class NotasEditView ( NotaMixin , UpdateView ) :
model = Nota
template_name = ' compilacao/ajax_form.html '
form_class = NotaForm
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
flag_action , modelo_nota = self . get_modelo_nota ( request )
if flag_action :
return HttpResponse ( modelo_nota )
return super ( NotasEditView , self ) . get ( request , * args , * * kwargs )
class NotasDeleteView ( NotaMixin , TemplateView ) :
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
nt = Nota . objects . get ( pk = self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] )
nt . delete ( )
return HttpResponseRedirect ( self . get_success_url ( ) )
class VideMixin ( DispositivoSuccessUrlMixin ) :
def get_initial ( self ) :
dispositivo_base = get_object_or_404 (
Dispositivo , pk = self . kwargs . get ( ' dispositivo_id ' ) )
initial = { ' dispositivo_base ' : dispositivo_base }
if ' pk ' in self . kwargs :
initial [ ' pk ' ] = self . kwargs . get ( ' pk ' )
return initial
@method_decorator ( login_required )
def dispatch ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
return super ( VideMixin , self ) . dispatch ( * args , * * kwargs )
def choice_model_type_foreignkey_in_extenal_views ( id_tipo_ta = None ) :
yield None , ' ------------- '
if not id_tipo_ta :
tipo_ta = TipoTextoArticulado . objects . get ( pk = id_tipo_ta )
integrations_view_names = get_integrations_view_names ( )
for item in integrations_view_names :
if hasattr ( item , ' model_type_foreignkey ' ) :
if ( tipo_ta . content_type . model == item . model . __name__ . lower ( ) and
tipo_ta . content_type . app_label ==
item . model . _meta . app_label ) :
for i in item . model_type_foreignkey . objects . all ( ) :
yield i . pk , i
class DispositivoSearchMixin :
def get_form_kwargs ( self ) :
numero = d . get_numero_completo ( ) [ 1 : ]
kwargs = super ( DispositivoSearchMixin , self ) . get_form_kwargs ( )
zerar = False
for i in range ( len ( numero ) ) :
if not numero [ i ] :
zerar = True
if ' choice_model_type_foreignkey_in_extenal_views ' not in kwargs :
if zerar :
kwargs . update ( {
numero [ i ] = 0
' choice_model_type_foreignkey_in_extenal_views ' :
} )
return kwargs
if zerar :
d . set_numero_completo ( [ d . dispositivo0 , ] + numero )
d . rotulo = d . rotulo_padrao ( )
except :
return True , JsonResponse ( { ' message ' : str (
_ ( ' Ocorreu erro na atualização do rótulo ' ) ) } , safe = False )
return True , JsonResponse ( {
' rotulo ' : d . rotulo ,
' dispositivo0 ' : d . dispositivo0 ,
' dispositivo1 ' : d . dispositivo1 ,
' dispositivo2 ' : d . dispositivo2 ,
' dispositivo3 ' : d . dispositivo3 ,
' dispositivo4 ' : d . dispositivo4 ,
' dispositivo5 ' : d . dispositivo5 } , safe = False )
class VideCreateView ( VideMixin , DispositivoSearchMixin , CreateView ) :
return False , ' '
model = Vide
template_name = ' compilacao/ajax_form.html '
form_class = VideForm
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
self . object = None
form = self . get_form ( )
return self . render_to_response ( self . get_context_data ( form = form ) )
class VideEditView ( VideMixin , UpdateView ) :
model = Vide
template_name = ' compilacao/ajax_form.html '
form_class = VideForm
class VideDeleteView ( VideMixin , TemplateView ) :
flag_action , render_json_response = self . run_actions ( request )
if flag_action :
return render_json_response
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
return UpdateView . get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs )
vd = Vide . objects . get ( pk = self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] )
vd . delete ( )
return HttpResponseRedirect ( self . get_success_url ( ) )
class DispositivoSearchFragmentFormView ( ListView ) :
class DispositivoSearchFragmentFormView ( ListView ) :
template_name = ' compilacao/dispositivo_search_fragment_form .html '
template_name = ' compilacao/dispositivo_form_search_fragment.html '
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
@ -1908,16 +2090,18 @@ class DispositivoSearchFragmentFormView(ListView):
def get_queryset ( self ) :
def get_queryset ( self ) :
try :
try :
n = 10
q = Q ( nivel__gt = 0 )
if ' initial_ref ' in self . request . GET :
if ' initial_ref ' in self . request . GET :
initial_ref = self . request . GET [ ' initial_ref ' ]
initial_ref = self . request . GET [ ' initial_ref ' ]
if initial_ref :
if initial_ref :
q = Q ( pk = initial_ref )
q = q & Q ( pk = initial_ref )
result = Dispositivo . objects . filter ( q ) . select_related (
result = Dispositivo . objects . filter ( q ) . select_related (
' ta ' ) . exclude (
' ta ' ) . exclude (
tipo_dispositivo__dispositivo_de_alteracao = True )
tipo_dispositivo__dispositivo_de_alteracao = True )
return result
return result [ : n ]
texto = ' '
texto = ' '
rotulo = ' '
rotulo = ' '
@ -1925,9 +2109,7 @@ class DispositivoSearchFragmentFormView(ListView):
if ' texto ' in self . request . GET :
if ' texto ' in self . request . GET :
texto = self . request . GET [ ' texto ' ]
texto = self . request . GET [ ' texto ' ]
q = Q ( nivel__gt = 0 )
texto = texto . split ( ' ' )
texto = texto . split ( ' ' )
n = 10
if ' rotulo ' in self . request . GET :
if ' rotulo ' in self . request . GET :
rotulo = self . request . GET [ ' rotulo ' ]
rotulo = self . request . GET [ ' rotulo ' ]
@ -2023,220 +2205,84 @@ class DispositivoSearchFragmentFormView(ListView):
print ( e )
print ( e )
class PublicacaoListView ( ListView ) :
class DispositivoSearchModalView ( FormView ) :
model = Publicacao
template_name = ' compilacao/dispositivo_form_search.html '
verbose_name = model . _meta . verbose_name
form_class = DispositivoSearchModalForm
def title ( self ) :
return _ ( ' %s de %s ' % (
self . model . _meta . verbose_name_plural ,
self . ta ) )
def ta ( self ) :
ta = TextoArticulado . objects . get ( pk = self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] )
return ta
def create_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:ta_pub_create ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
def get_queryset ( self ) :
pubs = Publicacao . objects . filter ( ta_id = self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] )
return pubs
def get_context_data ( self , * * kwargs ) :
context = super ( PublicacaoListView , self ) . get_context_data ( * * kwargs )
context [ ' NO_ENTRIES_MSG ' ] = CrudListView . no_entries_msg
return context
class PublicacaoCreateView ( FormMessagesMixin , CreateView ) :
class DispositivoEdicaoVigenciaView ( FormMessagesMixin , UpdateView ) :
model = Publicacao
model = Dispositivo
form_class = PublicacaoForm
template_name = ' compilacao/dispositivo_form_vigencia.html '
template_name = " crud/form.html "
form_class = DispositivoEdicaoVigenciaForm
form_valid_message = _ ( ' Registro criado com sucesso! ' )
form_valid_message = _ ( ' Alterações no Dispositivo realizadas com sucesso! ' )
form_invalid_message = _ ( ' O registro não foi criado. ' )
form_invalid_message = _ ( ' Houve erro em registrar '
' as alterações no Dispositivo ' )
def get_success_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:ta_pub_detail ' ,
kwargs = {
' pk ' : self . object . id ,
' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
def cancel_url ( self ) :
def cancel_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:ta_pub_list ' ,
' compilacao:ta_text_edit ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } ) + ' # ' + str ( self . object . pk )
def get_initial ( self ) :
return { ' ta ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] }
class PublicacaoDetailView ( CompMixin , DetailView ) :
model = Publicacao
class PublicacaoUpdateView ( CompMixin , UpdateView ) :
model = Publicacao
form_class = PublicacaoForm
template_name = " crud/form.html "
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
self . object = self . get_object ( )
form = self . get_form ( )
# if self.object and self.object.content_object:
# form.fields['tipo_ta'].required = False
# form.fields['tipo_ta'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'
return self . render_to_response ( self . get_context_data ( form = form ) )
def get_success_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy ( ' compilacao:ta_pub_detail ' ,
kwargs = {
' pk ' : self . object . id ,
' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
def cancel_url ( self ) :
return self . get_success_url ( )
class PublicacaoDeleteView ( CompMixin , DeleteView ) :
model = Publicacao
template_name = " crud/confirm_delete.html "
def get_url_this_view ( self ) :
def detail_url ( self ) :
return ' compilacao:dispositivo_edit_vigencia '
return reverse_lazy ( ' compilacao:ta_pub_detail ' ,
kwargs = {
' pk ' : self . object . id ,
' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
def get_success_url ( self ) :
def get_success_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy ( ' compilacao:ta_pub_list ' ,
return reverse_lazy (
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } )
' compilacao:dispositivo_edit_vigencia ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] , ' pk ' : self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] } )
class DispositivoEdicaoBasic aView ( FormMessagesMixin , Update View) :
class DispositivoDefinidorVigenciaView ( FormMessagesMixin , FormView ) :
model = Dispositivo
model = Dispositivo
form_class = DispositivoEdicaoBasicaForm
template_name = ' compilacao/dispositivo_form_definidor_vigencia.html '
form_class = DispositivoDefinidorVigenciaForm
form_valid_message = _ ( ' Alterações no Dispositivo realizadas com sucesso! ' )
form_valid_message = _ ( ' Alterações no Dispositivo realizadas com sucesso! ' )
form_invalid_message = _ ( ' Houve erro em registrar '
form_invalid_message = _ ( ' Houve erro em registrar '
' as alterações no Dispositivo ' )
' as alterações no Dispositivo ' )
def get_form_kwargs ( self ) :
kwargs = FormView . get_form_kwargs ( self )
kwargs . update ( {
' pk ' : self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] ,
} )
return kwargs
def cancel_url ( self ) :
def cancel_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:ta_text_edit ' ,
' compilacao:ta_text_edit ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } ) + ' # ' + str ( self . object . pk )
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] } ) + ' # ' + str ( self . object . pk )
def get_success_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:dispositivo_edit ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] , ' pk ' : self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] } )
def get_url_this_view ( self ) :
return ' compilacao:dispositivo_edit '
def run_actions ( self , request ) :
if ' action ' in request . GET and \
request . GET [ ' action ' ] == ' atualiza_rotulo ' :
try :
d = Dispositivo . objects . get ( pk = self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] )
d . dispositivo0 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo0 ' ] )
d . dispositivo1 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo1 ' ] )
d . dispositivo2 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo2 ' ] )
d . dispositivo3 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo3 ' ] )
d . dispositivo4 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo4 ' ] )
d . dispositivo5 = int ( request . GET [ ' dispositivo5 ' ] )
d . rotulo = d . rotulo_padrao ( )
numero = d . get_numero_completo ( ) [ 1 : ]
zerar = False
for i in range ( len ( numero ) ) :
if not numero [ i ] :
zerar = True
if zerar :
numero [ i ] = 0
if zerar :
d . set_numero_completo ( [ d . dispositivo0 , ] + numero )
d . rotulo = d . rotulo_padrao ( )
except :
return True , JsonResponse ( { ' message ' : str (
_ ( ' Ocorreu erro na atualização do rótulo ' ) ) } , safe = False )
return True , JsonResponse ( {
' rotulo ' : d . rotulo ,
' dispositivo0 ' : d . dispositivo0 ,
' dispositivo1 ' : d . dispositivo1 ,
' dispositivo2 ' : d . dispositivo2 ,
' dispositivo3 ' : d . dispositivo3 ,
' dispositivo4 ' : d . dispositivo4 ,
' dispositivo5 ' : d . dispositivo5 } , safe = False )
return False , ' '
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
flag_action , render_json_response = self . run_actions ( request )
if flag_action :
return render_json_response
return UpdateView . get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs )
class DispositivoEdicaoVigenciaView (
DispositivoSearchMixin , DispositivoEdicaoBasicaView ) :
model = Dispositivo
form_class = DispositivoEdicaoVigenciaForm
def get_url_this_view ( self ) :
def get_url_this_view ( self ) :
return ' compilacao:dispositivo_edit_vigencia '
return ' compilacao:dispositivo_edit_definidor_vigencia '
def get_success_url ( self ) :
def get_success_url ( self ) :
return reverse_lazy (
return reverse_lazy (
' compilacao:dispositivo_edit_vigencia ' ,
' compilacao:dispositivo_edit_definidor_vigencia ' ,
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] , ' pk ' : self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] } )
kwargs = { ' ta_id ' : self . kwargs [ ' ta_id ' ] , ' pk ' : self . kwargs [ ' pk ' ] } )
def run_actions ( self , request ) :
def get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
if ' action ' in request . GET and \
self . object = get_object_or_404 ( Dispositivo , pk = kwargs [ ' pk ' ] )
request . GET [ ' action ' ] == ' atualiza_rotulo ' :
return FormView . get ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs )
try :
except :
return True , JsonResponse ( { ' message ' : str (
_ ( ' Ocorreu erro na atualização do rótulo ' ) ) } , safe = False )
return True , JsonResponse ( { } , safe = False )
return False , ' '
def get_initial ( self ) :
ta = self . object . ta_publicado if self . object . ta_publicado else \
self . object . ta
initial = {
def get_context_data ( self , * * kwargs ) :
' ano_ta ' : ta . ano ,
context = FormView . get_context_data ( self , * * kwargs )
' num_ta ' : ta . numero ,
context . update ( { ' object ' : self . object } )
' tipo_ta ' : ta . tipo_ta ,
return context
if hasattr ( ta , ' content_object ' ) and \
ta . content_object :
lista_tipos = list ( choice_model_type_foreignkey_in_extenal_views (
id_tipo_ta = ta . tipo_ta_id ) )
content_object = model_to_dict ( ta . content_object )
def post ( self , request , * args , * * kwargs ) :
self . object = get_object_or_404 ( Dispositivo , pk = kwargs [ ' pk ' ] )
for key , value in content_object . items ( ) :
form = self . get_form ( )
for item in lista_tipos :
if form . is_valid ( ) :
if getattr ( ta . content_object , key ) == item [ 1 ] :
dvs = form . cleaned_data [ ' dispositivo_vigencia ' ]
initial [ ' tipo_model ' ] = item [ 0 ]
with transaction . atomic ( ) :
self . object . dispositivos_vigencias_set . clear ( )
for item in dvs :
d = Dispositivo . objects . get ( pk = item )
self . object . dispositivos_vigencias_set . add ( d )
return initial
return self . form_valid ( form )
else :
return self . form_invalid ( form )