@ -56,19 +56,18 @@ Development Environment Installation |
* Either run ``./manage.py migrate`` (for an empty database) or restore a database dump. |
* In sapl/sapl directory create one file called ``.env``. Write the following attribuitions |
in it: |
SECRET_KEY = Generate some key and paste here. You generate it using the link below. |
DEBUG = [True/False] |
EMAIL_USE_TLS = [True/False] |
EMAIL_PORT = [Set this parameter] |
EMAIL_HOST = [Set this parameter] |
EMAIL_HOST_USER = [Set this parameter] |
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = [Set this parameter] |
`Generate your secret key here <https://docs.djangoproject.com/es/1.9/ref/settings/#std:setting-SECRET_KEY>` |
* In ``sapl/sapl`` directory create one file called ``.env``. Write the following attributes in it: |
- SECRET_KEY = Generate some key and paste here |
- DEBUG = [True/False] |
- EMAIL_USE_TLS = [True/False] |
- EMAIL_PORT = [Set this parameter] |
- EMAIL_HOST = [Set this parameter] |
- EMAIL_HOST_USER = [Set this parameter] |
- EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = [Set this parameter] |
`Generate your secret key here <https://docs.djangoproject.com/es/1.9/ref/settings/#std:setting-SECRET_KEY>`_ |
Instructions for Translators |
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